- published: 01 May 2023
- views: 3709
Liu Bocheng (simplified Chinese: 刘伯承; traditional Chinese: 劉伯承; pinyin: Liú Bóchéng; Wade–Giles: Liu Po-ch'eng; December 4, 1892 – October 7, 1986) was a Chinese Communist military commander and Marshal of the People's Liberation Army.
Liu is known as one of the "Three and A Half" Strategists of China in modern history. (The other two are Lin Biao, commander of the CPC, and Kuomintang commander Bai Chongxi, and the half refers to CPC commander Su Yu.) Officially, Liu was recognised as a revolutionary, military strategist and theoretician, and one of the founders of the People's Liberation Army. Liu's nicknames, Chinese Mars and The One-eyed Dragon, also reflect his character and military achievement.
Liu was born to a peasant family in Kaixian, Sichuan (the site is currently submerged by the Three Gorges Dam). Although he grew up in poverty, Liu made a determined effort in his studies and gained good grades at school. Influenced by the revolutionary theories of Sun Yat-sen, he later decided to dedicate himself to the cause of establishing a democratic and modern China.
"★ 欢迎订阅烽火影院-Chinese War Theater:http://bit.ly/3I7S643 Free download at App Store to watch various types of Chinese films: https://bit.ly/2K5HpDh 【内容简介】 电影《刘伯承市长》是我国第一部以刘伯承任南京市长为故事背景的电影作品,戎马一生的刘伯承,对南京这片热土情有独钟。他在弥留之际,曾特别叮嘱将自己的一部分骨灰播撒在祖国的山川大地,另一部分则安葬在他曾经工作、生活近7年的原中国人民解放军南京军事学院。刘伯承市长是南京第一任市长,虽然在南京当市长时间一年都不到,但是在那样一个年代他为南京发展奠定了比较好的基础,虽然几十年过去了,南京人民还是很怀念。影片故事开始于1949年渡江战役前夕,时间总跨度9个月,故事以刘伯承担任南京市长3个多月的工作、生活为主线展开,生动再现老一辈革命家心系黎民百姓、胸怀宏才大略的人格风采…… #刘伯承市长 #战争 #战争片 #战争电影 #烽火影院 #动作 #抗日 ★★★欢迎订阅电影频道其他官方频道★★★ ★最紧张的悬疑电影-诡云影院-Chinese Suspense Theater频道: http://bit.ly/3XmvUYo ★最底蕴的古装电影-华裳影院-Chinese Swordsman Theater频道: http://bit.ly/3lfHeIi ★最劲爆的动作电影-功夫影院-Kung Fu Theater频道: http://bit.ly/3JSsWI0 ★最火爆的华语电影-订阅电影大剧院1905 Movie Theater频道: https://bit.ly/2yacTCx ★最快捷的华语影视资讯-订阅东PIN西凑凑China Live频道:https://bit.ly/3ca...
A Chinese TV play about Field Marshall Liu Bocheng. He lost an eye in an early campaign and a German surgeon operated on him. I play the German surgeon. Liu famously refused an anesthetic.
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#chalkboard #粉筆畫 #painting
#劉伯承 #中共 #抗戰 #國軍
特務一個不經意的舉動,竟然被劉伯承師長一眼識破身份。#戰爭 No.1 | 團長遭到狙擊手伏擊 他僅用了一招便巧妙的拿捏對手 #电影 #电影解说 #影视 #影视解说 #剧情 https://youtu.be/u5d6N93fv_I No.2 | 狼孩遭到敵人埋伏,他竟然呼喚來狼群解圍。#戰爭 #劇情 #电影 #电影解说 #影视 #影视解说 #剧情 https://youtu.be/d4vTEbhGnhU No.3 | 連長突發奇想用望遠鏡當瞄準鏡用 沒想到有了意想不到的收獲 #电影 #电影解说 #影视 #影视解说 #剧情 https://youtu.be/AfFTUtk5FNk No.4 | 男人遭到狙擊手包圍 他僅靠著一件茅草披風展開強勢回擊 #狙擊 #特種兵 #影評 #槍戰 https://youtu.be/LFyIoApl9so No.5 | 敵人藏在炮樓里面不出來,女人僅用一根箭頭巧妙展開反擊。#戰爭 #电影 #电影解说 #影视 #影视解说 #剧情 https://youtu.be/HSHaNUkjctE 电影,电影解说,影视,影视解说,剧情,剧情片,人性,人性片,犯罪,犯罪片,女性,女性片,電影,電影解說,影視,影視解說,劇情,劇情片,韓國電影,電影推薦,電影解說,高分電影,電影,影評,影視解說,電視劇,愛情,驚悚片解說,恐怖片解說,高分影視推薦,都市傳說,電影推薦,電影評論,科幻電影,最新電影,高分電影推薦,一口氣看全集,電影,影評,電影推薦,高分電影,電影解說,懸疑,劇情,影視解說,犯罪,喜劇,電影頻道,犯罪片,最新電影,關鍵時刻,臺灣,美女,幾分鐘看電影,人性,解說,劇情片,驚悚,韓國電影,電影信息,經典電影,影視,電影評論
#老照片 #历史
Liu Bocheng (simplified Chinese: 刘伯承; traditional Chinese: 劉伯承; pinyin: Liú Bóchéng; Wade–Giles: Liu Po-ch'eng; December 4, 1892 – October 7, 1986) was a Chinese Communist military commander and Marshal of the People's Liberation Army.
Liu is known as one of the "Three and A Half" Strategists of China in modern history. (The other two are Lin Biao, commander of the CPC, and Kuomintang commander Bai Chongxi, and the half refers to CPC commander Su Yu.) Officially, Liu was recognised as a revolutionary, military strategist and theoretician, and one of the founders of the People's Liberation Army. Liu's nicknames, Chinese Mars and The One-eyed Dragon, also reflect his character and military achievement.
Liu was born to a peasant family in Kaixian, Sichuan (the site is currently submerged by the Three Gorges Dam). Although he grew up in poverty, Liu made a determined effort in his studies and gained good grades at school. Influenced by the revolutionary theories of Sun Yat-sen, he later decided to dedicate himself to the cause of establishing a democratic and modern China.