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Introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Making The Internet Work Better
IETF 93 - Technical Plenary
Qué es IETF en español claro
IETF 88 Technical Plenary: Hardening The Internet
IETF Publishing an RFC
IETF 95 Newcomers
IETF e padrões da Internet, em português claro
IETF Purpose & Scope
IETF 94 - Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary
IETF 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015

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  • Introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Making The Internet Work Better

    What is the role of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with regard to the Internet's infrastructure? This short video explains how the IETF's open participation and open processes create the open standards that enable innovation and communication across the Internet. For more information about how to get involved with the IETF, please visit The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet.
  • IETF 93 - Technical Plenary 1. Welcome 2. Reporting - IAB Chair - Appeal discussion (Ted Hardie) - IRTF Chair - RSE and RSOC Chair 3. Technical Topic: Vehicular Communications 4. Message from the ITU Secretary General 5. Highlight: Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Workshop 6. IAB Open Mic
  • Qué es IETF en español claro

    En Internet existen miles de empresas fabricando hardware, desarrollando software y prestando servicios, sin embargo, todo funciona muy bien. Eso es posible porque existen estándares tecnológicos creados por un grupo llamado IETF o Internet Engineering Task Force.
  • IETF 88 Technical Plenary: Hardening The Internet

    Please join us for what should be a lively technical plenary streaming out of IETF 88 in Vancouver and featuring security researcher Bruce Schneier along with IETF leaders Brian Carpenter, Stephen Farrell and others. New reports of large-scale Internet traffic monitoring appear almost every day. We were all aware that targeted interception was taking place, but the scale and scope in the recent reports is surprising. Such scale was not envisaged during the design of many Internet protocols; the threat is quite different than expected. Now, the Internet community must consider the consequences. While details of these attack techniques remain largely unknown, we can talk about possible ways to harden the Internet in light of pervasive Internet monitoring. We can take a closer look at ou...
  • IETF Publishing an RFC

    How would you go about developing and publishing a RFC?
  • IETF 95 Newcomers

  • IETF e padrões da Internet, em português claro

    Você trabalha com Internet, computação ou redes? É professor, pesquisador, estudante, técnico ou engenheiro nessa área? Sabe o que são as RFCs, os padrões usados na Internet? Entenda o que é o IETF e saiba como você pode colaborar para a tecnologia usada na rede evoluir.
  • IETF Purpose & Scope

    What does the IETF consider to be its role in the standards development world?
  • IETF 94 - Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary

    The IETF 94 Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary takes place on Wednesday, 4 November 2015, from 15:30-18:30 JST. More information at
  • IETF 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015

    IETF Hackathons encourage developers to collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards. The IETF Hackathon in Prague was sponsored by Cisco DevNet.
Introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Making The Internet Work Better

Introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Making The Internet Work Better

  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:33
  • Updated: 08 Oct 2013
  • views: 3409
What is the role of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with regard to the Internet's infrastructure? This short video explains how the IETF's open participation and open processes create the open standards that enable innovation and communication across the Internet. For more information about how to get involved with the IETF, please visit The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. The Internet Engineering Task Force (Ietf) Making The Internet Work Better
IETF 93 - Technical Plenary

IETF 93 - Technical Plenary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 130:14
  • Updated: 21 Jul 2015
  • views: 586
videos 1. Welcome 2. Reporting - IAB Chair - Appeal discussion (Ted Hardie) - IRTF Chair - RSE and RSOC Chair 3. Technical Topic: Vehicular Communications 4. Message from the ITU Secretary General 5. Highlight: Coordinating Attack Response at Internet Scale (CARIS) Workshop 6. IAB Open Mic 93 Technical Plenary
Qué es IETF en español claro

