Why Angus Aitken left Bell Potter. Was it really sexism?

Angus Aitken, seen here in an older picture, is suing ANZ for suggesting he was sexist.
Angus Aitken, seen here in an older picture, is suing ANZ for suggesting he was sexist.

Is the departure of high-profile stockbroker Angus Aitken from Bell Potter this past week really about sexism and the city?

Few in Australian financial markets, including some who work at ANZ Banking Group, see Aitken's criticism of ANZ's new chief financial officer Michelle Jablko as sexist. On Friday Aitken said he was suing ANZ for it's tweeted suggestion that he was sexist.

In a note to clients, Aitken criticised Jablko's appointment because her previous experience was limited to investment banking. The note reflected Aitken's typically aggressive and sometimes foul-mouthed style, with the opening line: "G'day, former investment bankers tend to be crap at most listed things in the world."

Perhaps Aitken forgot as he took his acid tongue to all investment bankers, that on the board of his employer Bell Financial Group – a listed company – is a director who's a former investment banker, Brian Wilson, the current chairman of the Foreign Investment Review Board.

The email that started it, "former investment managers tend to be crap at most things in the listed world" - that's the ...
The email that started it, "former investment managers tend to be crap at most things in the listed world" - that's the sort of line that sets off a fire. Supplied

Aitken's departure on Thursday from Bell Potter, where he was managing director of institutional equities, comes amid controversy that has surrounded him since 2013. Back then ASIC began an investigation into trading activities in Ten Network Holdings shares between Aitken and Regal Funds Management's chief investment officer Phil King.

Bad behaviour

"With Angus it's been a Chernobyl waiting to happen scenario," says David Iron, who worked for three decades in institutional equity sales and used to compete against Aitken for clients.

"There are plenty of other incidents out here. The one that everyone seems to brush over are the undertakings for his transaction with Phil King.

"I'm not trying to level a gun at his head. That was pretty bad behaviour, unethical behaviour that was picked up by ASIC."

At the end of last year ASIC released the findings of its investigation into the Ten trades and said Aitken, King and their firms would be hit with onerous enforceable undertakings. Nothing in the enforceable undertakings constituted an admission by Aitken or Bell.

Those enforceable undertakings are in place until December 31, 2017, and would have to be transferred to any future employer of Aitken's.

ASIC alleged that Aitken had passed on information about an institutional client's possible intentions of selling Ten's stock to King, who was trading on behalf of Regal, also a client of Bell Potter.

Selling intentions

ASIC's investigation found Aitken sent an email to King on May 21, 2013, based on the information he had obtained about his client's possible selling intentions. It's alleged Aitken sent the email to King without his client's knowledge or consent and that Regal made $80,000 off the trades King made after receiving the information.

"ASIC was concerned that Mr Aitken knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the information he provided to Mr King was, or was likely to have been, confidential client information," the regulator said in a statement.

The enforceable undertakings placed on Aitken included taking a course in business ethics by the end of June this year.

As well, all of his phone calls from his work landline would be recorded and while at work he couldn't receive or make calls on any mobile phone at his work desk until December 31, 2017.

He was allowed to forward incoming calls on his mobile phone to his work landline. Any text messages to his work mobile were to be imaged.

Bell Potter had to also provide at the end of each calendar quarter through to the end of 2017 a sample of 10 trades executed by Aitken for each month during the quarter. Aitken also had to pay $80,000 to Financial Literacy Australia.

Strong supporter

While speculation remains about what Aitken will do next, Iron says it would be disappointing if he didn't return to work in the financial markets, which he says Aitken "genuinely loves".

Whatever the future holds, his first move has been to sue ANZ for allegations of sexism, which were levelled at him on Twitter by the bank's head of group communications Paul Edwards, and 'liked' by ANZ chief executive Shayne Elliot.

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins and her predecessor Liz Broderick were approached to comment on the matter but didn't respond.

Veteran fund manager Peter Morgan, who's a strong supporter of more women on boards and in executive ranks, says he didn't think Aitken's note was sexist. "I don't think it in any way related to sex," he says. "They're clutching at straws. It's a bit hypocritical for ANZ to comment on things like that when their house itself hasn't been in that great order with their trading desks, and the strippers and that sort of thing."

Other examples of Aitken's forthright views include last year when started a note to clients about Rio Tinto's iron ore production strategy with the question: "What the f..k is wrong with these morons?"

World's moved on

David Iron says times have moved on in stockbroking from the use of such language.

"Angus is living in a time when things weren't as politically correct and you could write f--k in the headlines or say f--king Rio. The world has moved on. He hasn't come on the same journey as everyone else."

The stockbroking industry's revenues globally have been under pressure since the arrival of the internet and electronic trading, which has decimated stockbroker numbers.

The industry's decline is illustrated in Bell Potter's falling profits over recent years. At the end of calendar 2011, the broker's profit was $1.6 million. At the end of last year it had fallen to $945,306.

Controversy isn't going to help stem that decline.

Aitken and Bell Potter directors Colin Bell and Alastair Provan didn't return calls.