- published: 02 Mar 2013
- views: 50148
Wyszogród [vɨˈʂɔɡrut] is a town in Poland, in Masovian Voivodeship, in Płock County, by the Vistula River. The population of Wyszogród was 2,793 in 2004.
The town of Wyszogród was an early Slavic settlement as early as the 10th century. In the 11th century it became fortified and started to act as a local centre of commerce. In the 12th century it became the seat of local castellany and soon it became one of the seats of the Dukes of Masovia. Relocated on Magdeburg Law in 1398, Wyszogród became one of the most important inland ports and centres of textile production in the area.
During The Deluge the town was pillaged and burnt by the Swedes. Several subsequent fires destroyed Wyszogród almost completely. After the Partitions of Poland in 1793 it was annexed by Prussia. In 1807 it was reconquered by the Duchy of Warsaw and after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1815 it was transferred to the Kingdom of Poland. At the end of 19th century Wyszogród again recovered.
During World War II, the town was heavily damaged during the course of the German Invasion of Poland in September, 1939. During the German occupation the Jewish population of the town perished in the Holocaust. There were several partisan groups operating both within the city and in the forests nearby. The town was rebuilt after the war, though its population did not recover to pre-war levels.
"Never Have I Ever", also known as "I've Never…" or "Ten Fingers", is a drinking game.
The verbal game is started with the players getting into a circle. Then, the first player says a simple statement starting with "Never have I ever". Anyone who has done what the first player has not must drink. Play then continues around the circle, and the next person makes a statement. An additional rule – uncommon, but beneficial to the game –is that if there is no one taking a drink, then the one who said the particular "I have never…" must take a drink. This rule often forces the players to strategize more and makes for less disposable/pointless suggestions.
A further variation holds that whenever only one person is drinking, that person must give a detailed account of why they are drinking. Another variation of this game involves putting up five or ten fingers, putting one down whenever something mentioned has been done. Those who end up putting down all of their fingers must take several successive drinks.
do you really - Iván Wyszogrod
ANICETO - CIELO, TIERRA - Música Original de Iván Wyszogrod
EL PASADO - Cabo Polonio - Iván Wyszogrod
Do you really want to feel the night (Traducida en español)
LA RECONSTRUCCION - Cuando te vayas - Música Original de Iván Wyszogrod
Julián Hermida Quinteto - Y ahora qué (Iván Wyszogrod)
Dos mas dos - Juan Minujin
Entrevista a Ivan Wyszogrod - REC 2014
Gato negro Trailer
musica de pelicula "dos mas dos " Do you really really really want to feel the night Do you really want to feel the night Do you really really really want to feel the night Do you really want to feel the night I can find myself I can never let you go You're the one I can find myself And could never let you go But you do not love me? I never know Tell me what you're feeling I am sure we could fly I never know Tell me what you're feeling I think this is true love Do you really really really want to feel the night Do you really want to feel the night Always Do you really want t...
Música Original Compuesta y Producida por Iván Wyszogrod para el Largometraje "Aniceto, de Favio" Direccion de Leonardo Favio. 2008 ® SADAIC - EMI music Argentina Premio Sur de la Academia de Cine Argentino a la Mejor Música de Pelicula 2008 Premio Clarin a la Mejor Música de Película 2008
Canción de la película Dos más dos Compuesta por Diego Kaplan e Ivan Wyszogrod Interpretada por Claudio Ledda y más abajo les dejo la canción original en ingles: Do you really really really want to feel the night x2 Do you really want to feel the night Do you really really really want to feel the night x2 Do you really want to feel the night I can find myself I can never let you go You're the one I can find myself And could never let you go But you do not love me? I never know Tell me what you're feeling I am sure we could fly I never know Tell me what you're feeling I think this is true love Do you really really really want to feel the night x2 Do you really want to feel the night Always Do you really want to feel the night
Adelanto del nuevo disco. Nicolás Enrich bandoneón Matías Feigin piano Pablo Motta contrabajo César Rago 1 violín Myrian Gandarillas 2 violín Ruben Jurado viola Clement Silly cello Arreglo y dirección musical Julián Hermida Y ahora qué (Iván Wyszogrod) De la banda de sonido de la película "Gatica, el mono" de Leonardo Favio Julián Hermida Quinteto combina tangos clásicos y nuevos, tanto propios como de compositores actuales, respetando el lenguaje tanguero pero alejándose del sonido de la década del '40, acorde a las búsquedas que se han originado en las nuevas generaciones de músicos del género, de la que son parte y motor. La propuesta es difundir la obra de artistas contemporáneos como Ramiro Boero, Cristian Zárate, Fernando Otero e Ivan Wyszogrod, entre otros, y también temas de Ru...