Qué es IETF en español claro

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:43
  • Updated: 28 Jan 2015
  • views: 832
En Internet existen miles de empresas fabricando hardware, desarrollando software y prestando servicios, sin embargo, todo funciona muy bien. Eso es posible porque existen estándares tecnológicos creados por un grupo llamado IETF o Internet Engineering Task Force.é Es Ietf En Español Claro
IETF 88 Technical Plenary: Hardening The Internet

IETF 88 Technical Plenary: Hardening The Internet

  • Order:
  • Duration: 157:29
  • Updated: 06 Nov 2013
  • views: 15190
Please join us for what should be a lively technical plenary streaming out of IETF 88 in Vancouver and featuring security researcher Bruce Schneier along with IETF leaders Brian Carpenter, Stephen Farrell and others. New reports of large-scale Internet traffic monitoring appear almost every day. We were all aware that targeted interception was taking place, but the scale and scope in the recent reports is surprising. Such scale was not envisaged during the design of many Internet protocols; the threat is quite different than expected. Now, the Internet community must consider the consequences. While details of these attack techniques remain largely unknown, we can talk about possible ways to harden the Internet in light of pervasive Internet monitoring. We can take a closer look at our protocols and the security properties that they provide. A panel will summarize recent discussions and suggest potential IETF actions to make large-scale monitoring more difficult. a. Introduction (Bruce Schneier) What we know and what we do not know. b. Earlier IETF Debates (Brian Carpenter) The IETF has several cornerstone documents about Internet security and privacy, including RFCs 1984, 3365, 2804, and 6973. c. Potential IETF Activities (Stephen Farrell) Summary of the discussion on the perpass mailing list. Please join us for the livestream and ongoing discussion about how we can harden the Internet against this type of pervasive monitoring. 88 Technical Plenary Hardening The Internet
IETF Publishing an RFC

IETF Publishing an RFC

  • Order:
  • Duration: 26:33
  • Updated: 01 Feb 2016
  • views: 60
How would you go about developing and publishing a RFC? Publishing An Rfc
IETF 95 Newcomers

IETF 95 Newcomers

  • Order:
  • Duration: 77:40
  • Updated: 03 Apr 2016
  • views: 53
videos 95 Newcomers
IETF e padrões da Internet, em português claro

IETF e padrões da Internet, em português claro

  • Order:
  • Duration: 6:06
  • Updated: 16 Jan 2014
  • views: 1314
Você trabalha com Internet, computação ou redes? É professor, pesquisador, estudante, técnico ou engenheiro nessa área? Sabe o que são as RFCs, os padrões usados na Internet? Entenda o que é o IETF e saiba como você pode colaborar para a tecnologia usada na rede evoluir. E PadrõEs Da Internet, Em PortuguêS Claro
IETF Purpose & Scope

IETF Purpose & Scope

  • Order:
  • Duration: 5:21
  • Updated: 01 Feb 2016
  • views: 141
What does the IETF consider to be its role in the standards development world? Purpose Scope
IETF 94 - Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary

IETF 94 - Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary

  • Order:
  • Duration: 207:40
  • Updated: 04 Nov 2015
  • views: 318
The IETF 94 Operations, Administration, and Technical Plenary takes place on Wednesday, 4 November 2015, from 15:30-18:30 JST. More information at 94 Operations, Administration, And Technical Plenary
IETF 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015

IETF 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015

  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:24
  • Updated: 23 Jul 2015
  • views: 856
IETF Hackathons encourage developers to collaborate and develop utilities, ideas, sample code and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF standards. The IETF Hackathon in Prague was sponsored by Cisco DevNet. 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015
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    fullscreen slideshow

    Introducing the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Making The Internet Work Better

