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When Jackie's ex-lover Noah dies, she decides the best and quickest way to get over the love of her life is to hold a personal ritual with Noah's ashes. Jackie consumes the ashes in the form of smoothies for 12 days, hoping the pain will subside with her profound reaction to Noah's death. While she and her partner-in-crime Nick, Noah's brother, spend the time in the closed space her apartment, they slowly become consumed by Noah's tragedy.

Published: TOKYOPOP, Inc. an imprint of Trajectory, Inc. on
ISBN: 9781427828682
List price: $14.99
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Contributors (1)

The author does not follow a chronological pattern for the remainder of the novel, but rather takes us on a roller coaster of Jackie’s emotions throughout her complicated relationship with Noah to where she is now. The reader is left with a good grasp on Jackie’s current and past emotional state. The illustrator, June Kim, is Korean and illustrates in a Manga format.more


The author does not follow a chronological pattern for the remainder of the novel, but rather takes us on a roller coaster of Jackie’s emotions throughout her complicated relationship with Noah to where she is now. The reader is left with a good grasp on Jackie’s current and past emotional state. The illustrator, June Kim, is Korean and illustrates in a Manga format.more