- published: 29 Nov 2017
- views: 2477
Friday is a 1982 science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein. It is the story of a female "artificial person", the eponymous Friday, genetically engineered to be stronger, faster, smarter, and generally better than normal humans. Artificial humans are widely resented, and much of the story deals with Friday's struggle both against prejudice and to conceal her enhanced attributes from other humans. The story is set in a Balkanized world, in which the nations of the North American continent have been split up into a number of smaller states.
Friday was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novel in 1982, and the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1983.
The book's protagonist is Friday Baldwin, a genetically engineered human (known as an Artificial Person or AP) who is both mentally and physically superior in many ways to an ordinary human. Friday conceals her AP status as she faces great prejudice if discovered.
Employed as a highly self-sufficient combat courier for a shadowy private organization, her various missions take her across the globe and to some of the near-Earth space colonies. Friday is returning from her latest mission when she is captured, tortured and interrogated by an enemy group. She is then rescued by her own people, who tell her that her highly critical mission was in fact successful as her captors failed to find the data implanted in her body.
Fire It Up may refer to:
A novel is a long narrative, normally in prose, which describes fictional characters and events, usually in the form of a sequential story.
The genre has also been described as possessing "a continuous and comprehensive history of about two thousand years". This view sees the novel's origins in Classical Greece and Rome, medieval, early modern romance, and the tradition of the novella. The latter, an Italian word used to describe short stories, supplied the present generic English term in the 18th century. Ian Watt, however, in The Rise of the Novel (1957) suggests that the novel first came into being in the early 18th century,
Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, is frequently cited as the first significant European novelist of the modern era; the first part of Don Quixote was published in 1605.
The romance is a closely related long prose narrative. Walter Scott defined it as "a fictitious narrative in prose or verse; the interest of which turns upon marvellous and uncommon incidents", whereas in the novel "the events are accommodated to the ordinary train of human events and the modern state of society". However, many romances, including the historical romances of Scott,Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights and Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, are also frequently called novels, and Scott describes romance as a "kindred term". Romance, as defined here, should not be confused with the genre fiction love romance or romance novel. Other European languages do not distinguish between romance and novel: "a novel is le roman, der Roman, il romanzo."
Friday Harbor may refer to:
Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day in Western superstition. It occurs when the 13th day of the month in the Gregorian calendar falls on a Friday.
The fear of the number 13 has been given a scientific name: "triskaidekaphobia"; and on analogy to this the fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia, from the Greek words Paraskeví (Παρασκευή, meaning "Friday"), and dekatreís (δεκατρείς, meaning "thirteen").
The superstition surrounding this day may have arisen in the Middle Ages, "originating from the story of Jesus' last supper and crucifixion" in which there were 13 individuals present in the Upper Room on the 13th of Nisan Maundy Thursday, the night before his death on Good Friday. While there is evidence of both Friday and the number 13 being considered unlucky, there is no record of the two items being referred to as especially unlucky in conjunction before the 19th century.
An early documented reference in English occurs in Henry Sutherland Edwards' 1869 biography of Gioachino Rossini, who died on a Friday 13th:
第五超現實 是Novel Friday「二十分之七」中代表貪婪的一環。 由帶出自身對慾望的追求,因而虛構出第五維度,建造自我滿足的國度。而副歌則開始質問自己是否一直沉醉於幻想,於現實又有否為夢想而搏鬥。 夢想同理想係成長必遇既決擇,係建立目標既基礎。有人為未來不顧一切,亦有人選擇腳踏實地;常説當局者迷,陷入某個階段時總會產生對自己既質疑,唯有抽離自身成為旁觀者時,睇清步伐檢討過去便會發現,就是因為你既野心你既渴求才能成就今天。 Remixed by Childish Gambino - Redbone Director : DylanHing Novel Friday Photographer: Orcem Sheep Mix and Mastered by: NA$TY J Clothing Sponsor: CA$$Y https://soundcloud.com/lap-fung-chiu/sets/unjz7ciuqugc Instragram: @novelfriday @dylanhing @jeff__li Facebook: @novelfriday @DylanHing @REALNASTYJ ------------------------------------ 「二十分之七」mixtape廣東巡演 最新資訊 嘉賓: LOSTBOYZ Sowhat Jahno Town Sly kid 精神少年 Drag.C & BMW Special Guest (XXX) 9/12 ------------------------------------- 門票預售:HKD80 現場:HKD100 https://goo.gl/forms/ggBwIwDj088vfuMx2 BYOB 詳情請密切留意活動專頁及PPC Recrods,感謝!...
