British Council Film


British Council Film links UK films and filmmakers to international audiences and creates opportunities for cultural exchange

London, UK
2010 اکتوبر کو شامل ہوئے

@British_Film بلاک ہے

کیا آپ واقعی یہ ٹویٹس دیکھنا چاہتے ہیں؟ ٹویٹس دیکھنے سے @British_Film ان بلاک نہیں ہوں گے۔

  1. Apply now have launched £30m to safeguard & promote cultural heritage:

  2. The Notes Tour heads to tomorrow with Q&A + Into Darkness VR.

  3. IN CINEMAS ALL WEEK..!! If you've already seen our film: 1) You're like... the best 2) Tell us what you thought

  4. Doc lovers, RT to win 2 tix for UK prem STRUNG OUT on 29 June as part of Wide Angles:

  5. Looking forward to hosting & expert panel at STRUNG OUT Weds 29 June:

  6. Our Jemma Desai is hosting a discussion after 2 films about being young + Muslim tomorrow night. 📌

  7. & Into Darkness + Q&A. Fascinating exploration of dreams, memories & imagination. Tue 28 Jun, 6.00

  8. McLaren award at to SIMON’S CAT – OFF TO THE VET by Proud to sponsor this prize

  9. New UK documentary A Divorce Before Marriage adds screening Sun 26th June 15.30

  10. What's the road from shorts to features? talk to the makers of Sat 25 June

  11. Our Docs & Debate series returns with the UK premiere of STRUNG OUT 29 June.

  12. Excited to have and expert panellists at our Wide Angles film 29 June:

  13. Tickets on sale now for our next Wide Angles doc at read all about it here and join us on June 29

  14. British Council Film followed اور
    • @DannyTransform

      Head of External Affairs - Transform Drug Policy Foundation.

    • @niamhrelease

      Executive Director of Release, the UK's national centre of expertise on drugs and drugs law.

  15. Discover the poetry of exile in 's latest issue The Great Flight |

  16. Take a look at our Animation Programmer's blog about Will & Ainslie's retrospective

  17. 23 animators/producers etc on stage for McLaren 1!

لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر گنجائش سے زیادہ بوجھ یا ایک وقتی مشکل سے دوچار ہے۔ دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا مزید معلومات کے لیے ٹوئٹر اسٹیٹسپر جائیں۔

    آپ کو بھی پسند ہو
