- published: 31 Aug 2016
- views: 17327
The Western world or the West is a term referring to different nations, depending on the context, most often including at least part of Europe. There are many accepted definitions about what they all have in common. The Western world is also known as the Occident (from Latin: occidens "sunset, West", as contrasted with its pendant the Orient).
The concept of the Western part of the earth has its roots in Greco-Roman civilization in Europe, and the advent of Christianity. In the modern era, Western culture has been heavily influenced by the traditions of the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, Age of Enlightenment—and shaped by the expansive colonialism of the 15th-20th centuries. Before the Cold War era, the traditional Western viewpoint identified Western Civilization with the Western Christian (Catholic-Protestant) countries and culture. Its political usage was temporarily changed by the antagonism during the Cold War in the mid-to-late 20th Century (1947–1991).
The term originally had a literal geographic meaning. It contrasted Europe with the linked cultures and civilizations of the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and the remote Far East, which early-modern Europeans saw as the East. Today this has little geographic relevance since the concept of the West has been expanded to include the former European colonies in the Americas, Russian Northern Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. In the contemporary cultural meaning, the phrase "Western world" includes Europe, as well as many countries of European colonial origin with substantial European ancestral populations in the Americas and Oceania.
Here's some things that Westerners do that Asians may never understand! (Bloopers at the end) Check out our sponsors of this video who make beautifully crafted wooden watches: JORD Watches. https://www.woodwatches.com/ Be sure to enter their $150 dollar store credit giveaway by clicking here and simply entering your email: https://www.woodwatches.com/g/yt52732 (exp. 9/15 so hurry!) Use our COUPON Code: yt52732 to get $25 off your purchase. Mike is wearing the DOVER Series Zebra and Dark Sandalwood here: https://www.woodwatches.com/series/dover/zebrawood-and-dark-sandalwood#yt52732 and Dan is sporting the FIELDCREST Series in Dark Sandalwood here: https://www.woodwatches.com/series/fieldcrest/dark-sandalwood#yt52732 Check out Jasmina's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FFrXAl...
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Have you ever gone out to eat with your friends and did something that drew some awkward looks or responses? Well, we understand that feeling probably better than anyone so here's 9 Asian Eating Habits that Westerners May Never Understand! Also, thanks to Sunny for playing our waiter, and Presso Coffee for letting us film there! Info and links are below. And if you haven't check it out already, what are you waiting for: The Double Chens NEW News Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk47egZ-D3ZuP005EDLbqow ★↓FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!↓★ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doublechenshow?fref=ts Instagram: http://instagr.am/Mikexingchen http://instagr.am/Gibbiedeano Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mikexingchen http://twitter.com/Dandoublechen Snapchat: M...
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Spaghetti Western, also known as Italian Western, is a broad sub-genre of Western films that emerged in the mid-1960s in the wake of Sergio Leone's film-maki. Hill and Pavone in the spaghetti western, Little Rita of the West. (1967) Originally directed by Ferdinando Baldi. Music by Robby Poitevin. AKA: Blaue Bohn. Title song to the spaghetti western Little Rita nel west. (1967) [no vocals] Title song from the spaghetti western Little Rita nel west. (1967) Composer: Roberto Gigli Lyricist: Gianni Musy Orchestrator: Robby Poitevin Choir: I Cant. The Dirty Outlaws, also known as Big Ripoff, King of the West and The Desperado (in original Italian, El desperado), is a 1967 Italian spaghetti western star. An ex-Confederate and his sons plan to use stolen money as a way to revive the Confede...
Here are some everyday things Asians do that are very normal to us. Common habits we dont even think about, but to westerners, these may be some of the strangest things. Check out Jasmina's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6FFrXAlWjUE6XuK62HY_Wg ★↓FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!↓★ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/doublechenshow?fref=ts Instagram: http://instagr.am/Mikexingchen http://instagr.am/Gibbiedeano Twitter: http://twitter.com/Mikexingchen http://twitter.com/Dandoublechen Snapchat: Mikeychenx Snappydanno Periscope: Mikexingchen Get tickets to the best show on earth!!! https://www.shenyunperformingarts.org/
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Which of these habits have you seen or experienced firsthand? Sound off in comments section below! And.... happy Thanksgiving to our friends in the US! Gobble gobble. Follow us on our social media accounts below: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/otgwcrew/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw http://e.ntd.tv/NTDtelevision Subscribe for more Off the Great Wall: http://e.ntd.tv/SubscribeOTGW Make sure to share with your friends! __ OTGW Merchandise! http://e.ntd.tv/OTGWmerch Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OffTheGreatWall Twitter: http://twitter.com/ntdotgw And let's not forget Google Plus: http://e.ntd.tv/GooglePlusOTGW __ MOBILE LINKS: More OTGW Vids!
Westerners are joining the fight against ISIS, “They just want to kill Daesh (ISIS)," a former Marine says. As part of its latest Naked Truth documentary, Fusion’s Vytenis Didziulis travels to northern Syria to embed with the unpaid western volunteers signing up to fight the Islamic State. The fight against ISIS in Syria is led by the Kurdish YPG, the most powerful militia in the country. Over 40 per cent of YPG's members are female and known as YPJ. After the recent battlefield successes, Syrian Kurds have declared a radical feminist autonomous region known as the Federation of Northern Syria - Rojava.