Novel Friday@P.P.C. Records Prod. By Sero Produktion Mix and Mastered by NA$TY J @P.P.C. Records instagram: novelfriday Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/lap-fung-chiu/t95ogtr0ahkq Verse1 犧牲 半生時間同金錢 下半生故事 換黎一個容器去安置 回憶係帶刺 荊棘同戒指 𠝹斷同撕裂 幾多曾經追求過既執念 係咪所有都係烏托邦 帶有嘅色彩都以枯落麼 血汗換取一個安落窩 諷刺係原來只係安葬我 Hook 一直學識既成長 係堆建一個城牆 封建躍動既思想 靈魂直指同一個方向 根本不需求成長 繼續堆建一個城牆 埋藏天真同夢想 四面牆會為你送上 Verse2 或者你會憂恨 得到一刻但抖震 係年紀既缺憾 同兄弟既合照都早以鋪塵 一物換一物 發現得物無所用 大概因為歲月既洗禮洗走昔日既初衷 僅餘嘅火種 以經不起現世既寒凍 留待大氣電波既無聊節目為你放送 幻想有既奇蹟 充滿景仰既記憶 原來睇到既日落都驟變黑白色 知道時間唔可以重來 仲為啲乜野要睇唔開 幾多次計劃去既愛琴海 剩下係四面牆同無人愛 Hook 一直學識既成長 係堆建一個城牆 封建躍動既思想 靈魂直指同一個方向 根本不需求成長 繼續堆建一個城牆 埋藏天真同夢想 四面牆會為你送上
Mixed and Mastered by NA$TY J Hook Run Rabbit Run 向前跑 心靈戰禍 饑荒 用上肉體 充饑填飽 悲鳴痛楚嘅骯髒大道 只不過係前哨 Run Rabbit Run 繼續跑 Run Rabbit Run 向前跑 心靈戰禍饑荒用上肉體 充饑填飽 悲鳴痛楚嘅骯髒大道 只不過係前哨 Run Rabbit Run Rabbit Run SSnowball 不安分裂 又再變體 搖曳思想 粉碎徹底 失敗者複制體 墊屍底 猶如遍地縷蟻 情感清洗 留白價值觀洗禮 操縱意識 步步進迫 百上加斤 強行壓制 面目模糊嘅囚徒 用盡奇數或是偶數 仍然無法辨認嘅構做 仍然困於無援嘅囚牢 靠住本能直覺 勾畫出藍圖地圖 響起警報 記好起步 準備好拔足而逃 ayo 大踏步 命數命途全部 化作gamble okay 盡豪賭 待宰待屠換來 開膛破肚 空空如也嘅頭顱 丟失大腦 喋喋不休 吞吞吐吐 警告中夾雜幾毫克焦燥 So cynical 要反駁謹記保持警覺 空腹感覺 Staying hungry 罪惡 街頭街角 持續散播 Keep in 奔馳 每句每字 嘅比試 咬牙切齒 由零開始 往事挫折從此 一雪前恥 *Hook Novel Friday Run rabbit run 向前跑 Ayy 不肖於自命參透世事既說教 我放棄口同鼻拗 伸出我利爪 戳破 一切凝聚冷嘲熱諷既氣泡 Yur 仰望大 氣候 危機逼近眉頭 我依舊一揮衣袖離流幾個悲秋 昔日既搏鬥 ya 匯聚今日戰友 向前走 我現有 有殿後 克服顫抖 百法百約只係過關斬將既前奏 Word up 縱然迷失 我都竭力捱到盡頭 汗線閉塞 依舊一套繼續信守 Kicking off 四面八方 仇容滿佈兩眼發光 ya Rabbit 聯群結黨 殺出血路 為 存在而闖 誓信 堅...
