Rise of the female 'relationship terrorists': Study finds women are more controlling and aggressive towards their partners than men

  • Psychologists found more women are verbally or physically abusive to partner
  • Within partner relationships, women are just as controlling as men
  • It suggests 'intimate partner violence' may not be motivated by patriarchal values, as previously thought
Troubled marriage: Nigella Lawson claimed she had been subject to 'intimate terrorism' by her ex-husband, Charles Saatchi

Troubled marriage: Nigella Lawson claimed she had been subject to 'intimate terrorism' by her ex-husband, Charles Saatchi

Convention has it that women are the gentler sex.

But when it comes to relationships they are more likely than men to be controlling and aggressive, a study claims.

Increasing numbers of women can now be classed as ‘intimate  terrorists’, meaning that they are verbally and physically violent towards a partner.

Psychologists at the University of Cumbria questioned 1,104 young men and women using a scale of behaviour which ranged from shouting and insulting to pushing, beating and using weapons.

They discovered that women were ‘significantly’ more likely to be  verbally and physically aggressive to men than vice versa.

They concluded that violence was linked to controlling behaviour such as checking up on partners and persuading them not to see certain friends.

The term ‘intimate terrorism’ was coined in the 1990s when US sociologist Michael P Johnson used it to define an extreme form of controlling relationship behaviour involving threats, intimidation and violence.

He said men were almost always responsible, and the phrase gained notoriety when TV cook Nigella Lawson claimed that she had been subjected to acts of ‘intimate  terrorism’ by her ex-husband, Charles Saatchi.

But the latest research turns the accepted view on its head.

Study leader Dr Elizabeth Bates said: ‘The stereotypical popular view is still one of dominant control by men. That does occur but research over the last ten to 15 years has highlighted the fact that women are controlling and aggressive in relationships too.’

She said scientists may have to think again about the reasons for male violence against women, which previous studies said arose from ‘patriarchal values’ in which men are motivated to seek to control women’s behaviour, using violence if necessary.

Previous studies have sought to explain male violence towards women (illustrated with a stock image) as rising from patriarchal values, which motivate men to control women's behaviour, using violence if necessary

Previous studies have sought to explain male violence towards women (illustrated with a stock image) as rising from patriarchal values, which motivate men to control women's behaviour, using violence if necessary

She said other research also looked at men in prisons and women in refuges, rather than  typical members of the public.

The study team were surprised at the level of violence shown by some women, revealed in answers to an anonymous questionnaire.

Dr Bates, who presented her findings at the annual meeting of  the forensic division of the British Psychological Society, in Glasgow, said: ‘It wasn’t just pushing and shoving. Some people were circling the boxes for things like beating up, kicking, and threatening to  use a weapon.’

She added men may be starting to report the issue more often. ‘A contributing factor could be that in the past women have talked about it more,’ she said. ‘The feminist movement made violence towards women something we talk about.

‘Now there is more support for men and more of them are feeling comfortable coming forward.’

The analysis showed that, while women tended to be more physically aggressive towards their partners, men were more likely to show violence towards members of the same sex, including friends.


Men with narrower skulls are less likely to be regarded as more dominant than those with wider ones, a study has found.

Psychologists from Stirling University asked volunteers to look at photographs of students with neutral expressions and rate the dominance of their personality.

The research revealed a strong link between the breadth of a man’s face compared to its height - known as fWHR - and how dominant he was considered by himself and others. The same could not be said of women.

The study’s lead author Viktoria Mileva said that others’ perception of men with broad faces could lead them to believe they are dominant.

She said: ‘It is also possible that men with a higher width to height ratio act inherently more dominant, perhaps as a result of increased testosterone.’

'One potential mechanism which may explain why fWHR affects male self-perceptions of dominance is how others behave towards them.

‘If certain behavioural qualities which signal dominance, such as achievement drive, aggression and cheating and trustworthiness are visible in people’s faces through their fWHR, as our study one suggests, then actions towards these individuals may differ.

‘This could in turn lead to altered behaviour from the faces’ owners in response to how they are treated by others.

‘However, it is also possible that men with a higher fWHR act and feel inherently more dominant, perhaps as a result of increased testosterone’.

Previous studies have found that men with wider faces are more likely to be seen as aggressive, but also more attractive for short-term relationships.

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