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Since the millennium change John Zerzan has been expressing his anti-civilization views on his one hour live radio show, "AnarchyRadio". By audio streaming (KWVA 88.1 FM) you can listen to "AnarchyRadio" live each week on Tuesday's at 7pm PST and express your views by calling 541-346-0645 during the live broadcast.

Listed below are the archives of "AnarchyRadio."

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[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Movement in Brazil, zika virus globalizing. Rydra's statement at anews. RS-type arson in Helsinki: nihilism. Role of the spirit. World cities and air pollution. Anti-civ comics at Action news. Four calls.


[audio] Canada burning, nihilism spreads (e.g. Rome bombed by RS-type group, suicide rate climbing). The usual eco disasters, weasel brings Large Hadron Collider to halt. VR sex suit unveiled in Japan, VR used to treat severe paranoia - one flight from reality replaced by another. Robots R Us, ISIS collapsing? Stabbing sprees in past two days. Inner peace options: Dalai Lama or smartphone app. BAGR#3 out this week. Resistance briefs.


[audio] No broadcast next week (5/3) due to travel. Earth Day? There's an app for that. Shootings, recalls news. Suicide rate climbing, life expectancy slipping. Read my "Modernity Takes Over." DeLillo's "Zero K" novel questions tech's ultimate claims. Lies about urbanism courtesy of techno-ideology.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Quakes in Japan and Ecuador: crushed by civilization. A nihilist talk in Portland. AK Press won't carry BAGR, Zerzan. "A New Dark Age Looms" as warming reaches ever new heights e.g. year-round fire season. Anti-civ perspective grows. Minecraft, chatbots, wacko high-tech ads. "Connectography: Mapping the Future of Global Capitalism." Tasty action briefs, calls from Arkansas and Ohio.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. Virtual Reality and other tech colonization, impoverishment. Digital sweatshops. Scary water news world-wide. Indigenous suicides in Canada spike. High-tech Ads of the Week. Social media hold-outs, drop-outs. Action reports. Superb spring issue of Earth First! Journal. Order Black and Green Review!


[audio] Obesity reversing life expectancy, "Global Warming Making U.S. Sick." Fear is endemic, future seen more and more negatively. Emojis are "the new language of the heart," kids learn less due to technology. OD's spread, Zika heads north. more train accidents despite new tech, Great Barrier Reef dying, Antarctica ice melting faster. Resistance news, three calls.


[audio] (The first two or three minutes of the broadcast did not get recorded.) Report on Rojava: Paul Z. Simons in studio. Radical developments in northern Syria discussed, also collapse, nihilism, what is at stake. 2.7% of American kids are healthy, 3/4 of UK kids are outside less than prison inmates. AI-produced novel almost wins Ja- panese literary prize. Eugene Morozov: tech firms now run things, not govts. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Primitivist week at Postmodern twins: Trump and Aragorn!. Self-lacing sneakers, wired homes that "listen," automatic brakes vs. Marshall Islanders who've navigated for thousands of years without instruments. Infectious diseases increase, traffic everywhere worsens. Huawei ad: Decades of patient investment for a moment of divine clarity." Resistance news.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. My Arcata gig. Time to kick Trump ass? Ads of the week. The Age of Fact is Over: postmodernism and technology have erased the quest for truth. Pigs being offed, for a change. Increasing obesity, diabetes. UK is fragmenting, isolation on rise. Seas rising faster than thought, action news.


[audio] Recent gigs: Tucson, E-Law (our BAGR panel, horrid DGR recruitment effort); on to Arcata 3/11. "The End of American Idealism", "Use of Heroin in Plain View." Killer germs, "Seeking a Zika Dividend." Robot art critic and other Stupid Tech Tricks. China most dire, South Korea's juvenile pop culture, Fiji sinking, lithium batteries exploding. Action news.


[audio] A single Universal Time coming? Seattle trip (Left Bank Books evening). Interview with traditional O'odham resister, Ofelia Rivas; Upcoming Speakers Series in Tucson. Toxic blooms head north; seas rising, heating faster; selfies kill dolphin. Action news, Kesey Square fight (Eugene), three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Zika virus may be caused by anti-mosquito larvacide(!) Science/tech claims/projections so often fail. Scalia and "the Air We breathe." Records fall: wild tem-perature swings in US. Mekong Delta gravely imperiled. Rampage shootings - now in Saudi Arabia. GPS, etc. "erode our cognitive maps." Action news, one call.


[audio] 82 degrees on Oregon coast February 8. The stink of big money everywhere. Adorno on freedom; Mandylas on nihilism. Recall mania, runaway pollution, suicide stories. Results of stress; the joke of voting. "Facebook friends almost entirely false." App of the week, re-sistance briefs.


[audio] Zika scourge spreads. "The End of Food Has Arrived, Finally" (Soylent); "my" Facebook page; new ITS communique. Nihilism, decadence.. Google now #1 in the world; Coca-Cola Pushes into Africa. Bolivia's second-largest lake is gone; US urban homelessness rises. Microsoft wants to cool big servers in ocean - but it won't add to ocean warming! Action news.