I review the Friday the 13th Novel that was published in 1987 and written by victor Miller.
For October, we like going back and hitting some older horror films we've never covered. And Friday the 13th Part 2 has oodles of sins. Next week: A couple more creepy sins. Remember, no movie is without sin! Which movie's sins should we expose next?! Podcast: http://soundcloud.com/cinemasins Sins Video Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy-v4c4is-w&list;=PLMWfZxj1nTkQBy4AeRGG4xH5d2IIApNPj Tweet us: http://twitter.com/cinemasins Reddit with us: http://reddit.com/r/cinemasins Tumble us: http://cinema-sins.tumblr.com Call us: 405-459-7466 Jeremy's book: http://theablesbook.com
Nicki Minaj “The PinkPrint” DELUXE EXPLICIT - http://smarturl.it/NickiPinkprntDlxExiT
作曲 : Novel Friday/Rice/DylanHing 作词 : Novel Friday/Rice/DylanHing P.P.C. Records Present: NovelFriday @P.P.C. Records Rice@Errand boy(工具人) DylanHing @P.P.C. Records Prod. , Mix and Mastered by NA$TY.J @P.P.C. Records Hook 系醉昏既燈光 你既身影散髮出芬芳 你既手心貼近我心房 系最初 難免會有啲心慌 Warm from head to toe 暖入我懷抱 Sick with sleepy flow 兩兩相依邁步 NovelFriday 你既方周停了泊 但願呢刻定了格 我願意一生同你對望 就覺奢侈 未必需要明瞭白 你一步一步走近 我身上身下崩緊 那感覺好實在 那空間我倆留待 你既聲音左右回旋系我腦海 互相凝視瞬間 沈迷水靈雙眼 沈默之間卻比言語對答瞭解更多 Let we back to raw Rice 總是可以讓你開心 你的心事我來傾聽 我不會像其他人讓你傷心 在我的心裡把你放在第一 我想要在每個夜把你抱緊 我找到猜透你心思的要領 我想要住進 你的心房 你已站在我 心的中央 我是真的愛你 怎麼捨得騙你 如果愛是陷阱 我也願意為你 我邁開我的腳步 期待新的領悟 對你的那些照顧 怎麼可能停住 DylanHing 唔記得我倆點相遇 你系我遇過既 最好相處 天秤 遇上 雙魚 整日疲倦因你而傷愈 談論住日月星辰 搭配住兩文三語 共度僅如既清晨 我願意青絲換霜雨 系五月既窗外既梅雨季 系你我花言巧語既比賽 享受哩刻 感性既氛圍 性感既雙乳 稱霸你三圍 尺度漸轉越暴露發現到 Oh no 似身處系赤道 下半身似火爐 But i ain't never did this be...
https://www.facebook.com/events/1037151433011137/ https://www.facebook.com/fireitupparty/
Prod. By SANTOS SANTANA Mix and Mastered by NA$TY J @P.P.C. Records SSnowball : 鮮血 散落慘白嘅雪 為一獗不振作結解脫 羞恥心中挖出優越 為低賤與卑劣給予解說 夜空 已再無月 深淵火海無力再次跨越 將木船投下忘川 欲斷眷戀卻又難斷 滿載記憶 嘅軌跡 再次重疊 又交織 劃破黑色 一片死寂 打破沉默 一絲空隙 囚禁空殼嘅壓抑 早在衝擊 得已穫釋 靈魂並未安息 又再離開母體被侵蝕 Hook: 萬丈氣炎在沉降 未知之死怎可殮葬 百孔千瘡裡在排放 I am falling deep down Novel Friday: 眼前 一片死寂 林木 染惹黑色 流亡旅途既污跡 我不感到孤僻 第一萬個晚上我隻身望孤星 鳥雲 密布既異端 寄生 各樣奇怪之冤 太多殺戮嘅片段循環於腦海交織重演 手執萬千忘魂既劍 執念將二十一世紀洗煉 想改變個氣候 用肅清黎獲救 背負一生既罪名 苟且生存於死城 粉色一切空殻固有既繩索 建構新國度再死於孽海落幕 沉
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In this special Fan Friday event, Jesse and Dodger team up on for a Doki Doki Literature Club Let's Play, the new dating sim game everyone is talking about. You definitely wanted us to play it this week, and we're not sure why. We hear the gameplay gets very, VERY strange, so this is definitely a let's play to keep an eye on! Enjoy my videos? Become a subscriber ►► goo.gl/HPFQis Love our Doki Doki Doki Doki Literature Club Let's Play? Then check out my other Fan Friday dating sim let's play where we DATE SHARKS! ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1js2dvubaF4 You asked for it, we delivered. Dodger and I had NO IDEA what to expect from Doki Doki Literature Club, but boy did we have a blast even just with this love sim stuff. Even though everyone says this gameplay is going to get CRAZY, so...
