• Peace actors take stock of the peace process and agree on joined-up actions

      The South Sudan Peace and Reconciliation Commission supported by UNDP’s Community Security and Arms Control project, convened the second quarterly peace actors meeting to take stock of the peace process and agree on joined-up actions to consolidate the established gains and encourage further implementation of the peace agreement.

    • County Support Base (CSB) Aims to Empower Women and Youth in Mabil

      “War is not good but it did provide some new opportunities. Specifically, during wartime here, women got chances they didn’t have before. They have been enlightened here [to the possibilities around them],” said Mrs. Abuor Gordon Lual, Hon. State Minister for Local Government and Law Enforcement in Aweil East State, at the ribbon-cutting ceremony for a new community resource center.

    • Becoming leaders to fight HIV/AIDS in South Sudan

      National and state level HIV managers in South Sudan are equipped with useful skill and knowledge to understand the dynamics of the HIV epidemic, plan strategically, operationalize these plans, understand and use strategic information, use partnership and collaborations wisely and strengthen health systems and programs. In total 28 national and state HIV managers (M: 20 and F: 8) had attended the training.

    • South Sudan Peace and Reconciliation Commission reviews its Act

      The South Sudan Peace and Reconciliation Commission (SSPRC) held a two days internal review workshop with the aim of enlisting ideas and recommendations on whether the content of its current Act is commensurate with the need for a more robust, dynamic and independent Peace Commission. The reflection is also in response to calls by the peace agreement for the reform and reconstitution of the Peace Commission.

    • South Sudanese civil society organizations make a difference in their communities

      “We asked our neighbors from the cattle keeping and the local community in Maridi County: What are the things that bring you all together and the ones that divide you? They agreed they live together peacefully for most aspects of their daily life. They share the water points, the markets, the schools, the church, the social gatherings… the only thing that divided the community were the cattle. After the dialogue session, people agreed to move the cattle, there are no more cattle coming inside the town”.

    • BLOG| "The Doctors" from Wau to Radio Miraya

      Since 2013, Dr. Buwembo Kakande, a general surgeon from Uganda, with over a decade of experience in the operating room, has mentored and trained two South Sudanese physicians, Dr. Mabor Matuiery and Dr. Nixon Anthony, on a number of surgical procedures like amputations, appendectomies, and prostatectomies (the removal of the prostate gland). The surgical team works at one of the largest medical facilities in South Sudan, the Wau Teaching Hospital, located in northwestern part of the country.

    • Young people need jobs and development in Yambio

      UNDP Country Director, Balázs Horváth, visited the State capital Yambio and met with the Acting State Governor, Hon. Victor Edward Kpiawandu, and his team of ministers to explore ways of collaboration and support.

    • UNDP Country Director hands over a Community Center in Tombura

      UNDP’s Community Security and Arms Control (CSAC) project works to provide support to the Government of South Sudan’s efforts to build peace and security for communities and establish conditions for development in South Sudan. As part of these efforts, CSAC constructed County Support (CSB) “Development Portals” to facilitate development activities at the county level”. In line with this activity, UNDP Country Director, Balázs Horváth, handed over a Community Resource Center to Tombura county administration as well as ICT equipment and furniture.

    • Improving South Sudanese Health System in Yambio Hospital

      Laketch is a midwife professional from Ethiopia who, based in Yambio, tries to improve the South Sudanese health system. She is one of the Civil Service Support Officers (CSSOs) participating in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and Republic of South Sudan (RSS) joint programme, which aim is to provide capacity building at human resource, organizational and institutional levels by seconding and placing civil servants from IGAD Member States, within national ministries, commissions and state-level local government.

    • Training Aims to Strengthen HIV/AIDS Response in Greater Equatoria Region

      With an estimated population of 176,132 people living with HIV in South Sudan, only 19,481, or about 11%, of cases have been identified and/or treated according to the 2015 South Sudan Global AIDS Response Progress Report. The goal of the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) is to address this gap and reduce new adult HIV infections by 50%.

What We Do

UNDP is the United Nations global development network advocating sustainable development and inclusive economic growth. We support South Sudan in building accountable, transparent state institutions to deliver services to the people. Our programme includes work in Poverty Reduction, Democratic Governance, and Crisis Prevention and Recovery.

Social and Environmental Standards, Stakeholder Grievance and Compliance Procedures

The SES are integral to quality assurance and risk management in all UNDP programming. They define in clear and concrete terms what UNDP stands for, in line with our mandate and the UN’s normative framework. Stakeholder grievance and compliance review functions underpin the SES. To learn more, please visit the home page of the Stakeholder Response Mechanism (SRM) and the Social and Environmental Compliance Unit (SECU)