[audio] Cliff is back! (No stream/radio signal first 15 minutes.) Marvin Minsky: death of a techno-nazi. Killings in prehistory (E. Africa): hunter-gatherers or domesticators? GMO monkeys in China: how to confront autism(!) Mass recalls, Zika virus surges, plastics swamp oceans, record addiction levels. Anarchistnews suppresses Anarchy Radio. Action news, one call.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. More on Malheur occupation: govt. bows to white racist scumbags. 62 own as much as 3 billion others Massive gas leak in San Fernando Valley? Air as bad in rest of LA! Nightclubs fading out in Europe. Japanese addicted to cutesy mascots, retreat to tiny VR spaces. Tesla creates full-body VR: no unpleasant outside reality. Why journal? An app can do that. Scary health news. Action briefs, two calls.


[audio] Read "Decadence and the Machine." Right-wing occupiers in e. Oregon, David Brooks predicts "giant cultural explosion" from millennials, new opera composers are dystopian. Whales beaching globally, record heat wave in S. Africa, friendlessness=ill health, etc. Action news, one call.


[audio] Reactions to AR and JZ. - how to run? Gerald Vizenor in Black Seed!? McDonald's as China's new community; Raccoons Invade Brooklyn; School make kids standardized - and sick. An app to prevent deforestation. Supermines. Rush to exploit Antarctica. Adorno: "The freedom in philosophy is nothing but the capacity to lend a voice to its unfreedom." Key question - What does that unfreedom consist of? Resistance news.


[audio] Anarchist discourse--is there more than conversation? Animal Theory by Derek Ryan--how to ignore everything that counts. Urban air worsening everywhere. Weather getting more "freakish," murders by cops, murder-suicides this week. Data replaces reality, silent headphones, an app for break-ups. Coloring books for the stressed-out. Blocks beat e-toys for learning. Resistance briefs, two calls.


[audio] Special guest Alice: our Czech outing (Brno Eko Film festival and four days in Prague). Jihad as community, "anti growth" lies, more China horrors, industrial breakdown in LA. "Handwritten" notes in the digital age, complete vulnerability of online energy grid. Re- sistance news. "How iPhones Ruin Your Posture and Your Mood."


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. COP21 - the usual fraud. Shootings - NOT about guns. Free Radical Radio and East Bay Anarchist Book Fair. Jackson Hole, China. The friendless dance with food. Failures of tech health. Action medley, ads of the week.


[audio] Ian and Jeriah filling in for JZ--- ISIS recruits find Western ideals to be empty, Planned Parenthood shooting and the antiabortion movement, Zuckerberg and tech titans band together to save the world(!), property rights and asteroids, nihilism and egoism.


[audio] Soon to Brno and Prague; Ian and Jeriah next week. More on Houellebecq's Submission (the void in the West). psychosis, Bellamy's death drive diagnosis of anarchists. More: illiteracy, resistance to drug efficacy, recalls, whales beaching, mining dams disasters, VR nausea, nukes and cloning in China. Resistance news. One (off-air) call.


[audio] Kathan here. Paris massacre: nihilism, Houllebecq and Islam, colonial history, everyday "terrorism" in US, the void of techno society. Tech is always the answer; as avoidance, as that which generates problems. Ads of the week, cartoon of the week, action briefs, one call.


[audio] "Tribal Survival" film by Thomas Toivonen. Urban survey (e.g. toxic London fog returns), U. of Missouri protests, cop shootings, resistance news. Tecumseh on postmodern avoidance. Phoney XL Pipeline issue, "Despair, American Style." Three calls.


[audio] "Tribal Survival" film by Thomas Toivonen. Urban survey (e.g. toxic London fog returns), U. of Missouri protests, cop shootings, resistance news. Tecumseh on postmodern avoidance. Phoney XL Pipeline issue, "Despair, American Style." Three calls.


[audio] More on dying alone. Extreme weather on rise as oceans over-heat. Mexico City air pollution + Alzheimer's in children(!) Latest Reaccion Salvaje (RS) document - two discussions on violence, hope. Ideological language, misuses of. Illnesses mount; mortality among middle-class whites rises. Tech ads of the week, three calls.


[audio] Kathan aboard. Ad of the week: IBM's "outthink" series. Horse Nations by Peter Mitchell. Edward Butynski's copper mines photos, implications. Action news. Zizek, shootings, recalls, sad techo end for old people, world pollution. New Sesame St. character is autistic. One call.


[audio] Again, "To Change Everything?" Being Human, edited by Broglio + Young: an "animal turn" in philosophy? Alaska governor says drilling in protected Arctic "urgently" needed to to pay for climate change costs (!!) Dire water news from all over, urban homelessness emergencies. "The Lonely Death of George Bell", zero privacy or e-security. Ad of the week, action news.


