Curwen's Odd Legacy "John The Revelator (cover)" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of John The Revelator (cover) live at the Espace...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "John The Revelator (cover)" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "John The Revelator (cover)" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of John The Revelator (cover) live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 9
John Rambo Black & Grey Portrait Speed Drawing - Vincent Curwen
For more videos please visit my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/vinnibinni/videos Blac...
published: 27 Apr 2013
author: Vincent Curwen
John Rambo Black & Grey Portrait Speed Drawing - Vincent Curwen
John Rambo Black & Grey Portrait Speed Drawing - Vincent Curwen
For more videos please visit my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/vinnibinni/videos Black and Grey close-up portrait of John Rambo. Done using KOH - I - NO...- published: 27 Apr 2013
- views: 157
- author: Vincent Curwen
Entre manos (Roka Roki : Koda, Zanka, Nebula
Dovršeni projekti Charlsa Juhásza-Alvarade, k...
published: 06 Feb 2014
Entre manos (Roka Roki : Koda, Zanka, Nebula
Entre manos (Roka Roki : Koda, Zanka, Nebula
ENTRE MANOS (ROKA ROKI): KODA, ZANKA, NEBULA Dovršeni projekti Charlsa Juhásza-Alvarade, ki je študiral kiparstvo in arhitekturo, se navdihujejo tako pri zgodovini kot pri zdajšnjih dogodkih. Njegovi ambiciozni podvigi vsebujejo zvok, pripoved, prispevke sodelovanja in zlasti izkušnje na kraju samem (site-specific art). Nedavna instalacija na prostem zajema tudi tolkalo; naročeno delo za podeželski prostor vključuje ročno izdelane lesene ksilofone, skulpturne ograjne stebričke na mostu, na katere so lahko obiskovalci, ki so prihajali na most in odhajali z njega, tudi zaigrali. Po sorodni zamisli umetnik "komponira melodijo" v štirih stavkih za 118 plakatov, ki obrobljajo Jakopičevo promenado v parku Tivoli. Podobe, ki obdajajo klopce, se zrcalijo ali rimajo ter tako učinkujejo kot zbor. Pri delu s Karen Albors, katere starši so slušno prizadeti, je ustvaril vizualno sekvenco, ki se razgrinja pred gledalci med sprehajanjem po promenadi v to ali ono smer. Umetnikova sestra, pisateljica in prevajalka (iz španščine v angleščino) Emeshe Juhász-Mininberg, je prispevala besedila, povezana z vsako od podob, ki združena oblikujejo pesem. Nanašajo se na podobe, vendar tudi tkejo kadenco, ki na poti spremlja gledalce. Slovenska različica in oblikovanje, delo Mine Fine, pomenita še eno partnerstvo, ki poudarja kontrapunkt jezikov ter obenem postavlja v ospredje prevod, naključje in izmenjavo. Projekt se nanaša na univerzalne, skupne točke, kajti le tako lahko izvabi čustveno dojemanje. Projekt se nemara nanaša tudi na Zoltána Kodálya (1882--1967), madžarskega skladatelja in pedagoga, čigar vplivna pedagoška metodologija je izpopolnila ročni znakovni jezik, ki ga je izumil angleški duhovnik in učitelj glasbe John Curwen. Curwen je svoj znakovni sistem razvil za potrebe glasbene notacije, saj je bil prepričan, da bi morala biti glasba dostopna vsem ljudem. V filmu Bližnja srečanja tretje vrste (1991) Stevena Spielberga so Curwenovi ročni znaki celo uporabljeni za sporazumevanje z nezemeljskimi bitji. Podobno si tudi Juhász-Alvarado, ki je v svoja ozadja vključil podobe iz Portorika in iz Ljubljane, nenehno prizadeva za srečevanje, komunikacijo, raziskovanje in izmenjavo. __________________________________________________________________________________ ENTRE MANOS (FROM HAND TO HAND): CIPHER, KNOT, NEBULA Trained in sculpture and architecture, Juhász-Alvarado's elaborate projects are inspired by history and current events. His ambitious undertakings contain sound, narrative, collaborative contributions, and participatory and site-specific experiences. Recent outdoor installations incorporate percussion; a commission for a rural site includes handmade wooden Xylophones as sculptural bridge banisters that can be played by entering and exiting visitors. In a related idea, the artist composes a 'melody' in four movements for the 118 posters lining the Jakopič Promenade in Tivoli Park. Flanking the benches, the images mirror or rhyme to act as a choir. Working with Karen Albors, whose parents are both hearing-impaired, he created a visual sequence that unfolds as viewers walk up or down the esplanade. The artist's sister, Emeshe Juhász-Mininberg, a writer and translator (working in Spanish and English), collaborated on the 'lyrics' related to each image that build the 'song'. These allude to the images but also weave a cadence to accompany viewers on the path. The Slovene version and design by Mina Fina are yet another partnership, emphasising the counterpoint of languages while foregrounding translation, chance, and exchange. The project depends on universal commonalities to elicit emotional understanding. Perhaps this project also refers to Zoltán Kodály (1882--1967), a Hungarian composer and educator whose influential teaching methodology improved upon hand signs invented by English minister and music teacher, John Curwen. Curwen developed his gestural system for sight-reading and musical notation, convinced that music should be accessible to all people. (In Steven Spielberg's 1977 film Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Curwen's hand signs are even used to communicate with aliens.) Juhász-Alvarado, who has incorporated images from both Puerto Rico and Ljubljana in his backgrounds, similarly fosters meeting, communication, exploration, and exchange.- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 0
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of First Goo live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/F...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of First Goo live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 10
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Honest Freak" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Honest Freak live at the Espace Pom (Marseill...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Honest Freak" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Honest Freak" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Honest Freak live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 9
Curwen's Odd Legacy "The Seeker" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of The Seeker live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/...
