Friday, 1 July 2011

Lethal Weapon Thatcher's Handbag Sold For £25,000

Who in their right mind, would pay £25,000 for a handbag, not any old handbag tho' you understand. Just read a story that Margret Thatcher put up for auction one of her famous handbags which fetched this astronomically high price on Monday, although the proceeds will be donated to charity, but still some sick people about!

The boxy leather Asprey bag, owned by Thatcher for more than 30 years, was sold to a private buyer. The bag is said to have been on her arm during Cold war negotiations with boyfriend and US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev.

The auction hosted at Christie's in London by onetime jailbird and friend of the former PM and Iron Lady’ Jeffrey Archer. And Archer, said: “Someone has captured this and will have, frankly, a historic document for the rest of their lives.”

I would rather have the rest of my life than own such a lethal weapon!”


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