So what is an at will to work law? It is an extremely disgraceful
Georgia Work Law passed by Georgia Legislators. It has been maintained by them for too long and it works against all workers including active duty, veterans and retired military veterans in the
State of Georgia!
The State of Georgia has made it possible our us; and our children to be fired for:
Good cause,
- Bad cause,
- Or for no cause at all,
- And Georgia Employers are not required,
- To provide Georgia Workers with a reasons
- As to why he or she was were terminated from their job.
While too many Georgia
Citizens are ignorant to this law that works against them; their children and coming generations of our childlren.
Too many Georgia VOTERS are not told about this disgraceful law until they are terminated from the job for little to no reason! See more around the internet on this subject:
Georgia Politicians often say they love our men and women in uniform. Yet, these same politicians pass laws against Georgia citizens that placed their life on the line and WE need ALL of these politicians VOTED OUT OF OFFICE YESTERDAY!
Don't take my words to heart; but rather take
Georgia Secretary of State Brian P. Kemp information as posted on his website that reads:
"Georgia recognizes the doctrine of employment at will.
Employment at will means that in the absence of a written contract of employment for a defined duration, an employer can terminate an employee for good cause, bad cause or no cause at all, so long as it is not an illegal cause." NOW
ASK YOUR SENATOR; TO IS; AN ---illegal cause?
So, Georgia Workers are back where they started and are being laughed at by Georgia
Elected Officials and among their peers. They probably cannot understand how they keep working agains GEORGIA WORKERS and we keep returning them to office to do it to us again, and again! How sad?
It will serve us well to watch todays
REVERSE PATRIOTS and christians who blame us; and say that we are too stupid to stay on a job; but are always looking for a hand out from the government. They must think many
Americans are stupid our just don't give
Georgia "AT WILL TO WORK LAW" is what satan would approve for Georgia Workers and he would love socking it to our children, grandchildren and coming generations of children. But he don't have to do that; we are doing that job for him and the VOTERS in the State of Georgia apparently loves it.
Georgians and the
American People had better wake up or we will eventually be lackened to the workers in the
Republic of China. Or in some other
Third World County without workers rights at all. Then all satan angels will say; amen! But then who cares?
- published: 12 Nov 2011
- views: 401