Intelligence Fusion Workbench Powered By Advanced Data Virtualization.mp4
Government Technology Day presentation overviewing one possible fictitious scenario for the deployment of an
Intelligence Fusion Workbench.
The technology used in this architecture is designed to provide advanced capabilities to search and navigate structured data from a wide variety of data sources.
Advanced data virtualization uniquely provides a broad data services layer to support a true services oriented architecture (
SOA) deployment.
We can connect a variety of disparate data sources to new and re-usable business objects and provide a virtual data layer powered by our persistent metadata server.
This problem, as fictitiously presented in our scenario, would be the same for any large structured data sets that must be navigated in applications such as, for example, customer support.
Advanced data virtualization uniquely enables the deployment of an Intelligence Fusion Workbench and provides capabilities not delivered by any other technology set.
This empowers Intelligence Analysts with tools and capabilities to integrate and search structured data sources.
Advanced data virtualization preserves the relationships across all of the tables in various data sources and presents this to the search engine (
Google, Lucene) as a tree structure (website).
Most search engine integrations with structured data fail due to a loss of the links (relationships) between the multitudes of tables. These links define the relationships that build these into useful Objects.
Search engine connectors index a row and often just convert the row into a document. The link to other tables, and the internal keys that make this work, have no relevance or meaning to the search engines. Hence a jumble of non-relevant data (or an excessively large amount of roughly equal relevance data) is returned. Queplix advanced data virtualization solves that problem uniquely.
The capabilities in this Intelligence Fusion Workbench are far advanced over similar constructs using legacy
EII or basic data virtualization technology and far less complicated than building out massive domains using BI technology.
Only advanced data virtualization provides the virtual fields and virtual tables, visible but without moving the data.
Only advanced data virtualization provides the special integration between virtualized data and search engines such as Google enterprise and Lucene.
Data sources can be in various structured databases from custom application systems, standard application systems and can come from categories we found on the internet as diverse as:
humint, geoint, imint, masint, acint, cbint, dewint, eoint, irint, lasint, matint, nucint, radint, rf/empint, spectroscopic intel, dteds, osint (everything else
...), sigint, comint, elint, techint, finint, and medint.
Patents granted (and in process) apply to the technology depicted in this video.
All rights reserved.
Questions about known commercial applications are covered on our website under the customer case studies. The typical use case is within customer support where a fusion between a variety of bug reporting, return material authorization, customer support systems (multiple),
ERP and salesforce automation systems force customer support representatives to use multiple different and disparate search interfaces with loss of productivity and excess time. The goal is to answer a customer in the life of a phone call - one unified
interface to search provides this capability.
********** Important
Notes **********
All information about possible intelligence and defense activity was solely derived from an examination of publicly available material on the internet. Other than technology presentation, all scenario's were based upon the publicly available information found on the internet, television, hollywood film, press and media and other public facing, internet accessible material.
For example, all words such as "macint" and other similar abbreviations for intelligence data were found listed in a writer's website.
The intelligence gathering process, as described by one individual, was overviewed in another public facing website.
Finally, we used our search and structured data experience, which is considerable, to consider the problem in the commercial space - it is easy to draw the analog for intelligence data, how the process probably works today, and more.
All proposed code review processes and certification levels are also derived from public facing, internet accessible material.