Come and fight nazis in Dover and Brighton (UK)

May 27th, 2016

From Rabble: Fascist scum are attempting get-togethers in the coming weeks in the seaside towns of Dover and Brighton. On Saturday 28 May, neonazis are planning not just another daytime stumble around Dover town, but also a Blood and Honour gig in the evening. The weekend after, on 4 June, there is a planned march by the “South Coast Resistance” in Brighton. See anti-fascist call-outs below for further details. May they drown in the seas of their own tears.

No Nazis in Dover – oppose the Nazi South East Alliance and Blood and Honour gig – Saturday 28 May, Dover

From Kent Anti-Racism Network

The Nazi South East Alliance are coming to Dover on 28 May to spread their message of hate towards refugees, people of colour, LGBTQ people, Muslims, Jews and other minorities. Their world view envisages an all-white Britain. They plan to hold a demonstration in Dover during the day and hold a Rock Against Immigration (Blood and Honour) – Nazi gig in the evening. Blood and Honour is a Combat 18 organisation – whose rallying cry is ‘Aryan Unity’.They have been involved in murder, gun-running and terrorism. Despite the South East Alliance claiming they’re coming to Dover for ‘ordinary people’ they are instead aiming to promote an extremely violent Nazi programme – similar to the murderous policies of Hitler.

During World War Two, the Nazis exterminated millions of Jews. Many more millions lost their lives fighting to keep the world free from fascism. This is the tradition that the South East Alliance and Combat 18 stand in. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity and complicity with the comrades arrested in Brenner (Italy)

May 27th, 2016


Solidarity and complicity with the comrades arrested in Brenner
Apocalyptic scenarios of a fascist future, right-wing forces taking hold in Europe, walls being erected and borders being closed, deportations and detention camps.

The leaders of global capitalism are about to close the Brenner pass in order to stop the transit of human beings. People must be stopped even at the cost of contradicting the constitutional principles of the EU itself, as it crumbles in the face of the first wave of migration.

We knew very well what we were in for on 7th May, on the demo ‘Destroy the borders in Brenner and everywhere’; we knew perfectly well what it meant to march in an unauthorized demo through a 370-metre wide pass from mountain to mountain. We knew very well that the geography of the place was against us.
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2013 – Communique for attack in the shopping centre ‘Mall’ – Athens (Greece)

May 26th, 2016

Newly translated interesting communique via actforfree:

Taking responsibility for the attack in the shopping centre Mall on January 2013 – Athens – Greece

It was more than expected that the choice of that specific target would give plenty of “food” for slander on the State’s side. Did the terrorists want victims? Was their aim to terrorise society? And what did they succeed in doing, what was the point of all this? What ethic and what values can these people have in order to hit a mall, yes indeed a mall! They put little kids in danger?

Anyhow, we were always from the other side… and our question is, which frayed values and what misled ethic tolerates the existence of monstrosities like Malls? The target of course is presented as an organised recreation space for shopping, wandering around and tasteless entertainment. A small oasis in the modern nightmare. But is that really what it is? Read the rest of this entry »

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Hunger strike communiqué of comrade Kevin Garrido (Chile)

May 26th, 2016

‘We will ensure that there is not one safe place left for them. Our weapons are charged and ready to talk… if words make them sweat, actions will spill blood’ Sebastián Oversluij.

Today I write to you from captivity, Mauricio Morales. These words are from and for you and I hope they reach you.. How many years have passed since you physically abandoned this disgusting modern world? Does it really matter? Not to me. Time is just time and the future is uncertain, the attack is here and now… There’s the present to be set on fire and blown up! The present war!

For me you didn’t ‘fall in battle’. Because, dying while attacking authority is falling? no, in my opinion, and I believe that many repeat this phrase mistakenly. For me you died attacking authority, with dignity and pride. You died with the courage of the warrior you are, amidst the triumph of Power and the respect of those who consider you a comrade. I don’t idolise you or any other, even less do I cry for you. I honour your courage, your acting in total coherence with your words, ideas and practices; a fighter of praxis. Read the rest of this entry »

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Report on the 18.05.16 CCF trial hearing for the Jan 2015 escape attempt (Greece)

May 26th, 2016

On Wednesday May 18, after being delayed by the lawyers strike, the trial resumed for the attempted escape by the comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (the foiled escape plan of January 2015). Also accused are the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou and family members of the comrades.

It is important to mention that the judge presiding over the court, A. Yfanti, has used his filthy power fully aligned with the vengeful state against the CCF comrades, trying for example to go ahead with the trial without lawyers, mocking the comrades and ignoring the requests of lawyers.

At the beginning of the hearing on Wednesday, a lawyer for one of the comrades of the CCF was absent. In these cases the court is obliged to appoint a new layer, but the president of the court ordered that he be tried without a lawyer present.

Immediately the CCF comrades Gerasimos Tsakalos, Olga Economidou and Christos Tsakalos who were present in the courtroom interrupted the hearing, shouting at and cursing at the judge for the fascist practices shown during the trial. The comrades began throwing objects after which the guards intervened while the president of the court ran to hide in an office.

One of the lawyers took to the floor and presented a request to stop the trial because of the actions of the judge.

The comrade Christos Tsakalos then referred to the risk their relatives face (his mother, the wife of Gerasimos and the brother of comrade Giorgos Polydoros), they are being accused of ‘belonging to a terrorist organization’ and with the aggravating provisions they could be punished with up to 20 years in prison.

The comrades of CCF and the comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou claimed responsibility for the escape plan, noting that none of the remaining defendants had any role in it. They then left the room stating it was a fact that the judge would ask for their expulsion, which actually did take place, the judge ordered that the 3 comrades G. Tsakalos, O. Econimidou and C. Tsakalos be expelled indefinitely from the courtroom. Lawyer appealed the decision but their claims were not considered.