[audio] "To Change Everything" tour...everything? "Dedications" by Adrienne Rich. Technology is "the world telling its own story." 50 lane freeways in China, SE Asia burning. Turkle's phoney "Reclaiming Conversation" book. Resistance news.


[audio] Three-way conversation among Urban Scout, Kevin Tucker and JZ about rewilding projects and outlooks, Two calls, two emails.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Utne's "Curtain Call" - more join the ranks of the no-hopesters. Popester visits US. Latest family slaughter: 6 dead in So. Dakota today. More, hotter droughts + fires means forests won't recover. The Age of Intelligent Cities - lunacy of the week. "Let's Not Move to Mars" a touch of sanity. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Utne's "Curtain Call" - more join the ranks of the no-hopesters. Popester visits US. Latest family slaughter: 6 dead in So. Dakota today. More, hotter droughts + fires means forests won't recover. The Age of Intelligent Cities - lunacy of the week. "Let's Not Move to Mars" a touch of sanity. Action news, two calls.


[audio] California burning, Pinker at it again in his blind defense of civilization. Many amazingly insulting Ads of the Week. Homo naledi: buries its dead almost 3 million years ago, looks like us. 1 million UK oldsters haven't spoken to anyone in a month. Civ makes us stupid, isolated Action news.


[audio] Anti-cop blow-back heightens. Future drought/fires aimed at oil/gas pipelines. Unprecedented sandstorm covers Middle East - not a "natural" disaster. "The End of the Tour" - David Foster Wallace story. Political/civic institutions flailing. Medicalization of alienation, denial of arriving catastrophe. Man kicks robot, action news. Two calls,


[audio] Off the Pig (it's happening). Reviewed: Behold the Black Caiman, Rush Hour, Speak, Geek Heresy, Purity. New Orleans fantasy safeguard, only $14.5 billion. Next: mining the seabeds(!). Dating yourself: the answer to isolation. Action news.


[audio] Rydra, of Free Radical Radio fame, co-hosts: history and theory of FRR, what's up with SF Bay Area anarchy, report on Seattle Anarchist Book Fair. Remove those unsightly sweat glands (Sweat Experts), this week's round of modern disasters, tech ads of the week, action briefs, two calls. Tech failures abound, up with internet hold-outs and fiber optic saboteurs. Action briefs.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. China explodes, oceans worsening, glaciers disappearing. Amazon workers at breaking point. ISIS winning in meaningless modernity. Internet killing activity, says 'worker', leaving Tech failures abound, up with internet hold-outs and fiber optic saboteurs. Action briefs.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. DGR, Jensen exhumed, exposed. Industrial disaster of the week, ad of the week, mass murders of the week. Escalators, cars fail, dementia in one's 40s grows likelier. Techno manipulation at ever deeper levels. Ec Machina discussion, one call.


[audio] Western US ablaze; oceans weakening. Signs of ascendant anarcho-primitivism. The Wayfarers as classic cop-out. "Primitivism as the New Opium for the Masses: Reading Zerzan through Zizek." Kurds, too, prey of ISIS fundamentalism. Online panopticon, window to one's consumer soul. Sex, love with robots approaches as the virtual proceeds. Resistance briefs.


[audio] In the Words of Elders excerpts. Fredy Perlman, d. 7/26/85. Whither the "Rojava Revolution"? Industrial devastation; warming, rising, acidifying oceans. National Parks pollution, salmon dying, mass shootings. Black & Green Review. Festival of Code vs. Forvilda (Rewilding) camp. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Horse Nations by Peter Mitchell. Cops have killed 634 this so far. Anarchist and toxic posts, Earth First! Rendezvous and disruption. Kayaktivists paddle while Earth dies. Laruelle: Against the Digital by Alexander Galloway. Action briefs, one call.


[audio] Collapse of leftist fakery in Greece, the 4-hour tech collapse last Wednesday. 'Terrorism' toll in perspective. Free Radical Radio interview with Bob Black. Re- call fever; water warming fever; decimation of birds, including fowl; Canada burning. Early humans cook with fire, Nicholas Carr's The Glass Cage. Action news.


[audio] "When I Say Anti-Civilization," Wall St. Dead Heads. My latest archaeology piece. Google IDs blacks as gorillas, "Does Giving Control to Machines Make Us Freer?" Resistance briefs, two calls.


[audio] Derrick Jensen's "Resistance[!] Radio," robots marry in Tokyo, "To Our Friends" again. "Face It, Your Brain Is a Computer," sitting causes anxiety, Museum of Boulders. Heat waves, "Golden Age of Pathogens," action news.


[audio] "To Our Friends" - important tech critique. It's Goin' Down - alternative to anarchistnews. org? Anti-civ essays at Ritual. Appeal of ISIS. 60 million refugees, eco-crisis deepens. Resistance briefs, three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Invisible Committee on technology, The Atlantic's "All the Happy Workers." Uncivilized Animals spears Graeber: "David Wants to Fly." Virtuality madness, techno-"health." Ads of the week, action news.