    What is the role of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with regard to the Internet's infrastructure? This short video explains how the IETF's open participation and open processes create the open standards that enable innovation and communication across the Internet. For more information about how to get involved with the IETF, please visit The mission of the IETF is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet.
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    In­tro­duc­ing the In­ter­net En­gi­neer­ing Task Force (IETF) - Mak­ing The In­ter­net Work Bet­ter
    What is the role of the In­ter­net En­gi­neer­ing Task Force (IETF) with re­gard to the In­ter­net...
    pub­lished: 08 Oct 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF 93 - Tech­ni­cal Ple­nary
    https://​datatracker.​ietf.​org/​meeting/​93/​agenda/​iab/​ 1. Wel­come 2. Re­port­ing - IAB Chai...
    pub­lished: 21 Jul 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    Qué es IETF en español claro
    En In­ter­net ex­is­ten miles de em­pre­sas fab­ri­can­do hard­ware, de­sar­rol­lan­do soft­ware y pres­ta...
    pub­lished: 28 Jan 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF 88 Tech­ni­cal Ple­nary: Hard­en­ing The In­ter­net
    Please join us for what should be a live­ly tech­ni­cal ple­nary stream­ing out of IETF 88 in V...
    pub­lished: 06 Nov 2013
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF Pub­lish­ing an RFC
    How would you go about de­vel­op­ing and pub­lish­ing a RFC?
    pub­lished: 01 Feb 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF 95 New­com­ers
    pub­lished: 03 Apr 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF e padrões da In­ter­net, em por­tuguês claro
    Você tra­bal­ha com In­ter­net, com­pu­tação ou redes? É pro­fes­sor, pesquisador, es­tu­dante, técn...
    pub­lished: 16 Jan 2014
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF Pur­pose & Scope
    What does the IETF con­sid­er to be its role in the stan­dards de­vel­op­ment world?
    pub­lished: 01 Feb 2016
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF 94 - Op­er­a­tions, Ad­min­is­tra­tion, and Tech­ni­cal Ple­nary
    The IETF 94 Op­er­a­tions, Ad­min­is­tra­tion, and Tech­ni­cal Ple­nary takes place on Wednes­day, 4 ...
    pub­lished: 04 Nov 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    IETF 93 Hackathon, Prague 2015
    IETF Hackathons en­cour­age de­vel­op­ers to col­lab­o­rate and de­vel­op util­i­ties, ideas, sam­ple c...
    pub­lished: 23 Jul 2015
    Play in Full Screen
    • Lyrics list:

    Back To Back Heartaches

    The siren on the street outside, didn't even turn your head
    It couldn't cut the silence between us in this bed
    You're staring at your wall and I'm staring at mine
    So we don't have to see each other cry
    Back to back heartaches, side to side tears
    If we don't face the problem the pain won't disappear
    There's still some love between us, why else would we be here
    With back to back heartaches and side to side tears
    We lie here like statues in some ancient tomb
    Man, it sure gets lonely with five walls in one room
    This wall we built between us, we had to tear it down
    But one of us will have to turn around
    Back to back heartaches, side to side tears
    If we don't face the problem the pain won't disappear
    There's still some love between us, why else would we be here
    With back to back heartaches and side to side tears
    There's still some love between us, why else would we be here

    photo: Creative Commons / Gage Skidmore
    Glenn Beck speaking at the Values Voter Summit in Washington, DC.

    “Who Will Rid Me of Trump” Remark Gets Radio Sensation Glenn Beck Suspended

    Edit 09 Jun 2016
    Article by Correspondent Dallas Darling. The same day Secret Service agents shielded presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump from more rowdy protesters rushing a campaign stage in Cleveland, Ohio, on SiriusXM’s The Glenn Beck Show novelist and thrill writer Brad Thor declared Trump was not only a “danger to America,” but suggested a terrible and violent scenario might have to emerge if he were to ever become president ... ....
    photo: US Treasury Department
    File - Bill Gates speaking at the annoucement of the International Commitment to fight global hunger and poverty at the US Treasury Department on April 22, 2010.

