Vote Green May 5 2016 and for Greener In June 23 2016

Climate Sense: keeping fossil fuels in the ground Join our campaign Greens will tackle inequality Votes should mean seats Railways returned to public hands Vote Greener In on June 23


We are the South East Green Party, the SE England part of the Green Party of England and Wales.

We stretch from Kent in the East, to Hampshire & Isle of Wight in the West, up to Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire.

In the 2016 local elections we have Green candidates in nearly half the seats in the South East. Vote Green and support our Green candidates. In the last Parliamentary Election over a quarter of a million people voted Green in the South East. We stand for: opposing airport expansion for its climate and local impacts; for proportional representation; continued EU membership of a reformed EU in light of the June 23 referendum; human rights as the Tory government scraps the Human Rights Act, against TTIP and fracking. Support our Green voice in Parliament: Caroline Lucas MP, our Green Member of the European Parliament, Keith Taylor MEP, our local councillors and join our campaigns across the South East.  

We're currently raising funds to support our regional co-ordinator role. Please donate here if you can.

Latest News Stories

Green candidates across the South East More Green candidates than ever are standing in the local elections on May 5 2016. In the South East we have nearly 44% of seats with a Green standing - 252 candidates.  [Read more]
Green PCC candidate in Sussex James Doyle from Worthing is standing as the Green Party’s Police and Crime Commissioner candidate in Sussex. He’s the only PCC candidate in the South East for the Greens. [Read more]
Greener In EU Launch Brighton today The Green Party has launched its regional ‘Greener In’ campaign in Brighton, highlighting how vital Green supporters in the South East will be in order to win the vote for the UK to stay in the EU. [Read more]

What's Happening

Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 10:00 AM · 2 rsvps
2 Church Lane in Southampton, United Kingdom

Southampton Action Day - April

Please support Southampton in its last two weeks of canvassing. The meeting point is a member's house and you will be welcomed with tea and cookies on arrival and a hot soup lunch provided. Meet at 9.45am for a 10am start.

It's bad news that the weather forecast for Saturday is rain so please come prepared but do support our candidate Kieren Brown.


Saturday, April 23, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Oxford in Oxford, United Kingdom

Come campaigning on Shakespeare's birthday

On Shakespeare's birthday, people are visiting Oxford to see The Painted Room where Shakespeare stayed on his tours.

You can come to Oxford to help us get more Green councillors elected, so we become the official opposition. One evening this week Labour had 70 canvassers out in one ward, so we have a fight on our hands.

We will be knocking on doors and delivering leaflets in 5 wards in Oxford. We can meet you at the Glocester Green bus station at 10:30, or call or email us to get details of where and when you can help.

Please sign up for one or more of the shifts, so we can make sure there are trainers and campaign materials available for all of you.

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