[audio] Hacking, fracking, warming, polluting. "Ex Machina." Oxford Junior Dictionary loses nature words. Sandinistas push mega Canal, rightists applaud. Action reports. MERS hits S. Korea, daily cop ugliness, toxic artificial lawns. Fire Alarm!


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. Weather ever more severe; species, drugs, technology failing, 3-D printer for a new world? FIFA scandal, "The Robots Are Winning." Modernity exposed; an end can be seen, contra Zizek. Action news, announcements, two calls.


[audio] Stone tools 3.3 million years ago: the start of human (non-symbolic) culture. Oil spills. Cops still killing; others going off, too. Read "Not So Close Encounters." "Agency" project, new AJODA. Action news, "health" briefs. One call.


[audio] "Mad Max" or viva the end of civ? Gender equality among hunter-gatherers - new study. Phila. Train wreck, continuing failure of technology. Fracking rolls on, over voters. No rhinos left? Action news. Politics of book fairs. Kathan co-hosts!


[audio] Pro sports and Collapse, Sea Levels Rising Faster, invisible obesity. Another Oil Train Goes Up in Flames, more trees dying globally. "If We Want Power Everywhere..." holo- gram protestors, younger and younger stroke victims. Action news briefs.


[audio] Kathan on board! Rick Bartow art, a don't- miss. Conversation with Layla AbdelRahim about her Children's Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation. Disease outbreaks, industrial breakdowns. Action news, three calls.


[audio] Zoltan for President! Microsoft Cloud Turns Data into Excitement! Human satnav tells legs where to go, "Ex Machina": Embrace the Machine! Anxiety, teen suicides, Siberian methane on rise. Lots of resistance around the world.


[audio] Cliff and a well-tanned JZ co-host. Nicholas Carr's The Glass Cage on automated life. Ads of the week, new industrial disasters, compounding the California drought. Nihilism=niceism? Action briefs, two calls.


[audio] Guest host Dane. Review of BAGR, Fifth Estate, and anarchist media. Are infoshops/radical spaces important ? Eugene Infoshop. Upcoming anarchist bookfair. Synthetic pesticides=ecological destruction. Marxist/Capitalist Dalai Lama. "This Artificial Life" music project and Spanish-language songs too. No calls.


[audio] Invisible Committee buffoonery. Action news briefs. Fierce Dreams on nihilism. Visitors by Godfrey Reggio. WIRED: Sex in the Digital Age. Drought crises, more shootings than ever. Lang Gore's Hunting Seasons novel, now as audio book. Three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Civilized "health care" and ebola, trans-species health crisis. More on egoism e.g. 'grounding' is authoritarian?? No more circus elephants, bemoaned by domesticators. John Gray trashes S. Pinker's "Better Angels" nonsense. Endless list of pigs murdered by the pigs; 4 cops shot last week. Action news, one call.


[audio] Bellamy from Free Radical Radio for the hour. Egoism, Jason McQuinn, nihilism dissected. "I'm surprised more anarchists have not adopted the term 'anti-left' to describe themselves," a South African listener. Godfrey Reggio interview on Sin- gularity website; anthropology corner.


[audio] "Light" reading. Latest pig murders and rampage shootings. The hilarious Freedom Club at UNC. Free Radical Radio interview of Jason McQuinn and discussion. More dis-ease news, severe weather news, action news, calls from Ohio, California.


[audio] Nihilist Arby's is the best. Homi Bhahba, postmodern zero, FC interviews IRL, anti-tech graffitist. Avalanche of health threats, "The Global Flight from the Family." Robotics, e-book failures, tech classrooms. Action news.


[audio] Who is postmodern? Adbusters=incoherence+worship of technology. Severe weather, New Delhi choking, Sao Paolo thirsty. Madness of biofuels, geo-engineering. "Escaping the Void" by Steve Kirk. Terrorism spreads, modernity and democracy wanting. One call.


[audio] Black and Green Review is at printer; excerpt from Kevin Tucker's "The Suffocating Void." Robotic news, urban crises. Govt. looking into geo-engineering! New anarchy media offerings, post-left is a dodge. Google Glass is an Edsel. Harari's Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind. Actions news.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. "Primitivism without the Anarcho-?" Black Mirror, sign of the times. Troubled sleep in the techno-scape. What is thinking, consciousness? Crazy health claims. Action briefs, two calls.


[audio] Contemporary indigenous writing, new exhibit. Aushwitz. Autonomy, redemption. Ad of the week. Anti-civ = "deathist"! "green syndicalism"! Scary news, why so many threats, signs of collapse? It's a MYSTERY! we are told. Action news.


[audio] Choctaw poet Jim Barnes. Spill, disease outbreak, shooting recall, torture chamber - of the week. Keystone XL is a decoy, George Monbiot's phoney "rewilding." Oceans dying, terrorism spreading, but action reports.