    Bill Gates reveals what he would do if he lived on $2 a day

    Edit Business Insider 09 Jun 2016
    Let's say Bill Gates didn't wake up each morning with a net worth of more than $76 billion. Let's say he had just $2. What would the founder of Microsoft do then?. "Just about anyone who's living in extreme poverty is better off if they have chickens," Gates wrote in a recent Gates Notes blog post. That's right. He'd raise chickens. By Gates' calculations, the animals cost just $5 in most West African countries ... "Our goal ... Copyright 2016 ... ....
    photo: AP / Julio Cortez
    Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks during a presidential primary election night rally, Tuesday, June 7, 2016, in New York.

    Hillary Clinton's Truth Problem

    Edit The Atlantic 09 Jun 2016
    The day after she sealed the Democratic presidential nomination, Hillary Clinton took a victory lap of the nation’s top newsrooms and delivered the most predictable and practiced comments. She honored her mother. She trashed Donald Trump. She wooed Bernie Sanders’ supporters. It was a Trumpian triumph of message management ... "Money that has been given to the foundation goes to support humanitarian work ... From The New York Times.. Mrs ... Mrs ... AG ... ....
    photo: Public Domain
    A photograph of Joseph Merrick (1862–1890), sometimes called the "Elephant Man" taken in1889.

    Elephant Man 'should be given burial'

    Edit BBC News 09 Jun 2016
    Researchers call for Joseph Merrick, known as the Elephant Man, to be given a Christian burial in his home city of Leicester ... ....
    photo: WN / Denise Yong
    ΕΠΟ - adidas: Δωρεά στους πυρόπληκτους

    Achtung! Adidas Robotic Facility Returns Production To Germany

    Edit 09 Jun 2016
    Impressed by the results thus far, the Financial Times reports, Adidas is working on a large facility near Ansbach which will begin making sneakers at some point next year ... By comparison, it apparently takes "several weeks" to do the same job in an Asian factory with human workers. While efficiency and cost savings are the goal, there are other perks with robot production....

    Q and A on IANA Stewardship Transition (NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration)

    Edit Public Technologies 09 Jun 2016
    (Source. NTIA - National Telecommunications and Information Administration). WHAT IS THE IANA STEWARDSHIP TRANSITION? ... NTIA's current stewardship role was intended to be temporary ... Putting in place the agreements that establish operational accountability and performance expectations for the IANA functions, such as the RIR's Service Level Agreement (SLA) contract with ICANN and the Supplemental Agreement between the IETF and ICANN ... No ... ###....

    ADTRAN Sets the vCPE Bar in Software-Defined Access During Groundbreaking NIA Interoperability Test (ADTRAN Inc)

    Edit Public Technologies 08 Jun 2016
    (Source. ADTRAN Inc). Industry's leading NFV Interoperability Test results confirm ADTRAN's integral role in moving NFV from hype to reality. HUNTSVILLE, Ala.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jun ... Specific details can be found in EANTC's report on the NIA Website. 'The test plan took into account references from the ETSI as well as the IETF and was rigorously reviewed by NIA service provider members ... About EANTC ... http.// About NIA ... Source....

    DNS security can be improved with cookies, suggest IETF boffins

    Edit The Register 07 Jun 2016
    For message authentication, not for tracking. Promise!. A proposal raised late May at the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) suggests adding cookies to the DNS to help defend the critical system against denial-of-service exploits ... ....

    GS1 collaboration with OASIS on UBL (GS1 aisbl)

    Edit Public Technologies 07 Jun 2016
    (Source. GS1 aisbl). GS1 has taken the initiative to develop a guide showing how to use the UBL technical framework with GS1 identification and data standards. This is to respond to the need of some GS1 users that face requirements to use UBL v2.1 (ISO/IEC 19845.2015) schemas ... GS1 sharing standards ... The GS1 System Architecture encourages normative references to and application guidance from ISO, UN/CEFACT, IETF and W3C ... OASIS and UBL....

