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World Socialist Web Site - Marxist analysis, international working class struggles & the fight for socialism

28 May 2016

Warnings of slump in US economy

By Nick Beams, 28 May 2016

Falling investment and declining productivity threaten to trap the US economy in what commentators are calling a “low-growth mode.”

Clinton campaign in crisis over email controversy, declining poll numbers

By Patrick Martin, 28 May 2016

The frontrunner for the Democratic presidential nomination is staggering toward the finish line of the primary contest.

UAW endorses Clinton, “Wall Street’s presidential darling”

Workers and students speak on inequality, war at Sanders rally

Clinton refuses to debate Sanders ahead of California primary

More on the 2016 US elections »

Amid strikes, French President Hollande pledges to impose labor law

By Alex Lantier, 28 May 2016

Hollande is manoeuvring to use the trade union bureaucracy to contain social anger among workers against his reactionary labor law reform.

Mobilize European workers to defend French strikers!

As strikes spread, mass protests demand withdrawal of French labor law

French workers speak out against labor law

The El Khomri law in France and the Schröder-Blair Paper

By Peter Schwarz, 28 May 2016

Over the past decade and a half, the social democratic parties, working with the trade unions, have led the drive to impose austerity on the working class.

Anti-migrant rhetoric dominates debate on UK membership in the EU

By Robert Stevens, 28 May 2016

The Leave campaign is focusing on whipping up hysteria over immigration.

UK university lecturers strike against pay cuts and casualisation

By our reporters, 28 May 2016

University staff have seen their pay fall in real terms by 14.5 percent since 2009.

UK White Paper escalates privatisation of higher education

By Joe Mount, 28 May 2016

The proposals remove any remaining barriers to profit making and facilitate the establishment of private universities.

Indian warships enter South China Sea

By Deepal Jayasekera, 28 May 2016

While aggressively pursuing New Delhi’s own strategic ambitions, the Indian naval patrol is in line with the US “pivot to Asia” and preparations for war against China.

Australian media vendetta against worker who questioned tax breaks for wealthy

By Patrick Kelly, 28 May 2016

The savage media treatment of Duncan Storrar is a reflection of the ruling elite’s determination to prevent any challenge to the status quo.

Terrorist arrests injected into Australian election

By Mike Head, 28 May 2016

Many questions are raised about the timing of each arrest, suggesting definite political calculations.

New in Russian

Национализм и фашизм на Украине: Исторический обзор
Часть вторая

Конрад Крефт и Клара Вайс, 28 мая 2016 г.

Сотрудничество Германии и США с украинскими фашистами имеет долгую историю, уходящую в прошлое на сто лет назад.

New in Turkish

Avrupalı işçileri Fransa’daki grevcileri savunmak için harekete geçirin!

Alex Lantier, 28 Mayıs 2016

Petrol rafinerisi ablukaları ve işgalleri, liman grevleri ve daha fazla grev çağrıları çevik kuvvetin saldırılarına meydan okuyarak Fransa geneline yayılırken, işçi sınıfı Sosyalist Parti hükümetinin gerici iş yasasına karşı mücadelede öncü güç olarak ortaya çıkıyor.

Uluslararası mali sermaye ve Fransa’daki grevler

Nick Beams, 28 Mayıs 2016

PS hükümetinin Fransız devlet güçlerini grevci petrol rafinerisi işçilerine ve diğer işçilere karşı seferber etmesi, uluslararası mali sermaye temsilcilerinin Fransız ve Avrupa işçi sınıfına karşı uzun süredir talep edilen bir saldırısının öncüsüdür.

New in French

Avec la propagation des grèves, les manifestations massives exigent le retrait de la Loi-travail

Par Alex Lantier et Johannes Stern, 28 mai 2016

Des centaines de milliers de personnes ont défilé dans toute la France jeudi à la huitième manifestation nationale contre la loi anti-travailleurs mise en œuvre plus tôt ce mois.

New in German

Wachsende nationale Gegensätze bestimmen den G7-Gipfel

Von Nick Beams, 28. Mai 2016

Die G7-Staaten reagieren auf den zunehmenden Wirtschaftsabschwung und innere Spaltungen mit verstärktem militärischem Druck auf China.

Frankreich: Streiks und Proteste breiten sich weiter aus
Hunderttausende fordern Rücknahme der Arbeitsmarktgesetze

Von Alex Lantier und Johannes Stern, 28. Mai 2016

Der achte landesweite Protest am Donnerstag richtete sich erneut gegen die Arbeitsmarktreform der Hollande-Regierung. Gleichzeitig greift die Bewegung auf Belgien über.

Frankfurt: Flughafen-Arbeiter unterstützen Streiks in Frankreich

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 28. Mai 2016

Arbeiter am Frankfurter verbinden die Streiks und Proteste mit ihren eigenen Erfahrungen mit staatlicher Repression und gewerkschaftlichem Ausverkauf.

Gysi drängt auf Regierungsbeteiligung der Linken

Von Ulrich Rippert, 28. Mai 2016

Zwei Tage vor dem heute beginnenden Bundesparteitag der Linken in Magdeburg ist in der Partei heftiger Streit ausgebrochen.

Nach der Räumung des Lagers bei Idomeni: Syriza-Regierung geht weiter gegen Flüchtlinge vor

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 28. Mai 2016

In den staatlich organisierten Lagern, in die die Flüchtlinge aus Idomeni gebracht worden sind, herrschen katastrophale Zustände.

