Help: Doomed by the Greens

Help: Doomed by the Greens

THE Greens last week released this election campaign’s sickest policy — to let more Aboriginal children be killed, writes Andrew Bolt.

No point in being a victim

No point in being a victim

MOST people want kudos for their achievements but others strangely seem to think their status is based on how much of a victim they are, writes Rita Panahi.

Dry leaves, hot water still stirring

Dry leaves, hot water still stirring

TEA as we know it is thought to be about 2700 years old but there’s no sign of it running out of steam — in fact a brew is cooler than ever, writes Alice Clarke.

Kambrya shows way for schools

Kambrya shows way for schools

THE rise of Kambrya College, the subject of a groundbreaking TV documentary, is an illustration of the way ahead for education in Australia, writes Field Rickards.

Stirrup debate on for young and old

Stirrup debate on for young and old

PLENTY of older jockeys think the fashion for “riding short” puts hoops at greater risk of falling — but the younger riders`, writes Andrew Rule, aren’t listening.

Travel tip? Cut the fat on pensions

Travel tip? Cut the fat on pensions

WE all know Australia is living beyond its means so, writes David Penberthy, it’s time we looked harder at the $800 million we send abroad to pensioners each year.

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Myki madness has returned

Myki madness has returned

VICTORIANS will be incredulous to learn that the company that delivered the myki smartcard several years late and a billion dollars over its original estimate has won a new government contract.

Time to show some respect

Time to show some respect

YET again, open street brawling has erupted between anti-racism rally activists and their radical anti-Islam opponents.

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