Diego (Adrián Suar), Emilia (Julieta Díaz), Richard (Juan Minujín) y Betina (Carla Peterson) son dos parejas amigas de toda la vida. A los 40 años son exitosos profesionales. Diego y Emilia tienen un hijo de 14 años y una vida familiar organizada mientras que Richard y Betina, que no tienen hijos, llevan una vida más mundana. Una noche de celebración Richard y Betina les confiesan a sus amigos que practican el intercambio de parejas y que les encantaría compartir esa práctica con ellos. Esta confesión despierta las fantasías dormidas de Emilia quien le insiste a Diego para que acepten la invitación, es una gran comedia, con significativo mensaje.
Compositor de música para película
Música Original Compuesta y Producida por Iván Wyszogrod para el Documental 18-j, Atentado a la AMIA Argentina. Es un largometraje compuesto por diez cortometrajes. Diez historias realizadas por diez directores para rendir homenaje a las víctimas del atentado a la AMIA. ACTORES: Luis Luque, Susú Pecoraro, Silvia Kutika, Nazareno Casero, Norman Erlich, Federico Barga. GENERO: Documental . DIRECCION: Juan Bautista Stagnaro, Adrián Caetano , Alberto Lecchi, Daniel Burman, Alejandro Doria, Adrián Suar, Mauricio Wainrot, Marcelo Schapces, Lucía Cedrón. ORIGEN: Argentina. DURACION: 107 Minutos CALIFICACION: Apta mayores de 13 años FECHA DE ESTRENO: 19 de Agosto de 2004
Premios PLATINO 2015 Año de producción: 2014 Tipo de producción: Ficción Género: Drama Duración: 120 m. País de producción: Argentina Dirección: Gaston Gallo Guión: Gaston Gallo Música: Ivan Wyszogrod Intérpretes: Luciano Caceres, Leticia Bedrice, Roberto Vallejos, Lito Cruz, Favio Posca, Guillermo Arengo, Luis Luque, Santino Gallo, Pompeyo Audivert, Juan Acosta. Productoras: CINEMAGROUP, S.R.L. MG PRODUCCIONES BUFFALO FILMS Idiomas: Español País de estreno: Argentina Calificación por edades: SIN DETERMINAR Sinopsis: Cuenta la vida de Tito Pereyra, un argentino cuyos contrastes permanentes parecen marcar su destino. La historia abarca desde su niñez (con un padre ausente) en un pueblo tucumano en 1956 hasta los 80 en democracia en Buenos Aires. En ese transcurrir toma decis...
A relaxing hike from Lençois (Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia / NE Brazil) with Ivan Bahia Guide, your personalized natural traveling specialist in Brazil. This hike is available / combinable in all our travel packages here Bahia. We make sure our travelers can have a relaxing time whilst enjoying the best of Brazil, with a guide / driver speaking your language (English, Français, Nederlands, Deutsch). For more information please consult our website : http://bahia.basix.cc.
Travel video about destination Moskva in Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia and the largest city in Europe. Both Tsar rule and soviet communism gave the city its present appearance. It has witnessed much change and has become a prosperous city and one of contrast and the superlative, of millionaires and also the very poor. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is one of the main landmarks of the Russian metropolis and was built at the command of Moscow sovereign, Ivan The Fourth, also known as Ivan The Terrible, Russia’s first Tsar. The cathedral is representative of Moscow’s architecture with red brick monuments and an accumulation of onion-shaped towers. The Kremlin extends beyond a red wall and various towers that date back to the fifteenth century. Since time immemor...
Buna ziua, numele meu este Ivan Gabriel. Eu sunt un pasionat al drumetiilor in natura si al pescuitului. Sunt de profesie ghid turistic, de pescuit si supravietuire pe segmentul de agrement. De peste 30 ani imi petrec o mare parte din viata alaturi de turistii si pescarii din alte tari in minunata Delta a Dunarii. Rolul meu este acela de a ii indruma si ajuta pe turisti in desfasurarea unui sejur superb in Romania incepand de la pregatirea logistica a proiectului si pana la cel din urma detaliu al sejurului. Pentru partea de Delta a Dunarii sarcina mea incepe cu punerea la dispozitie catre grupul de turisti sau a liderului lor a planului, urmand ca apoi sa modificam si stabilim impreuna toate detaliile, costurile, acte,permise, sosirea, preluarea si transportul in tara, cazare, mese, proie...