Jesse and Dodger sit down to play some of the visual novel horror game The Letter. Will they make it out alive? Will they uncover the truth about Briar Realty? Or will the ghost get them?! The Letter is a horror visual novel made by Yangyang Mobile, played on PC. • Interested in helping me create content? Support the Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/JesseCox • Watch Cox n' Crendor on http://www.youtube.com/coxncrendor • Listen to Cox n' Crendor in the Morning! The best PODCAST! On iTunes!: https://soundcloud.com/coxncrendor http://feeds.feedburner.com/soundcloud/nAMd • Stay connected! Twitter - http://twitter.com/jessecox Facebook - http://facebook.com/thejessecox • Send your fan mail to: Jesse Cox PO Box 7939 Torrance, CA 90504
The cinematic smash that scared millions. Is it as good as people say...or...at least better than the original? Grab a signed IT (2017) Nostalgia Critic title card here - https://theawesomestore.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product;_id=30000 Support this weeks charity - https://afsp.org/ It: Chapter One, or simply It, is a 2017 American supernatural horror film directed by Andy Muschietti, based on the 1986 novel of the same name by Stephen King. Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - https://theawesomestore.com Get some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - http://shrsl.com/?~96c0 See more at our Site: http://channelawesome.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/channelawesome Twitter: http://twitter.com/channelawesome Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/channelawesome/ Like Doug on Fac...
WELL THAT JUST HAPPENED! Our Doki Doki Literature Club let's play continues as Jesse and Dodger, in fact have their minds blown. This just got super intense! Where is this game going?! What will happen as the let's play continues and the game changes around us!? Enjoy my videos? Become a subscriber ►► goo.gl/HPFQis Love our Doki Doki Doki Doki Literature Club Let's Play? Then check out my other Fan Friday dating sim let's play where we DATE SHARKS! ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1js2dvubaF4 Things are happening FAST in this new episode of our Doki Doki Literature Club gameplay. We finally start to see the horror side of this story that everyone told us was going to make us lose our minds. Who knew all this would go down so quickly...what is going on?? Who can we trust?? Join us in th...
Welcome back to The Letter! Things are steaming up as we reach the final chapter of the game. Is it hot in here or is that just Hannah Wright? Phew! Let's Play The Letter! DAILY Streams ► http://www.twitch.tv/cinnamontoastken Patreon ►http://www.patreon.com/cinnamontoastken Follow me on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/Z71AgE Check out Mary ► https://youtube.com/user/supermaryface Check out my editor ► http://bit.ly/2hhiTv4 The Letter on Steam ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/460430/The_Letter__Horror_Visual_Novel/ CONTENT WARNING This game deals with mature themes. It shows scenes that some may find disturbing, unethical and triggering. It also contains offensive language, racial slurs, sexual themes, gore and violence. Player discretion is advised. ABOUT The Letter is an interactive, horr...
