Friday, 27 May 2016

Open Day at St John's Primary School

Thursday 26th May
A very interesting tour of this impressive school with Brooke and Olivia.

Knaresborough Primary School

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Knaresborough Mayor Making - 20 May 2016


Bill's acceptance speeches

The Town Cryer, with Mayor, his consort and staff

Ring out the old ...

Our first appointment was the Pateley Bridge Civic Service. Here we are, on the way home on the 24 Bus

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Rip van Winkle

Who is this geezer?

I need to try to explain what has been going on in the two and a half years since the last post.  After the election - that one where no-one won - I lost the will to blog, but have been up to lots of other stuff.  and the image above is an example of this.  That is the face of Wilko Johnson - the one from Dr Feelgood.
I took it last month, when he was headlining (I think that's the expression - more like head banging to me) at the Cornucopia Festival in a field north of Beverley at the end of September.  Great gig - and we ran the Green Tent - great fun.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Email Troubles

Message for those who think Shan and I have disappeared from cybercontact.

The emails with have temporarily disappeared.

We can be contacted on rigby"AT" or shan"AT" for the time being. The "AT" bit is to inhibit spammers, obviously one should use @

Friday, 7 May 2010

The Morning After

My Green mate Richard has put up an interesting blog encapsulating the best of the night from our point of view.
For my own part, 686 votes was a bit gutting. Better keep on with the day job.

Hearty thanks to all of you who bravely voted for us. There was a strong incentive to vote for an 'old' party, in order to keep out a worse one.