1980 Elections Should Not Have Been Held, Says Former EC Boss

Edit All Africa 04 Jan 2016
[Monitor] I was appointed the secretary to the Electoral Commission by [President Godfrey] Binaisa through the head of the Public Service, a one Gowa. Gowa recommended me to Binaisa ... ....

Uganda profile

Edit BBC News 14 Mar 2014
A chronology of key events.. 1500 - Bito dynasties of Buganda, Bunyoro and Ankole founded by Nilotic-speaking immigrants from present-day southeastern Sudan ... Kampala ... 1.2m ... 1979 - Tanzania invades Uganda, unifying the various anti-Amin forces under the Uganda National Liberation Front and forcing Amin to flee the country; Yusufu Lule installed as president, but is quickly replaced by Godfrey Binaisa. 1980 - Binaisa overthrown by the army....