The di inferi or dii inferi (Latin, "the gods below") were a shadowy collective of ancient Roman deities associated with death and the underworld. The epithet inferi is also given to the mysterious Manes, a collective of ancestral spirits. The most likely origin of the word Manes is from manus or manis (more often in Latin as its antonym immanis), meaning "good" or "kindly," which was a euphemistic way to speak of the inferi so as to avert their potential to harm or cause fear.
Varro (1st century BC) distinguishes among the di superi ("gods above"), whose sites for offerings are called altaria; the di terrestres ("terrestrial gods"), whose altars are arae; and di inferi, to whom offerings are made by means of foci, "hearths," on the ground or in a pit. In general, animal sacrifice to gods of the upper world usually resulted in communal meals, with the cooked victim apportioned to divine and human recipients. Infernal gods, by contrast, received burnt offerings (holocausts), in which the sacrificial victims were burnt to ash, because the living were prohibited from sharing a meal with the dead. This prohibition is reflected also in funeral rites, where the deceased's passage into the realm of the dead is marked with a holocaust to his Manes at his tomb, while his family returns home to share a sacrificial meal at which his exclusion from the feast was ritually pronounced. Thereafter, he was considered part of the collective Manes, sharing in the sacrifices made to them.
Remember the days when it all was just fine
We sat at your house, doing pot and red wine
Now the years have gone by and some of us changed, died
or left.
But still I like to think of way back then, the best
bunch guys who I call my friends
But I can see the changes everyday
Just a little bit longer
Just a little more time
Just a few hours longer
That'll make me much stronger, and it'll all be just
The nights that we spent above the pizza store
The parties we had, cops knocking on our door
Everyone laughed and didn't give damn
The life that we lived was of a different kind
Nobody cared how we fucked up our lives
But everyone of us just turned out right!
Just a little bit stronger
Just a little more tough
Just a little less weakness
That will stop my hunger, and I'll be strong enough
Just a little bit wiser
Just a little more smart
Just a little more knowledge
So I can't stand my desire, before it all falls apart
Just a little bit longer
Just a little more time
Just a few hours longer
That'll make me much stronger, and it'll all be just
Just a little bit wiser
Just a little more smart
Just a little more knowledge
So I can't stand my desire, before it all falls apart
Just a little bit older
Just a few wrinkles more
Just a little more stories