Bundesarbeitsgericht weicht Mindestlohn weiter auf

Von Sonja Bach, 28. Mai 2016

Das Bundesarbeitsgericht (BAG) hat entschieden, dass arbeitsvertraglich zugesicherte Sonderzahlungen, wie Urlaubs- oder Weihnachtsgeld, auf den Mindestlohn angerechnet werden können.

Die Kandidaten der PSG zur Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahl

Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 28. Mai 2016

Die Partei für Soziale Gleichheit hat zur Berliner Abgeordnetenhauswahl im September eine Landesliste mit sieben Kandidaten aufgestellt.

Hautfarbe und Klassenzugehörigkeit in der Geschichte Amerikas
Eine Antwort auf eine falsche Erklärung für das Phänomen Donald Trump

Von Niles Niemuth, 28. Mai 2016

Ein Kommentar in der New York Times bietet die Gelegenheit, die Geschichte des Klassenkampfs in Amerika und die Rolle der Identitätspolitik bei der Spaltung der Arbeiterklasse zu beleuchten.

Other Languages


Obama in Hiroshima

28 May 2016

The visit to Hiroshima displayed in full the hypocrisy for which the Nobel Prize-winning president is so well known, but in this case magnified through the lens of one of history’s greatest war crimes.

Earlier Perspectives »

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

Workers have a right to read full contract document
Stop the CWA betrayal of the Verizon strike!

By Jerry White—SEP candidate for US president, 27 May 2016

Everything depends on the initiative of rank-and-file workers if this heroic fight is not to end up in another betrayal like 2011.

More on the Verizon strike »

Socialist Equality Party candidates campaign at Fiat Chrysler Warren Truck plant

By WSWS reporting team, 27 May 2016

Attend the May 31 SEP election meeting: “Battlefield Detroit”

Young people in America: A lost generation stuck at home

SEP presidential candidate Jerry White speaks with locked out Honeywell workers in Indiana

More on the SEP 2016 US election campaign »

SEP (Australia) Election Campaign

Australian dairy farmers protest over milk price cuts

By Margaret Rees, 28 May 2016

Socialist Equality Party Senate candidate for Victoria Chris Sinnema attended the protest, discussing the party’s socialist program with farmers and their families.

Why is there “no money” for basic social needs?

By Mike Head—SEP candidate for the Senate in Queensland, 27 May 2016

Australian election: Military spending is war preparation, not “industry policy”

Public meetings on the Australian election
Support the SEP in 2016! No to war and budget cuts! For socialism and internationalism!

Read the SEP 2016 Election Statement! »

Arts Review

Sing Street from Ireland, A Bigger Splash from Italy: Neglected realities

By Joanne Laurier, 28 May 2016

John Carney’s Sing Street is a musical comedy-drama set in Dublin in the mid-1980s. Italian filmmaker Luca Guadagnino’s A Bigger Splash, based on a 1969 French thriller, takes its name from a painting by British artist David Hockney.

High-Rise: A film version of J.G. Ballard’s novel

By David Walsh, 27 May 2016

David King 1943-2016: Revolutionary socialist, artist and defender of historical truth

By David North, 14 May 2016

A further comment on the death of David King, socialist and artist

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

28 May 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

San Diego transit workers in third day of walkout over pay and benefits

By Norisa Diaz, 27 May 2016


Deepening national antagonisms dominate G7 summit

By Nick Beams, 27 May 2016

The decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

By Joseph Kishore, 27 May 2016

Canadian prime minister endorses Japanese position on South China Sea ahead of G7 summit

By Roger Jordan, 27 May 2016

Over a hundred feared dead as refugee boats sink in Mediterranean

By Bill Van Auken, 27 May 2016

More on the refugee crisis »

Greece's Syriza government imposes harsh austerity measures

By Christoph Vandreier, 27 May 2016

Socialist Equality Party (UK)

The Brexit referendum, socialism and the European working class

By Julie Hyland, 26 May 2016

UK: Left Leave campaign lays out its nationalist agenda in Brexit referendum

Meeting May 31 in Manchester
For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!—Socialism versus left nationalism

26 May 2016

Featured Video

Leaked video shows police assault on student
Detroit's Cass Technical High School students oppose police brutality, support teachers struggle

By Zac Corrigan, 23 May 2016

After sickouts, what is the way forward for Detroit teachers?

25 years ago: South Korean president announces crackdown on mass protests

On May 28, 1991, South Korean President Roh Tae Woo announced a crackdown on protests admitting “the people’s distrust in politics ... is reaching a dangerous point.”

More »

50 years ago: State of emergency against British seamen’s strike

On May 23,1966, Queen Elizabeth II declared a state of emergency in Britain, giving the Labour Party government of Prime Minister Harold Wilson draconian powers to use against striking seamen.

More »

75 years ago: Roosevelt declares emergency

On May 27, 1941, US President Franklin Roosevelt proclaimed “an unlimited national emergency,” citing the danger of a German attack on the Western Hemisphere.

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100 years ago: Agricultural workers organize in the US

On May 23, 1916, the first conference of the Agricultural Workers Organization (AWO), affiliated to the revolutionary-syndicalist Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), was held in Kansas City, Missouri.

More »

The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan

Outrage erupts at Flint meeting of pipeline board

By James Brewer, 20 May 2016

Video: Flint, Michigan resident speaks on lack of services for poisoned residents

Obama in Flint: Let them drink lead

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

International May Day 2016

May Day 2016: Introductory report by David North

By David North, 2 May 2016

May Day 2016 and the future of socialism

By Joseph Kishore, 4 May 2016

Listen to all the May Day speeches »