Thursday, 29 January 2009

The Village Feel

Letter to the Wanstead & Woodford Guardian

Dear Editor,

Should Redbridge accept any proposal to permit Tesco to operate at the old Woolworth store in Wanstead, the Council will perfectly illustrate how out of touch with the character of the area it is and demonstrate the total disregard it has for its residents and independent businesses.

Yet another chain store would negatively impact on the existing make-up of the high street, cause people to lose their livelihoods and, due to the further traffic congestion and inherent parking difficulties, seriously undermine the village atmosphere of the surrounding environs.

It is our understanding that Somerfield was looking to sell its plot to the ethical Co-operative group and a like for like business exchange should not pose any further problems. Furthermore this type outlet would be ideal for Wanstead, especially in view of the London Borough of Redbridge’s recently acquired Fairtrade status.

Wanstead does not need another supermarket and certainly not a Tesco, what with there already being three in the immediate vicinity and in view of this we shall encourage a protest in the strongest possible terms in an effort to put a stop to this economical, social, ethical and environmental nonsensical scheme.

Yours sincerely

Ashley Gunstock
Leading Spokesman
The Green Party - Redbridge

Dreams Can Come True

Letter to The Observer

Dear Sir,

Politicians, especially, of all hues of the political spectrum, would do well to take heed of Andrew Rawnsley's assessment of the predicament facing Barack Obama.

As Mr Rawnsley suggested all people around the globe should rejoice and celebrate the wonderful news that an Afro-American has become a President of the United States of America, without pessimism or, indeed, cynicism.

However, as he also outlined, the weight of expectation - as it was with Nelson Mandela - is great and there are many pitfalls left by the malpractice of the Bush administration that may hamper President Obama in his quest to help make the world a better place.

Therefore, instead of standing back and admiring and/or waiting to see the outcome of Mr Obama's deeds, we should all as of now do all that we can - individually and collectively, at home and abroad - to wake from our present nightmares and fullfil our dreams.

The opportunity of hope that Barack Obama's presidency offers us comes around only once in a lifetime. If we do not strive and make this work, we dreamers of dreams might just as well abandon all hope.

Yours faithfully

Ashley Gunstock
Green Party Prospective Parliamentary Candidate
Leyton & Wanstead