辣条、泡椒猪皮、板筋王、卤鸭脖,完全不能吃辣的Ellie 表示味觉要跟iPhone 7一起爆炸了。Emeric惊人地能吃辣,即便空口吃辣椒,也是面不改色。梁悦信Max 则是污妖王本色尽显! Ellie, Emeric and Max trying various of popular spicy Chinese snacks. How spicy can it be? Watch and find out! 订阅【OMG!笑吧】抢先看最新视频! Subscribe or check out our website for more shocking laughter! OMG! XIAOBA 笑吧 OMG!笑吧为你呈现最棒的原创视频。我们的主持人走上伦敦和北京街头,探寻爆笑的中西文化话题。 XIAOBA brings you the best original videos from the streets of Beijing and London. OMG! hosts explore the topics that both Chinese and Westerners can relate to, with a comedic twist! 官方网站 Official Website http://omgba.cn/ 新浪微博 Weibo @OMG笑吧 微信订阅号 Wechat OMG_XIAOBA B站 Bilibili http://space.bilibili.com/17316752/#!/index A站 Acfun http://www.acfun.tv/u/3759478.aspx#area=post-history 优酷 YOUKU http://tinyurl.com/omgyouku 土豆 TUDOU http://v....
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B00BEGBQLG/book Tens of thousands of Western teachers, many of whom would not be considered teachers elsewhere, are employed to teach English in public and private education in China. Little has previously been known, except anecdotally, about their experiences, about the effect they have on education in the context, or on students perceptions of the West that result from this contact. This book is an ethnographic study of Westerners lived experiences teaching English in Shanghai, China. It is based on three years of groundbreaking research into the pre-service training, classroom practices, personal identities and motives, and local socially constructed roles of a group of backpacker teachers from the Uk, the Usa and Canada. It is ...
Jason说中文温温柔柔的,听得整个人都要化了!Max的灵魂画工上周花絮我们已有领略。两位中文十级的外国友人,你猜猜他们能答对几题?See Jason and Max playing Drawing Something. Will they win team Emeric and Ellie? 订阅【OMG!笑吧】抢先看最新视频! Subscribe or check out our website for more shocking laughter! OMG! XIAOBA 笑吧 OMG!笑吧为你呈现最棒的原创视频。我们的主持人走上伦敦和北京街头,探寻爆笑的中西文化话题。 XIAOBA brings you the best original videos from the streets of Beijing and London. OMG! hosts explore the topics that both Chinese and Westerners can relate to, with a comedic twist! 官方网站 Official Website http://omgba.cn/ 新浪微博 Weibo @OMG笑吧 微信订阅号 Wechat OMG_XIAOBA B站 Bilibili http://space.bilibili.com/17316752/#!/index A站 Acfun http://www.acfun.tv/u/3759478.aspx#area=post-history 优酷 YOUKU http://tinyurl.com/omgyouku 土豆 TUDOU http://v.tudou.com/omg888/ 美拍 MEIPAI http://www.meipai.com/user/10...
茉莉组合挑战经典游戏《你画我猜》,尽管Ellie的绘画水平还有很高的提升空间,可架不住搭档是能一眼看透你的心的好闺蜜Emeric ,两人的配合让OMG君甘拜下风。Emeric and Ellie playing Draw Something - see the perfect pair killing the game! 订阅【OMG!笑吧】抢先看最新视频! Subscribe or check out our website for more shocking laughter! OMG! XIAOBA 笑吧 OMG!笑吧为你呈现最棒的原创视频。我们的主持人走上伦敦和北京街头,探寻爆笑的中西文化话题。 XIAOBA brings you the best original videos from the streets of Beijing and London. OMG! hosts explore the topics that both Chinese and Westerners can relate to, with a comedic twist! 官方网站 Official Website http://omgba.cn/ 新浪微博 Weibo @OMG笑吧 微信订阅号 Wechat OMG_XIAOBA B站 Bilibili http://space.bilibili.com/17316752/#!/index A站 Acfun http://www.acfun.tv/u/3759478.aspx#area=post-history 优酷 YOUKU http://tinyurl.com/omgyouku 土豆 TUDOU http://v.tudou.com/omg888/ 美拍 MEIPAI http://www.meip...
Two guys wanting to do their best at Chinese karaoke on a system that scores your singing tone by tone. Luckily the accuracy of the characters is not marked! Also luckily our friend forgave us the intense racism
What it means to be a Muslim
Africans Accuse 'Westerners' of Spreading Ebola! U S Peace Corps Removes All Volunteers!
Shaikh Md Ali
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's talk to westerners from over 30 nations attending the Jangchub Lam Rim Teaching at Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in Bylakuppe, Karnataka, India on December 28, 2015.
Newport Gulls vs Danbury Westerners 8-03-16
This is a video for Non-Muslims who want to understand Islam. This video is also for Muslims who wish to increase their own knowledge. There is a part 2 to this video, which is called Quran Explained by brother Nouman Ali Khan.
Championship game at the Cow Palace with the final 2 mens periods. Walt Harris and Ken Nydell call the action.
7/26/12 - Danbury honors the parents and host families of the Westerners players...
His Holiness the Dalai Lama's talk to westerners attending the Kalachakra for World Peace in Bodh Gaya, India, on January 4, 2012. (www.dalailama.com)
When Autoline took its first trip to China last year, we not only met many members of the fledgling Chinese auto industry, but also several industry veterans who came to this huge country to share their experience. Joining John McElroy on this week's Autoline are three of those western auto experts including: Jack Perkowski from JFP Holdings; James Hope, Design Director, Chery Motors and Daniel Kirchert, Managing Director, Infiniti China. Get more video everyday at http://autoline.tv