[audio] Kathan on point. Paris hit. Terrorism or resistance. The emptiness of civilization, dire symptoms increase, Franz Fanon, M. Houellebecq, Pico Iyer, Ulrich Beck. Dodge commercial: "Driving is a holy endeavor." Action reports and new developments.


[audio] Is Wagner's Parsifal opera anarcho-primitivist? 2014 hottest on record, Snowpiercer best movie of 2014. "Black Mirror" series critiques techno-future. Zuckerberg TIME's Man of the Year, year of selfies narcissism. Cops get a taste of the gunfire, mass society gets more unhealthy. Resistance news, including new ITS-type action groups (Chile, Argentina).


[audio] Cyberwarfare with N. Korea - just the beginning. "Why Sit on Santa's Lap, When You Can Use an App?" Ads of the week. "Raising Beef is Good for the Planet." More eco-collapse, recalls, shootings. New EF! Journal. Action news, three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Sydney hostages, Pakistan school massacre, US rampage shootings: it's all terrorism. Peace police and identity politics racket vs. Berkeley/Oakland resistance. Weather politics, anti-work, more disorders from technology. Action briefs, two calls.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. MAJOR resistance, especially in Berkeley. Suddenly a "New Age" of contestation? Tech ruins memory - so what? Humans didn't drive Mastodons to extinction. Nihilism no substitute for liberatory anti-politics. Let's play "Really??" Action briefs, two calls.


[audio] Morales and nukes: indigenous opposition. Anti-misanthropy from Uncivilized Animals. Pluses and minuses of anarchy milieu as 2014 nears its end. Corrosive cynicism of; nihilism as retardant. Action news.


[audio] Second half of Roman civ essay. Riflebird on Black Seed: "depressing hangover." Wild Reaction blows up telethon for disabled kids in Mexico - wtf? Farenheit 451 as anti-tech novel. Action reports.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Zoltan KO'd at Stanford! Much discussion on air re: Stanford event - and topics not discussed there e.g. trans-humanist fetish of immortality vs. dealing with death. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Reading "Arrivederci Roma," some weekly news. Black Seed #2 on anthropology. Resistance to online "life"--and even to electricity. Action news.


[audio] Autism and civ; Alzheimer's and isolation. Cars, rockets, Zizek, Kingsnorth fail big. Whither Girl Scouts? New films. France explodes, pro-ZAD-wise. Lots of other action news, one call.


No show tonight. John is out sick.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Key role of Kurdish women fighters. Politics of AIDS/Ebola. Gaming discussion. Isolation, withdrawal in tech society. Siri as unhealthy response to autism epidemic. Action news, one call.


[audio] NPR vetoes JZ interview. Ebola raging, Cindy whining. Eco news, suicides up. Illusions of green energy. Action news, our media news. Three calls.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. News of anarchists in Turkey in solidarity with Kurds, fighting to smash ISIS and Turkish state. Spark by John Twelve Hawks, The Human Age by Diane Ackermain (thumbs down on the latter). Lets play "Really??" Techno-follies, action news, one call.


[audio] Kathan is co-host. Wisdom Sits in Places by Keith Basso, "Swimming through Garbage" by Lewis Pugh. Half of earth's wildlife killed off since 1970. FBI: mass shootings on the rise, as are health crises, recalls and sites of resistance. Action news, four far-flung calls.


[audio] Heat, emissions set new records: 300,000 in NYC demonstrate their impotence. And There Was Light by Jacques Lusseyran, Treblinka by Jean-Francois Steiner vs. nihilism/cynicism. Report from Whiteaker 'hood, Eugene. Planet of unhealth, new anti-industrial voices, one call.


[audio] io9 interview responses (!) "Were We Happier in the Stone Age? (The Guardian 5 September). Civilization and violence, drive-through funeral parlor. Climate Summit farce. Add lithium to drinking water? Two calls.


[audio] The Double Life of Paul de Man by Evelyn Barish, reply to Wolfi's "On Radical Moralism and Wildness." io9 interview questions, Ward Churchill interviewed on Fox News. Rampant disease, violence. No water? Paint your lawn green! Action news, ITS is now Wild Reaction.


[audio] Cops beat Eugene bakery worker. Global industrial cancer toll, new climate projections. Narcissism reports. Why do hundreds from West go to join ISIS fanatics? The delirious techno-fantasies of Michio Kaku. Rise of films about solitude. Action news.


[audio] Seattle and Philadelphia Anarchist Book Fairs last weekend. Nihilism and green anarchy. Fierce Dreams. "Sitting is the New Smoking", weather extremes, "climate swerve"? Action news, three substantial calls.


[audio] Kathan here. Ferguson and resistance. Civilization as failing pacification. Mercury up, elephants down; the terrible toll in every sphere of an anti-life Machine. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Grusha from Moscow for the hour. His impressions of U.S., primitivists in Russia, anarchists and nazis. Our position + tactics in age of police power, outlook for new upheavals. Self-importance decried as well as sacrificial orientation. Two calls.


