Election 2016: Morrison vs Bowen – the sun is going down on tax reform

Scott Morrison spoke to Ray Hadley.
Scott Morrison spoke to Ray Hadley.

Just when you thought the election campaign was becoming unbearable faff, a feisty and interesting debate between the two articulate contenders for the Treasury portfolio.

Who won? Well without doubt Chris Bowen sounded like he had more to say, and was more willing to be open with voters than Scott Morrison, who continues to spout the "jobs and growth" mantra.

Chris Bowen spoke beyond the boundaries of the budget for the budget's sake and talked about focusing as treasurer on funding education.

With the Coalition claiming to have flushed out Labor's black hole earlier in the week, a likely battle over policy costings did not dominate the discussion as much as you might have expected.

But it remains the case, after the debate, that Labor appears likely to be going to the election with a policy suite that involves a shorter-term deterioration in the budget bottom line, but the prospect of an improvement driven by more 'courageous' policy decisions, like those it has taken on negative gearing.

It is high-risk politics. 

But Bowen argues that "the Government's plan is to return to balance the Budget based entirely on rosy assumptions".

"The iron ore nominal growth and wages forecast in the Treasurer's Budget are as heroic as a Fremantle supporter assuming a 2016 premiership."

The most interesting things to emerge from the debate, however, may have been those that seemed to apply to both sides of politics.

For example, there was a recognition that, whoever wins government, will be under pressure from ratings agencies looking to downgrade Australia's AAA rating.

Morrison was pointing to the small tweaks in the budget bottom line over the past couple of years as a sign of the Coalition's credibility. Bowen implied the ratings agencies would be prepared to wear some shorter-term deterioration if the quality structural changes were there.

Bowen argued that the budget position required both revenue and spending answers and that it was dishonest of Morrison not to acknowledge this. Morrison continued to argue that increased taxes would only encourage governments to spend more.

The bottom line though was that one thing that isn't likely to be heard of a lot in the next term of parliament is tax reform.

That is, tax reform in the sense of being the Holy Grail – and ultimate test – of a government's fiscal machismo and competence; tax reform as being the most important issue in government policy

Scott Morrison characterised the process of tax reform as "a never-ending one".

"As John Howard used to say, [it is] an ever receding finish line. We will continue to engage to make sure our tax system is fit for purpose".

But it only focuses the fact that tax "reform" has rather lost its lustre for both sides.

For his part, Bowen said Labor was "going to this election with controversial plans, negative gearing, capital gains tax, tobacco excise: this is hard work.

"It's not the result of root and branch review," he said.

"I think frankly that makes the problem too hard. Too big. You are trying to fix everything at once."

It is true that the tasks facing the next treasurer will be more on the spending side than the tax side. But it will be an interesting political landscape when both sides of politics have an interest in down-playing the spectre of significant tax reform.