FB Page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/CicaGlisa7CHANNEL/194359104044288?fref=ts Ivan Bogdanov Ica potiče iz prosečne beogradske porodice. Otac Pozek preminuo je pre pola godine, živi na Dedinju, elitnom delu Beograda, u ulici Bulevar Aleksandra Karađorđevića, preko puta ambasade Izraela. Jedan od prvih komšija Bogdanova je ministar policije Ivica Dačić, koji stanuje samo tri ulaza dalje! Bogdanov je završio srednju školu i po struci je drvni tehničar. Jedno vreme radio je kao obezbeđenje u poznatim prestoničkim kafićima i splavovima, a najduže u "Grin baru" na Adi Ciganliji. Pokojni otac i majka Fanika su tokom devedesetih imali kiosk brze hrane ispred škole "Vojvoda Radomir Putnik", ali su ga zatvorili. Navijač od malih nogu, Ivan je imao zapaženu ulogu i 5. oktobra 2000, kada je bio...
Travel video - the experience in Pirin mountains of Bansko, Bulgaria. Bansko ski slopes, city and food review. Travelling with a two year old baby. In this video you can also see the the places to visit around Bansko, such Ivan Rilski Monastery, Saint Teodor and St Teodor Stratilat church, Dobarsko Village and the streets of Bansko. Bansko is a popular alpine ski resort, with a slope about 2606 meter high with the total length of the ski run 70 km. More information and a full review of Bansko here on my personal travel blog: innagram.com/bansko instagram https://instagram.com/inna_tevi/ blog www.innagram.com https://twitter.com/InnaTevi
Subscribe us now to get more travel guide video directly to your email. Antalya is one of the world's and the Mediterranean's leading tourism destinations, the city being home to an array of famous attractions. In this video you'll discover top ten travel destinations in Antalya - Turkey that you should visit. Subscribe us now to get more travel guide video directly to your email.
My video submission for #LGSummit16 Learn more about the program: https://www.google.com/local/guides/
On my own way es un proyecto audiovisual sobre Ivan Raña, sus vivencias, entrenos, costumbres, refleja el día a día del triatleta profesional desde una visión íntima y cercana. Consta de diferentes capítulos que irán rodando a lo largo del año en las diferentes paradas competitivas, Lanzarote, Brasil, Madrid, entre otras para terminar el año en el Ironman de Kona (Hawaii). El cuarto capitulo, rodado en Lanzarote durante el Ironman celebrado el 21 de Mayo de 2016, es un capítulo que cuenta la experiencia de ese día de competición, sus días previos y el día a día de Ivan entrenando en la Isla. “On My Own Way” is the name of the audiovisual project about Ivan Rana. This interesting and informative video project shares his everyday experiences, feelings and reactions. It charts his training ...
Travel video about destination Kremlin in Russia. Vasiliya Blazhennovo Khram, Basilius Cathedral, is a landmark of the great Russian metropolis of Moscow. It is the cathedral in which the Holy Wassilij was buried and was built under the command of Muscovite Grand Duke, Ivan the Fourth. His nickname was Ivan the Terrible and he was the first Russian Tsar.Moscow’s Red Square is probably the most famous square in the world but the name Red does not refer to blood, in Russian it means beautiful. Resurrection Gate separates Red Square from Manege Square. Two passages lead through a twin tower and, in front, a zero marks each destination from Moscow. The Facette Palace was the creation of Italian architect Fioravant. It was there that Russian history changed forever when the members of the Russi...
The fifth episode from russian RideThePlanet freeride film project. It was shot in April 2011 in the mountains of Kamchatka - far East part of Russia. Riders: Kirill Anisimov, Konstantin Galat, Anna Khankevich, Ivan Malakhov, Marco Gaiani, Max Anufrikov. Camera: Konstantin Churakov, Konstantin Galat. Music: Kuba, Mindex, That Noise, On-The-Go, The Dirty Skirts Пятый эпизод российского фрирайд-проекта RideThePlanet. Фильм снят на Камчатке в апреле 2011. Съемки в формате heli-ski проходили при поддержке компании "Вертикальный Мир" и вертолетной компании "Витязь-Аэро". Райдеры: Кирилл Анисимов, Константин Галат, Анна Ханкевич, Иван Малахов, Marco Gaiani, Максим Ануфриков. Операторы: Константин Чураков, Константин Галат. Музыка: Kuba, Mindex, That Noise, On-The-Go, The Dirty Skirts (c)Ride...
Midsummer has always been a big affair in Sweden and this year was big. Having missed a flight and a train to Falun, I was tired and hungry. Yet the familiar smell and sight of my mom-in-law, her home, my favourite pie of Broccoli and potatoes warm on the table, rejuvenated me completely. I ate up three quarters while Lisbeth talked on. She said they predict rain and thunderstorm for the Midsummer. Between the big mouthfuls, I murmured, they can be wrong sometimes and Lisbeth concurred. And true, much to the delight of millions of Swedes, the sun shone strong on the Midsummer eve celebrations and also few days afterwards. As I gathered with many others to celebrate the biggest Swedish festival, it struck me that as we become more modern, people long for tradition. I have never seen so ...