The next session of the trial was set for Tuesday, May 24, the day on which the first 5 witnesses will be paraded, all of whom are police officers.

From our enemies we can expect nothing, and this is clearly vengeance by the state against anarchists and urban guerrillas who remain unrepentant for their ideas and actions.

Insurrectionary and internationalist solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, their accused relatives and comrade Angeliki Spyropoulou!

(via Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras and Athens Indymedia, Insurrection News)

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Words from Sol Farías Vergara, nihilist-anarchist prisoner ($hile)

May 26th, 2016

Words from Tamara Sol Farías Vergara (Castellano Abajo)
$hile: Summer 2016

When you have been behind bars in isolation from the rest of the prison population, daily existence becomes difficult in such a small space, where society and its roles are intensified and adaption becomes a daily struggle to resist being swept by its morale and its desire to consume. Thieves, drug traffickers and murderers internalize the State and its Power, as with its authority.

I seek to reach out without ceasing to be myself, without the isolation that the police implements. We are not all that different, only that the chains that tie them down become ties that I do not wish to let go of, whereby tensions become routine. Life is unwrapped in what we are more than words can explain, but when will turns into a specific schedule to wake, eat and sleep, the battle against the established order begins in the abstract of ideas and in memory. It begins in the search for the smallest details or gestures of honesty not yet contaminated by competition between poor people, since the walls are great, the bars and locks are as well, and are in the hands of a physical enemy the size of a territory. I see going against it now as nothing but increases its power, therefore, I patiently wait the right moment for liberation, and in this way find the theory and practice in life itself. Read the rest of this entry »

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Santiago, Villa Portales: Barricadas y propaganda en memoria de Mauricio Morales ($hile)

May 26th, 2016

Barricadas lunes 23 de mayo, 7am.

El 22 de mayo del año 2009, muere nuestro compañero anarquista Mauricio
Morales, mientras intentaba activar un artefacto explosivo que dejaría
en la escuela de gendarmería de $hile, institución destinada a formar
seres que humillan y torturan han trasgredido la ley de los poderosos.
A 7 años de su muerte abrazamos sus ideas de libertad y de rechazo a
gendarmería y/o cualquier institución o símbolo de autoridad.
La memoria de nuestrxs compañerxs es vital para continuar la lucha
contra este sistema de dominación.

CONTRA TODA AUTORIDAD Y POR LA ANARQUÍA. Read the rest of this entry »

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Tijuana: Inauguracion del CSO Mauricio Morales (Mexico)

May 26th, 2016

Se llevo acabo este 21 y 22 de mayo la inauguración del cso Mauricio
Morales en la ciudad de Tijuana, a donde asistieron compañerxs afines
así habiendo un encuentro de ideas-acciones. En la okupa se llevo acabo
la presentación de la misma, accionando nuestra memoria combativa a
nuestro compañero caído en consecuente a sus ideas El Punky Mauri y
seguimos demostrando que la ofensiva no te olvida.

Así como una exposición fotográfica A la mierda sus naciones Okupemos el
mundo, en el que se mostró el proceso de construcción del espacio
liberado, así mismo se proyecto el documental Caso Montaje Bombas en el
que concluido se dio lectura a los textos de lxs compañerxs de
Conspiración Células del Fuego FAI FRI, en el que proponen la campaña A
la mierda sus naciones Okupemos el mundo, así mismo damos como respuesta
accionaria la okupación que hemos hecho, dando lugar al encuentro de
afinidades, así mismo se debatió el reciente texto de lxs comapañerxs
del Estado chileno, Chile: Espacios para la propagación del conflicto. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

‘June 11, 2016’ – Letter by Anarchist Prisoner Michael Kimble (USA)

May 26th, 2016

(A statement for the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners)

First, I’d like to give warm revolutionary greetings to all those who have shown solidarity and supported me. Without that solidarity and support, I don’t know how I would have survived for so long.

As one who has spent 30 years in U.S. prisons, I’ve become intimately acquainted with control units, whether we call them Security Management Units, Special Housing Units, or Administrative Segregation – all euphemisms of penological sophistication in an attempt to disguise the true purpose and intent of such sinister tools of control and torture. Let’s be clear: they are torture chambers.

Former director of the Bureau of Prisons and now shareholder in the private prison firm GEO, Norman A. Carlson, stated that Marion’s control unit’s purpose is to “control revolutionary attitudes in prison and society” as well. Marion Federal Penitentiary is considered to be the first control unit in the U.S. Read the rest of this entry »

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Update from Jay Chase Support Crew (USA)

May 26th, 2016

May 25, 2015

Please accept our apologies for the sparse updates that have come out the last couple of months regarding Jay Chase.

As you may know, Jay received a one year sentence after pleading in Cook County to assault on a correctional officer. We support Jay in pleading out to one year versus rolling the dice and potentially getting 3-5 more years tacked on his sentence. His judge in that case was the same as in the original NATO 3/entrapment case and no one had any thoughts that this time, he would be fair, or cognizant of Jay’s terminal illness he struggles with daily (Huntington’s Disease).

To make matters worse, Jay recently found out he lost one full year of good time which pushes his release date back to November 6, 2017. This loss of good time is based on incident reports or ‘tickets’ Jay received while vigorously and persistently demanding treatment for the terminal illness and Hepatitis C. It is a cruel irony that the Illinois Department of Corrections not only medically neglects its own prisoners but then punishes anyone for speaking out and demanding treatment. This is about neglect and indifference that is bigger than Jay’s specific case- a point he makes clearly in letters sent out from solitary, which brings us to the reason for this dispatch. Read the rest of this entry »

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