    Supporting the transition to IPv6-only networking services for iOS (CloudFlare Inc)

    Edit Public Technologies 07 Jun 2016
    (Source. CloudFlare Inc). Early last month Apple announced that all apps submitted to the Apple Store June 1 forward would need to support IPv6-only networking as they transition to IPv6-only network services in iOS 9 ... Over 2 years ago, we published Eliminating the last reasons to not enable IPv6 in celebration of World IPv6 Day ... In 1998, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) had formalized IPv4's successor, IPv6 ... ./. (source) ... (noodl....

    The network layer isn’t where the action is right now for IoT (APNIC Pty Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 02 Jun 2016
    (Source. APNIC Pty Ltd). At the recent Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) meeting in Buenos Aires, I had an interesting conversation with Jari Arkko, the IETF chair ... A sense I had from reading the mailing lists after this workshop was that the action right now in the field of IoT isn't down at the network layer ... In this world view, the network is an assumption ... There are other objectives driving this direction to an IPv6 network view....

    The Internet Society Urges African Policymakers to Act on Internet Opportunity (ISOC - Internet Society)

    Edit Public Technologies 02 Jun 2016
    (Source. ISOC - Internet Society). Connecting the unconnected and recognizing Africa's women trailblazers will be focus at Africa Internet Summit ... The African Internet Summit brings together the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) business and technical community to discuss current Internet issues and challenges ... About the Internet Society ... It is also the organizational home for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)....

    Deterministic, Time-Sensitive Networking for IoT (Metaswitch Networks Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
    Without even having to lie, I responded that I was, having joined the IETF DetNet Working Group mailing list back in May 2015 -- even prior to the BoF attaining working group status in early October 2015 ... Take the IETF BIER working group initiative, for example… [pause while others insert a well-oiled pun] ... 6) https.// of this post....

    The Beauty of IPv6 Link-Local Addressing…Not (APNIC Pty Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 31 May 2016
    (Source. APNIC Pty Ltd). In November 2014, after quite some controversy in the IETF OPSEC working group (for those interested look at the archives), the Informational RFC 7404 'Using Only Link-Local Addressing inside an IPv6 Network' was published. It is authored by Michael Behringer and Eric Vyncke and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of an approach using 'only link-local addresses on infrastructure links between routers'....

    DNS Privacy (APNIC Pty Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 27 May 2016
    (Source ... Image credit ... In some countries, ... DNS privacy has been a matter of some interest to the IETF, and changes are being proposed to the DNS protocol that would make it far harder to be used as a snooper's and censor's tool of choice ... The DPRIVE Working Group of the IETF has been working on this topic, looking at ways for the DNS query and response interaction between a DNS client and a DNS resolver to be protected in some manner....

    Notes from the Copenhagen I* Meeting (APNIC Pty Ltd)

    Edit Public Technologies 26 May 2016
    (Source. APNIC Pty Ltd) The latest I* meeting was held in Copenhagen, 21 to 22 May 2016 . Source. GuoJunjun, ... The meeting included representatives of all five RIRs, three regional ccTLD organizations (Centr, LACTLD and APTLD), the IAB, the IETF, IANA and ICANN. During the one-and-a-half day meeting, we discussed current priorities and activities, and exchanged views and information on a range of topics including ... Rate this article ... (noodl....

    Internet Society Statement in Support of the IANA Stewardship Transition (ISOC - Internet Society)

    Edit Public Technologies 25 May 2016
    (Source. ISOC - Internet Society). [Washington, D.C. - May 24, 2016] - The Internet Society made a statement today in support of the timely transition of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions to the global Internet community ... From our perspective, the Internet Society sees no reason to delay the IANA Stewardship Transition ... Note ... It is also the organizational home for the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ... (noodl....

    Encryption expert returns to Apple in wake of San Bernardino standoff

    Edit The Verge 24 May 2016
    ... his work on the pioneering PGP encryption system, including authoring the openPGP standard for IETF and developing PGP's universal server software....