[audio] Toledo: don't drink the water! Liminal. Ebola, anti-trans creeps, "Nihilist Sect of Free Death"?? Peak Sand? Industrial disasters, action reports, three calls (two from Toledo).


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. Robotics vs. humanness (e.g. child sex robots, robot caregivers). "Ableism!" charge rebutted by Ian E. Smith. Horrors of the wacked week: shocking health news, Chinese river runs red, sense of dread, decline of golf! Action news. De Landa and origin of language.


[audio] Enormity of loneliness, cuddle clubs. "The Tech Utopia Nobody Wants." New Bad Egg Books infoshop. "Wooden Ships" from Uncivilized Animals, critique of "Animals Dreams." Action news, child sex robots proposal, four calls.


[audio] KZ co-hosts. Health scares, uber-surveillance, Gaza, recalls, collapse, shootings. "Forget about Changing the World" - give to charity. New tech outrages, resistance news, Abyss, Michel Serres, no calls.


[audio] Michael Becker from Fresno co-hosts, reports on Earth First! Rendezvous. Action reports. Zoo madness. What do we call this zeitgeist? One call.


[audio] With Jimmy at the helm. Dane here, reports on Resistance Ecology and Eugene event. Egoism defended (caller), general news, VICE interview, Facebook turns users into "lab rats." Two new anti-internet books, two calls.


[audio] Response to "On Radical Moralism and Wildness." Over-warming news, dis-ease spreading among species, technology encroaching on humanness and human autonomy. Fine resistance items, one call (from UK).


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Dis-integrating Iraq. More on (growing?) sense of futility, ego-orientation, our sense of responsibility to persevere and overcome. Domestic drones, Chris Hedges: plagiarist scumbag! Action news. One call.


[audio] Planet pummeled and poisoned; entrapped by technology. Kinds of violence; water eclipsed. Kids turning away from "social media"? Resistance items, four v. substantial calls.


[audio] Afghanistan. "Faster! The Age of Acceleration." Culture of loneliness, death. Few are voting, "living" online, more robo-life. More obesity, recalls, apps for the stupid."Eco-terrorism" movies, workers opposing union repression. Action reports.


[audio] A bit more on Black Seed, Her. Isla Vista shooting rampage and other shootings. Recalls, sick planet news, anonymity question, Marcos changes name for the media. Action news, three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts, More discussion of Black Seed. What is rewilding? Why is Aragorn such a postmodern urban hipster? General disaster news, sterling action news. Grave new tech developments.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. Most dire climate change studies yet, culture reflects end-game ethos. Calls: Kevin on Black Seed, Leopold on hope vs. critique. May 13 Telegraph on next Unabombers. Action news items.


[audio] More on Transcendence movie (e.g. from Stephen Hawking) and Paul Kingsnorth. Industrial/pollution news, creepy techno-developments. Action reports, two calls (re: Black Seed tour; dreary, plodding leftism).


[audio] Adbusters, Sydney Anarchist Book Fair honchos really suck. Paul Kingsnorth surrenders for New York Times limelight. Artificial leaves, voices, expressions. Action news, two calls about veganism.


[audio] Dane, surprise guest. Transcendence movie (see it!), Obsidian Point (new ITS-like group in Mexico), Liminal novella (buy it!). Nihilist hope? General disaster news, action news, three calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Discussion of the place of the positive, moral thinking. 'Anxiety' piece in new issue of Anarchy. Shootings spike. Resistance news, three calls.


[audio] Dialog and lack of it in our political culture. Read my 'health' piece. Sinking land, failing global health, mammoth recalls, spring shootings, industrial disasters. Action news, no calls.


[audio] Malaysian jetliner + oceans of trash; WA killer mudslide + industrial logging. Alienation and Acceleration book: modernity careens on, faster and faster. Megafauna extinctions, swordfish attacks BP, one call.


[audio] Cricket on board. Al-Jazeera on anarchism. Will the Left always predominate? Endless spills, leaks, mega-dams, pollution. Wild farming, simple solutions, new anti-social apps. Action reports, one call.


[audio] Kathan here. Language explored. Final thoughts on Portland Biennial 2014, BASTARD conference criticized. NASA predicts the end as industrialism trashes all. No more dancin, is choice of tech-addicted kids in NY. Two calls.


[audio] Cliff is here. New SAT test (technology makes you stupid). Enviro scourges; industrialism no longer able to successfully make cars, planes; tech crazinesses, including Michio Kaku's. Action news, one call.


[audio] Fort Lewis College visit last week, Portland Biennial 2014. News of the void, health/dis-ease news. Resistance reports, two calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Donald Fagen: luddite! Barbie defends S.I. Swimsuit Issue. WSJ Spring Fashion lifelessness, global industrial blight. Resistance news, one call.


[audio] How to explain Keith and Jensen?? Books on Derrida, Adorno. Spills, heroin, pop culture at its zenith. 800,000-year-old footprints, e-diapers, action highlights, 3 calls.