"We seem to be made to suffer. It's our lot in life." - C-3PO Get YOUR very own copy of Troll by Emma Clark today! (Does not come with my incredulous notes in the margins.) http://www.amazon.com/Troll-First-3-Books-Bundled/dp/149544192X Select your favorite romance novel trope: Slave of sexy werewolf - http://www.patreon.com/JennyNicholson Cowboy boyfriend joins the army - http://twitter.com/JennyENicholson Secret billionaire baby - http://www.instagram.com/spider_jewel/ Billionaire werewolf and his five sexy brothers - http://www.facebook.com/JennyNicholsonVids/ Uh it's a Scottish guy - http://spiderjewel.tumblr.com
THE SECRET GARDEN - FULL AudioBook by Frances Hodgson Burnett - Dramatic Reading - The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was initially published in serial format starting in the autumn of 1910, and was first published in its entirety in 1911. It is now one of Burnett's most popular novels, and is considered to be a classic of English children's literature. Several stage and film adaptations have been produced. (Summary adapted from wikipedia.org - attribution: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=The_Secret_Garden&action;=history) ►For FREE SPECIAL AUDIOBOOK OFFERS & MORE: http://www.GreatestAudioBooks.com/ ►SUBSCRIBE to Greatest Audio Books: http://www.youtube.com/GreatestAudioBooks ►Become a FRIEND: http://www.Facebook.com/GreatestAudioBooks ►BUY T-SHIRTS &...
OPEN ME FOR ALL OF THE THINGS! MY BOOK IS OUT! Order my novel, Haunted in Hollywood, here: http://bit.ly/2yHipYj Wanna watch another? ♡ LIT BLACK FRIDAY HAUL 2017 | Victoria's Secret, Abercrombie & More! https://youtu.be/5uGo1JYtWb0 So I Was Sent The CREEPIEST Drawings... VIRAL Scary Story *OMG* https://youtu.be/67mBRCn6dtI Plus Size Trendy Fall Clothing Haul & Try-On Lookbook https://youtu.be/bGfX1ZpzfYw HEY MY LOVES. Today I'm doing an Ebay mystery box unboxing for you all. After I saw Bunny (grav3yardgirl)'s experience I was a little wary but went ahead and bought a $300 (expensive af hahaha) haunted mystery box! So glad this wasn't a fail but I have to admit, I was envisioning a few more scary or spooky items! I loved doing this for you guys so I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED! If you did giv...
ROBINSON CRUSOE by Daniel Defoe - FULL Audio Book | Greatest Audio Books - Robinson Crusoe is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published on 25 April 1719. This first edition credited the work's fictional protagonist Robinson Crusoe as its author, leading many readers to believe he was a real person and the book a travelogue of true incidents. It was published under the considerably longer original title The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates. Epistolary, confess...
℗ © НФЦ (Bulgarian National Film Center) Режисьор: Людмил Кирков (Directed by Lyudmil Kirkov) Оператор: Димко Минов (Cameraman: Dimko Minov) Сценарист: Чавдар Шинов (Scriptwriter: Chavdar Shinov) В ролите / Starring: Мария Стефанова - Екатерина Хлебарова Maria Stefanova as Ekaterina Hlebarova Елена Райнова - Жената на Митко Elena Rainova as Mitko's Wife Маргарита Пехливанова - Вера (Margarita Pehlivanova as Vera) Ернестина Шинова - Цецка Милушева Ernestina Chinova as Tzetzka Milusheva Велко Кънев - Митко (Velko Kynev as Mitko) Стефан Мавродиев - Първан Коцев - Микроба Stefan Mavrodiyev as Parvan Kotzev - Microbe Мартина Вачкова - Моца (Martina Vachkova as Motza) Мария Каварджикова - Яна (Maria Kavardjikova as Yana) Стефан Илиев - Началникът Стоянов Stefan Ilyev as Chief Stoyanov Иван Не...
