Living Anarchism. José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham, AK Press, £15.00. Reviewed by Stuart Christie.

 Anarchism in Spain  Comments Off on Living Anarchism. José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham, AK Press, £15.00. Reviewed by Stuart Christie.
Mar 302016

Peirats1Living Anarchism. José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham, AK Press, ISBN 978-1-84935-238-3, £15.00.

In August 1989, José Peirats — anarchist militant, brickmaker, baker, propagandist and chronicler of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT labour unions — ended his intensely lived span of eighty-one years by walking into the sea at Burriana beach. A multitude of deteriorating health issues including Parkinson’s disease meant he could no longer face life— or death — with dignity. As his biographer, Chris Ealham, observes: “As a lifelong activist, existence had little meaning without action — this had been the principle that guided him in his struggle for a better Spain.”

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Darkness and Blood: The Libertarian Movement Against Francoism (April 1949—July 1952) – Antecedents and Consequences by Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes for an unpublished work).

Tinieblas y sangre. El movimiento libertario contra el franquismo (abril de 1949 a julio de 1952). Antecedentes y consecuencias por Antonio Téllez Solá. Notas para una obra inédita.

Tenebres i sang. El moviment llibertari contra el franquisme (abril de 1949 a juliol de 1952). Antecedents i conseqüències per Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes per a una obra inèdita).

 Anarchism in Spain  Comments Off on Darkness and Blood: The Libertarian Movement Against Francoism (April 1949—July 1952) – Antecedents and Consequences by Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes for an unpublished work).

Tinieblas y sangre. El movimiento libertario contra el franquismo (abril de 1949 a julio de 1952). Antecedentes y consecuencias por Antonio Téllez Solá. Notas para una obra inédita.

Tenebres i sang. El moviment llibertari contra el franquisme (abril de 1949 a juliol de 1952). Antecedents i conseqüències per Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes per a una obra inèdita).

Feb 272015

TinieblasySangreDarkness and Blood: The Libertarian Movement Against Francoism (April 1949—July 1952) –  Antecedents and Consequences by Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes for an unpublished work). (In Spanish)
Tinieblas y sangre. El movimiento libertario contra el franquismo (abril de 1949 a julio de 1952). Antecedentes y consecuencias por Antonio Téllez Solá. Notas para una obra inédita.

Tenebres i sang. El moviment llibertari contra el franquisme (abril de 1949 a juliol de 1952). Antecedents i conseqüències per Antonio Téllez Solá (Notes per a una obra inèdita).

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ChristieBooks on KOBO  — Tinieblas y sangre. El movimiento libertario contra el franquismo (abril de 1949 a julio de 1952). Antecedentes y consecuencias (not available on the Kobo platform)

This collection of hitherto unpublished and unedited reports, memos and jottings were sent to me by the indefatigable historian of the anti-Francoist guerrillas in Spain, Antonio Téllez (1921–2005), prior to his death.  They were intended to provide the basis for his ongoing investigation into the treachery, malfeasance, chicanery, incompetence and litany of failures of the Toulouse-based executive committees of the Spanish Libertarian Movement in Exile (CNT-FAI-FIJL). There had been, he was convinced, treachery and betrayal on a grand scale that, from 1947 until the mid 1950s, had led to the arrest, torture, imprisonment, murder and execution of many brave men, including close friends of his, urban and rural guerrillas as well as CNT militants involved in clandestine propaganda, intelligence gathering and organisational work inside Spain. At the very least the reader comes away better informed about the existence of so many questions as to the roles of X, Y and Z, rather than being able to answer the serious questions raised; to actually identify the traitors and informers by name would require access to the Toulouse MLE-CNT archives, as well as to those of the French and Spanish police, intelligence and security services — an unlikely scenario. (Some of the questions raised by Téllez are, however, addressed in some detail in volume 3 of the novel ¡Pistoleros! The Chronicles of Farquhar McHarg.)

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