published: 22 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "The Seeker" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "The Seeker" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of The Seeker live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 22 Sep 2013
- views: 14
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Dramaticut" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Dramaticut live at the Espace Pom (Marseille...
published: 24 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Dramaticut" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Dramaticut" live 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Dramaticut live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 24 Sep 2013
- views: 3
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Pacmanery Glouton Ghost" 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Pacmanery Glouton Ghost live at the Espace Po...
published: 23 Sep 2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Pacmanery Glouton Ghost" 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Pacmanery Glouton Ghost" 14/09/2013
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Pacmanery Glouton Ghost live at the Espace Pom (Marseille/France) - 14/09/2013- published: 23 Sep 2013
- views: 7
Kent and Curwen Autumn/Winter 2014 Backstage Video
The exclusive backstage video of the Kent and Curwen Autumn/Winter 2014 presentation at Lo...
published: 31 Jan 2014
Kent and Curwen Autumn/Winter 2014 Backstage Video
Kent and Curwen Autumn/Winter 2014 Backstage Video
The exclusive backstage video of the Kent and Curwen Autumn/Winter 2014 presentation at London Collections: Men. Filmed at The Dairy Art Centre in London, January 8th, 2014. Film Production: Bespoke Banter UK www.kentandcurwen.com www.facebook.com/kentandcurwenofficial Instagram: @kentandcurwenofficial Twitter: @kentandcurwenuk- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 59
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Spinning In Daffodils" Cover, 12 may 2012
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Them Crooked Vultures song "Spinning In Daffo...
published: 21 May 2012
author: curwensoddlegacy
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Spinning In Daffodils" Cover, 12 may 2012
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Spinning In Daffodils" Cover, 12 may 2012
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Them Crooked Vultures song "Spinning In Daffodils" live at the Lounge (Marseille/France) the 12 may 2...- published: 21 May 2012
- views: 178
- author: curwensoddlegacy
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Revival Cover".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of The Atomic Bitchwax song "Revival" live at th...
published: 26 Mar 2012
author: curwensoddlegacy
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Revival Cover".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Revival Cover".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of The Atomic Bitchwax song "Revival" live at the Maison Hantée (Marseille/France) the 23 march 2012.- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 137
- author: curwensoddlegacy
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Jolene Cover" 12 may 2012 at The Lounge
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Trad song "Jolene" live at the Lounge (Marsei...
published: 19 May 2012
author: curwensoddlegacy
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Jolene Cover" 12 may 2012 at The Lounge
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Jolene Cover" 12 may 2012 at The Lounge
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Trad song "Jolene" live at the Lounge (Marseille/France) the 12 may 2012.- published: 19 May 2012
- views: 227
- author: curwensoddlegacy
I'm No Stranger BTS (Day 1 with Eric Curwen)
BTS from I'm No Stranger. (Horror) FlipArtists 2011 Director: Paul Olszewski Starring: Kai...
published: 03 Nov 2011
author: FlipArtists
I'm No Stranger BTS (Day 1 with Eric Curwen)
I'm No Stranger BTS (Day 1 with Eric Curwen)
BTS from I'm No Stranger. (Horror) FlipArtists 2011 Director: Paul Olszewski Starring: Kai Ferris Raiky Garcia Dylan Tracey Eric Curwen John Andrews Andrew M...- published: 03 Nov 2011
- views: 82
- author: FlipArtists
Youtube results:
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Crazy Wild Horses (part 2)".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Crazy Wild Horses live at the Maison Hantée (...
published: 26 Mar 2012
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Crazy Wild Horses (part 2)".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy "Crazy Wild Horses (part 2)".MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy play acoustic version of Crazy Wild Horses live at the Maison Hantée (Marseille/France) the 23 march 2012- published: 26 Mar 2012
- views: 83
Autumn at Curwen Hall Workington
This one is my Favourite view of Curwen Hall and the trees.
I took this last week while I ...
published: 01 Dec 2013
Autumn at Curwen Hall Workington
Autumn at Curwen Hall Workington
This one is my Favourite view of Curwen Hall and the trees. I took this last week while I was walking in Mill Field. Same video just removed the music from this as YouTube's don't like 3rd party content (subscribe to my YouTube channel to see all my videos :))- published: 01 Dec 2013
- views: 29
SMR's Curwen Atlantic runs around the lakeside
Curwen Atlantic 'John Gretton' brings its train along the lake side at Stapleford Miniatur...
published: 01 Dec 2011
author: Playcraftman
SMR's Curwen Atlantic runs around the lakeside
SMR's Curwen Atlantic runs around the lakeside
Curwen Atlantic 'John Gretton' brings its train along the lake side at Stapleford Miniature Railway on 26th August 2007.- published: 01 Dec 2011
- views: 16
- author: Playcraftman
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" Live 21/06/2011.MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" Live at the "Maison Hantée" 21/06/2011...
published: 27 Sep 2011
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" Live 21/06/2011.MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" Live 21/06/2011.MOV
Curwen's Odd Legacy "First Goo" Live at the "Maison Hantée" 21/06/2011- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 105