TANK MARIO! | Super Mario Odyssey Pt 3 ►► https://goo.gl/rkrREa Watch More GTLive Here! ►► http://bit.ly/1Oo7KH9 USE: #GTLIVE and @matpatgt to send us comments & questions! Things got scary in our last playthrough of Doki Doki Literature Club, but we're putting on our brave faces and diving back in for Scary Games Friday! Join us as we finish up the creepiest visual novel we've ever played! Subscribe & hang out with us every day! ►► http://bit.ly/1Oo7KH9 Follow us on Twitter at @MatPatGT and #GTLive More GTLive Videos: Dating is TERRIFYING! | Doki Doki Lit. Club! ► https://goo.gl/edV7RJ The New FNAF Game?! ►► https://goo.gl/TX9opM Master of Moons! | Super Mario Odyssey ►► https://goo.gl/9E7AXX The HUNT IS ON! | Duck Season ►► https://goo.gl/k7DkFC Cuphead is a DREAM COME TRUE! (Pt 1) ►►...
UCLA/James Elroy restoration Detective Philip Marlowe encounters a variety of characters while checking on why Leslie Murdock stole a rare doubloon from his . A brief look at Raymond Chandler's classic private detective character, Philip Marlowe, throughout TV and Film history. Raymond Chandler in Hollywood by Al . Theatrical trailer for the 1947 fim, noir thriller, THE BRASHER DOUBLOON, based on the Raymond Chandler novel, The High Window, and starring George .
We've been told Doki Doki Literature Club is a strange game that will blow our minds. But why? How?! Dodger and I still await the mind blowing part of this game. There is definitely something going on with Monika, but we aren't sure yet. Perhaps more will be revealed as our Doki Doki let's play continues! Enjoy my videos? Become a subscriber ►► goo.gl/HPFQis Love our Doki Doki Doki Doki Literature Club Let's Play? Then check out my other Fan Friday dating sim let's play where we DATE SHARKS! ►► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1js2dvubaF4 In episode 2 of our Doki Doki Literature Club gameplay, Dodger and I unleash our inner (accidental) poet, and Sayori drops some truth bombs. We also start to notice a few weird things in what these waifus are saying...or wait, maybe we're completely on t...
A New York Times bestseller “The same gorgeous, layered richness that marked Towles’ debut, Rules of Civility, shapes [A Gentleman in Moscow]” – Entertainment Weekly “Elegant… as lavishly filigreed as a Fabergé egg” – O, the Oprah Magazine He can’t leave his hotel. You won’t want to. From the New York Times bestselling author of Rules of Civility—a transporting novel about a man who is ordered to spend the rest of his life inside a luxury hotel “Towles’s greatest narrative effect is not the moments of wonder and synchronicity but the generous transformation of these peripheral workers, over the course of decades, into confidants, equals and, finally, friends. With them around, a life sentence in these gilded halls might make Rostov the luckiest man in Russia.” –The New York Times...
We've reached the finale of The Letter! It's time to make a choice. How will we finally put a stop to the curse and be free from the ghost once and for all? DAILY Streams ► http://www.twitch.tv/cinnamontoastken Patreon ►http://www.patreon.com/cinnamontoastken Follow me on Twitter! ► http://bit.ly/Z71AgE Check out Mary ► https://youtube.com/user/supermaryface Check out my editor ► http://bit.ly/2hhiTv4 The Letter on Steam ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/460430/The_Letter__Horror_Visual_Novel/ CONTENT WARNING This game deals with mature themes. It shows scenes that some may find disturbing, unethical and triggering. It also contains offensive language, racial slurs, sexual themes, gore and violence. Player discretion is advised. ABOUT The Letter is an interactive, horror/drama visual...
WARNING: Some very disturbing images appear in this episode. If you suffer with anxiety or depression or can't handle darker themes I would suggest re-considering this video. Do not take this lightly. Doki Doki Literature Club Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKgNdM1jPe0&list;=PLMBYlcH3smRynQkn5OQMo23hLqUGCAhrL ►Twitter : https://twitter.com/Jack_Septic_Eye ►Instagram: http://instagram.com/jacksepticeye ►Merchandise: http://jacksepticeye.fanfiber.com/ Game Link (It's Free) ► http://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/ Edited by: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro created by the super talented Pixlpit: https://www.youtube.com/user/pixlpit Outro Song created by "Teknoaxe". It's called "I'm everywhere" and you can listen to it here http://www.you...