[audio] Shootings spread to Russia, Sochi mess. Weather and water crises. Lierre Keith-at-E-law upcoming scandal. Union realities. Action news. Two calls (largely about "Her").


[audio] Read "Animal Dreams" (half of broadcast). General weekly news, resistance news. Two calls: Lierre Keith at E-Law alert; two poems.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Sandy Hook killer's call to Anarchy Radio/ media antics in "Age of School Shootings." Message from Serbia. Action news, calls about chicken lobotomies, despair. Domestication uber alles.


[audio] Earliest cities destroy environment (Jan. Smithsonian). Gillis' "Post-Primitivist Theses" and Badiou's "Philosophy for Militants" - equally nauseating. Mass sur- veillance, mass insomnia, mass contamination. Sterling acts of resistance, three calls.


[audio] Cliff co-hosts. "Health care" reality, weather now dangerous, water running out. "Human nature?" How can we diverge from this catastrophic course? Action news. More on tech developments, two calls.


[audio] What is a hospital? Nietzsche, Agamben, insurrectos. "Baka Pygmies Caught in the Maze of Modernity." News of the week, resistance news, techno news. Two calls.


[audio] More on the movie "Her"; Sochi Games jinx; food production and terrorism; erased memories; shoplifting, depression up with Holiday Season. Hunter-gatherer ethos of humility. Action items, two calls.


[audio] Ann from Portland co-hosts. Drones, robots, mass surveillance, Fukushima cancers, no more bananas? Reactive Foraging and traditional knowledge. Action news, two calls.


[audio] 400,000-year-old humans. Mandela, spying gone wild, whales dying. Action news. Signs of disaffection with techno-life. Three calls.


[audio] Thanksgiving--indigenous say no thanks. Failures of modernity. China watch, waning of trust. Action news, four calls.


[audio] A Fire at the Mountain event in Flagstaff: momentous. Pope is anti-tech. Toys 'R' Us says nature is boring. Spying, droning, polluting. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Kathan and Ann host. MEND movement for emancipation of Niger Delta. Prisons, Queen Nanny, Igbo Women’s War, one call (on hope), on-line surveillance.


[audio] Mega-typhoon Haiyan: just the beginning. World round-up: China all-out, walking bad for environment (!), dolphins dying. Action news, one (crank) call. A Fire at the Mountain: anti-colonial and anarchy event in Flagstaff.


[audio] "How Forests Think." Global spying, global technology vs. "Deserting the Digital Utopia." Global violence, e.g. ever-increasing shooting sprees in U.S. Action news, one call.


[audio] Mr. Cliff on hand. Successful Layla AbdelRahim talk in Portland. Nostalgia. Ritual/myth needs (?). Report from Australia. Action news, four calls.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. One more school shooting. Industrial/energy toll everywhere, more erratic weather, globalized contamination, vast Pacific dead zone: civilization triumphant. Japanese trade intimacy for technology. Resistance reports, two calls.


[audio] Privacy, technology, Dave Eggers’ “The Circle” Creeping awareness of civilization as the problem. Global health worsening. Action news, two calls.


[audio] Jonathan Crary, Howard Stirner. Vehicular carnage, violence (DC and everywhere), wilder weather. Ups and downs of techno-world, opposition. Action items, three calls.


[audio] Domestication wars. Climate, weather, shootings, eco-disasters, urban plight globally. Resistance news. Meaning of the all-enveloping techno onslaught. Three calls.


[audio] Kathan on tap. Crimethinc. podcast #10. Shootings expose empty pieties. Landslides, Pacific acidification. American cities in decline. Action news, four calls.


(link fixed)

[audio] Latest shootings: "security"? NSA, Syria, worst China excesses, American worker vs. medieval peasant (who works MUCH more?). South Korea offers permanent smile, etc. Lots of Action News, including major anarchist arsons in 3 countries. Three calls.


[audio] Cliff here. General resource crisis behind Egypt’s fissures, "Why Hope?" Techno-madness (e.g. sex robot Roxxy), failures of everyday mass world. Action news. Three calls (one from Australia).


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. More on Ziggy Zeitgeist's "Disquiet"—or wired in the Brave New World. Shootings, suicides, Fukushima, extinctions. Action news, three calls.


[audio] Anti-measurement, society is now a Nothing Zone: "The Disquiet of Ziggy Zeitgeist" by Henry Allen: Reality itself is dwindling. News, action news. Nancy Richardson’s "Time Hog." Four calls.


[audio] A word on egoism, rest of "Numb and Number" reading. Extinctions, viruses, contaminations, shootings, fracking goes off-shore. Sports scandals, stem cell burger. Action news.


[audio] More on Monbiot, origins of war. Read part of "Numb and Number." Workout pill, smartphones read emotions better than humans. "Where are the canoe people?" Lots of actions. One call: why you hate egoism?


