All the Pretty Little Horses: The Inmost Light is an album by English band Current 93. It forms the second part of the Inmost Light trilogy; the first being 1995's Where the Long Shadows Fall (Beforetheinmostlight) and the last being 1996's The Starres Are Marching Sadly Home (Theinmostlightthirdandfinal). Unlike its bookends, All the Pretty Little Horses is a full-length album. Like the earlier Of Ruine or Some Blazing Starre, All the Pretty Little Horses contains several songs based on repeating melodic themes. Lyrically, the album revolves around the ideas of pain and death, specifically as reflected in Patripassianist philosophy, along with the overarching concept of the "inmost light", or soul. In contrast, the music itself is some of Current 93's most traditional, relying heavily on acoustic guitar. Exceptions appear in the form of two spoken-word tracks: the ominous, drone-based round "Twilight Twilight Nihil Nihil", and "Patripassian", backed mainly by a heavily treated loop[citation needed] of a Gregorian chant.
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry
Go to sleepy, little baby
Go to sleepy, little baby
When you wake, you shall have
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
Blacks and bays, and dapples and greys
All the pretty little horses
Way down yonder in the meadow
Lies a poor little lamby
Bees and butterflies flit around his eyes
Poor little thing is crying "mammy"
(Poor little thing is crying "mammy")
(Poor little thing is crying "mammy")
Go to sleep, don't you cry
Rest your head upon the clover
Rest your head upon the clover
In your dreams, you shall ride
While your mummy watches over
Blacks and bays, and dapples and greys
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses
Go to sleep, don't you cry
Rest your head upon the clover
Rest your head upon the clover
In your dreams, you shall ride
While your mummy watches over
In your dreams, you shall ride
While your mummy watches over
Blacks and bays, and dapples and greys
All the pretty little horses
All the pretty little horses