New Census is A Criminal Fraud!
The very act of filling out a
Census Bureau form is a violation of your
Fifth Amendment rights, by the way. Providing this bureau with your race / ancestry information gives them information that may be used to round you up at gunpoint and have you (and your family) sent to a concentration camp.
That's not conjecture.
It's not a conspiracy theory. It's historical fact.
The U.S. Census Bureau did, in fact, conspire with the federal government to target
American citizens based on race data.
• Over
000 Japanese-American citizens were rounded up at gunpoint, kidnapped by the government, and forcibly relocated to these concentration camps. They were forced to abandon their homes, farms and businesses.
• This rounding up of Japanese-American citizens was "authorized" by
President Franklin D. Roosevelt who bypassed
Congress and issued
Executive Order 9066 on
February 19,
The executive order was written and carried out in total violation of the
U.S. Constitution and its
Bill of Rights.
• The legal loophole that was used to justify this blatantly illegal act is as follows:
Military commanders were granted the "administrative right" to declare entire states to be "exclusion zones" from which people of
Japanese ancestry were excluded. The internment camps were, of course, not included in the exclusion zones, meaning that all Japanese-Americans were forced to be put into the internment camps in order to comply with the exclusive zone orders. This action, by the way, is the ultimately expression of race-based profiling.
• No one was given a trial. No charges were even filed against those who were forced into the camps. They were simply rounded up at gunpoint and shoved into railroad cars and busses.
• The U.S. government issued shameless propaganda films to spread disinfo about its illegal actions. Here's a particularly shocking example of such propaganda from 1942:
That film, as you can see for yourself, describes the gunpoint kidnapping and internment of American citizens as nothing more than a need "to transfer several thousand Japanese residents from the
Pacific Coast to points in the
American interior." It does not mention that those points are surrounded by barbed war and armed guards, where prisoners are forced into what is essentially slave labor just to survive.
• How were all those Japanese-American citizens located by the government? The U.S. Census Bureau turned over the racial targeting data to the federal government. So anyone who obeyed the census and revealed "Japanese" as their ancestry on the census forms received a visit by an armed squad of government kidnappers who forced you and your family into a concentration camp ("war relocation camp").
• The U.S. Census Bureau vigorously denied its involvement in the government kidnappings, staging a multi-decade cover-up. The truth finally came out in
2007, and detailed are now published in both
Scientific American and
USA Today: (
The Census Bureau turned over confidential information including names and addresses to help the
Justice Department,
Secret Service and other agencies identify Japanese-Americans during
World War II, according to government documents released today.
Documents found by two historians in
Commerce Department archives and the
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library confirm for the first time that the bureau shared details about individual Japanese-Americans after
Dec. 7,
1941, attack on
Pearl Harbor.
The Census Bureau played a role in the confinement of more than 100,000
Americans of Japanese descent who were rounded up and held in internment camps, many until the war ended in
1945. In 1942, the Census turned over general statistics about where Japanese-Americans lived to the
War Department.
Astonishingly, the
U.S. Census Bureau, which participated in the racial profiling and rounding up of innocent Americans to be thrown into concentration camps, claims it works on behalf of civil rights:
Information on race is required for many
Federal programs and is critical in making policy decisions, particularly for civil rights" claims the Census Bureau website (
The Census Bureau does NOT say, by the way, that the race data you provide to
the bureau may one day be used to target you and your family to be rounded up and stuffed into a concentration camp.