[audio] Kathan on show. Brazilian anti-civ "Horde" steps up! Global survey of industrial toll. George Monbiot cops out, Chris Hedges: absurd liberal. Techno stupefaction, action news. One call: DGR alert. Please note: John will not be doing the show next week (July 23)


[audio] Signs of collapse mount on a daily basis. Turkish "anarchists" interviewed, Chomsky sees the light (?). Walter Bond on technology. Resistance shorts. Calls from North Carolina, Australia.


[audio] Even more spying, severe heat, fires. UK anarchist journals fail re: originality, technology. Digital dementia, Eco-poetry, global action news. Call from China.


[audio] Kathan here. No secrets safe for government or individuals. News, e.g. increasingly crazy weather, fires, urbanization. Last Train from Zona Verde, The East. Action news. One call.


[audio] Cliff here. End of privacy, environment, non-urban world, normaal weather, etc. Viva Turks and Brazilians rising up. Jared Diamond dissected. Three calls (one from China).


[audio] Taksim Square battle. Avalanche of government spying as technology marches on. Some general news, one call, plus Fifth Estate editor Peter Werbe on phone for last half hour.


[audio] Turkey rocks out! Report from Resistance Ecology Conference in Portland. Soylent, MOOC, burger-holders, drugs not working! Resistance news, two calls.


[audio] Language discussion: how best to employ. Food's value warning, Martin Amis, "The East", outlandish ads. End of privacy. Action news


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. DGR self-destructs. Oklahoma super-tornado, other weather/climate crises globa lly. Suicides, loneliness theme, anthropology news. Action reports. One on-air call.


[audio] Dalai Lama here. Massive science and tech mean massive problems, not solutions. Deep Green disgrace in Portland. Guest poet, action news, two calls.


[audio] Wylden and Sumac on the show. May Day action = post-Left? Suicides increase, drugs fail. New tech madness. Life off the grid discussion. Four calls.


[audio] More heat on Pacific Northwest anarchists, Layla’s anti-civ economics. News (disasters) round-up, high tech survey, action news. Many calls!


[audio] Olympia Anarchist Convergence. (Another) week of nihilistic violence--its varieties. China, water crises, rape epidemics. What is the anarchist alternative? Action news, new books, upcoming events. A record-tying 7 calls!


[audio] Kathan on show. Boston Marathon bombing--and everyday shootings, terrorism. Robot bees, patented genes. 'Fragile' planet--why? Action news, five calls.


[audio] Cliff! Serbia and Houston: “meaningless” violence erupts today. Human nature—or civilization? Action reports, Green Panther Party (?). Human No More: anthropology in cyberspace. Two calls.


[audio] Brazil anarchist conference. No more bees? More on China, Lake Erie. Action news, app of the week. Three calls.


[audio] Brazil anarchist conference. No more bees? More on China, Lake Erie. Action news, app of the week. Three calls.


[audio] Jimmy the kid—with daughters Saleh and Nico—discuss communication (clarity, real connection, etc.).


[audio] Kathan returns. Species extinctions, no pope extinction. Drones everywhere, Iraq 10 years later, technology driving us faster. Civilization and its growing, roaring madness. Resistance news.


[audio] News roundup: scarier and scarier. One (Midwest) call, about anarchist dialog. Action news from various countries. Ever more bizarre techno choices, how technology and capital feed each other.


[audio] Cricket returns! Global news: eco-destruction, police state direction, etc. Discussion of Barcelona and ITS communiqués, including moral dimensions, choices. Action news roundup, three superb calls.


[audio] Cliff at the ready. All sorts of news, the culture of dis-ease, disconnection, desperate diversion. Discussion of the claims of technology and bizarre facets of the apps-world. Lots of action news around the world.


[audio] Kathan co-hosts. Chagnon’s Noble Savages, 7th Individualists Tending toward the Wild communiqué. Obama’s Brain Activity Map and other news, selected anarchist action news. Fine New Orleans call.


[audio] "Even cops hate cops"- the Chris Dorner story. Goodbye, moose and caribou. Cruise ship fiasco, corruption news, collapse forecast. Action reports, one (very informative) call.


[audio] US: killer state, Israel ugliness, corruption of mass sports. Dissection of Adbusters. Lots of Resistance. App 'life,' DNA as data storage. Dung beetle guided by Milky Way!


[audio] Me and Karl. Black Bloc in Egypt! My 8 days in Arizona, global follies, action jackson, techno-bizarro, ads of the week.


[audio] Jimmy's excellent musico-political odyssey. (He does a mostly punk KWVA show called 'Songs of Love Song' Monday evenings at 10.)


[audio] Kathan here. Alice pinch hits for John. Collapse on all fronts, mounting techno-idiocy. Unschooling. Can intimate communities still be foundâyes! Action news provides some examples. Two calls.


[audio] Disaster news, including techno 'advances.' Action news. 30 minutes with FIFTH ESTATE editor Peter Werbe by phone.


[audio] More on shootings, general madness news. Syndrome E, action reports. Tiqqun's Theory of the Young Girl. Great (insane) ads. One call.


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