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Fighting for Aboriginal rights in Darwin

Thursday, June 2, 2016 - 7:00pm to 10:00pm

Two films are being screened for this Thursday night's Menace.

"We live in the Long Grass!" On 3 August, 2001, homeless Aboriginal people in Darwin, known as long grassers because they camp in the long grass and remnants of bushland around town, voice their anger at the way they're treated by authorities such as police and council bureaucrats. Harassed from place to place, they're not allowed to sleep outside on their traditional lands where they've lived for tens of thousands of years.

They demonstrate outside NT Parliament, then occupy the foyer of Darwin City Council's civic centre before moving on to the city's central pedestrian mall.

Stand Strong Together! Fighting for Aboriginal Rights in Darwin 1971-96 features footage of Aboriginal struggle over a 25 year period, set to a soundtrack of Aboriginal music.

Longtime Darwin activist Stuart Highway will give a background talk to introduce the films. After the films there'll be time for questions and discussion.

Thursday Menace is a space to gather, meet, hang out and plot. It starts at 7pm with food by donation, then chats and hanging out till later.

Jack 'The Anarchist' Grancharoff

Jack 'The Anarchist' Grancharoff passed away in May 2016. Rest in power comrade!

He was part of the Jura Books community from its origins until his death. He was at the 2015 Sydney Anarchist Bookfair, getting into debates and speaking his wisdom as always. He was a fascinating person and an inspiring anarchist.

His funeral is this Wednesday 1st June at 2pm at Clavering Park Cremetorium Chapel in Wolumla, near Bega.

A commemoration of Jack's life is also being organised in Sydney - details TBA.

Check out this nice short article by slackbastard which compiles a few writings about Jack by way of introduction/farewell: http://slackbastard.anarchobase.com/?p=39907 Rest in power comrade!





Gig: Pasha Bulka & Rumours + Guests

Saturday, June 4, 2016 - 6:00pm to 10:00pm


Come and enjoy a gathering of fine emo, punk, melodic hardcore bands.

Pasha Bulka


Whatever, Forever

Zen Haircuts

Blue Velvet (First Show)

$10 (door sales only)
AA, 6pm Doors

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1788272798069426/

Workshop: Supporting friends in the community experiencing domestic violence

Saturday, June 25, 2016 - 2:00pm to 5:00pm

This workshop aims to create a space where we can discuss ways of supporting our friends and community members who may be experiencing domestic violence. The workshop will outline some of the potential dynamics of domestically violent relationships, and how you may notice that your friends are experiencing them. There will be a space for questions, discussion and brainstorming on how these relationships may look in a queer and radical community. We will spend time brainstorming how to tackle this issues within our community, and within specific situations. People with personal experiences are welcome to attend and to share what they found useful and supportive from friends and community if they feel comfortable doing so.

Who's putting it on: Renata F is a member of the Jura community with a childhood history of domestic violence. Renata has worked in the domestic violence field for 2 years and has some experience and understanding of the issues, however the workshop is aimed to be an inclusive and participatory skillshare/discussion space.

Note: People of all genders and all experiences are welcome to attend. The workshop may be triggering for people who have experienced domestic violence. The facilitator is happy to discuss issues arising from the workshop with participants following the workshop, however the workshop itself will not be a therapeutic space.

Please RSVP by emailing jura [at] jura.org.au – so that we have an idea of numbers.

Sydney Solidarity Network victory in Leichhardt

Solidarity and direct action win the day!


The back story

Sydney Solidarity Network was contacted by CJ, a worker who was exploited and sexually harassed. She is a traveler on a working holiday visa who started working at a café in Leichhardt in early March. There were problems from the beginning. The boss would continually try to touch her and other women against their will. She was paid only $17 per hour, which is below the Restaurant Award wage ($22.24 on weekdays and $26.69 on weekends, for casuals).

The pay was cash-in-hand, and the boss would always pay late. No contracts were signed and the boss never asked for their tax file numbers. There were other workers who were fired on the spot, with no notice, for no reason. When CJ spoke up, she was taken off the shift roster, with no notice. She decided to quit. She asked the boss to pay her outstanding wages (at $17 per hour): $433.50. He refused, and one of the supervisors slapped the face of CJ’s friend who was there to support her. The cops were called but they didn’t help CJ, but instead told her to come back a few days later as the boss requested. When she came back the boss only paid her $200 and withheld the rest ‘for damages to property’ – a completely fictitious claim.

So CJ contacted SydSol and asked for help to get back her stolen wages. Together, CJ and SydSol demanded that the boss pay CJ the full $1,108.70 she was owed – which would bring her wages up to the award minimum for the hours she worked.

Exploitative, violent, disrespectful, and sexist behaviour by bosses, supervisors and cops is all too common – in the hospitality industry and elsewhere. But in this case, the workers decided to stand up and say “NO!”


Sydney Solidarity Network takes action

Over a two week period, SydSol organised 3 actions at the café. The actions were lively and energetic, with chanting, singing, banners, placards and leaflets. Between 20 and 40 SydSol supporters came to each action. During the actions they gave out almost 1,000 leaflets to passersby, telling CJ’s story. They had lots of conversations and caused much discussion on the busy Leichhardt street! Most passersby were very supportive. Each action lasted for around 2 hours, during which time almost no customers went to the café.

At first the boss refused to pay. He started off trying to ignore the actions, but soon found that didn’t work. He then became more antagonistic, publishing defamatory messages about the ex-worker, throwing buckets of water at the protestors and threatening to break someone’s arm! The boss called the police a number of times, but no arrests were made. He even hired musicians to try to drown out the chanting! But SydSol kept going!



After the third action the boss paid the full amount owed to CJ. Victory! As part of the settlement, SydSol participants agreed to remove the name of the café from their website and social media posts.

CJ was overjoyed and even decided to donate part of the money she was paid to Grandmothers Against Removals, and an activist legal fund, to spread the solidarity!

Another worker from the same café also quit during the period SydSol was taking action, because of similar issues with her employment. However that worker told SydSol that, to her surprise, the boss paid her what she was owed – almost certainly because of the actions!

This was a great campaign, which resulted in a real victory for workers. SydSol came together as a solidarity network and strengthened their organisation and their ability to take action. They showed the power of direct action – action taken by oppressed people ourselves, on our own terms, and in our own interests.


What next?

Sydney Solidarity Network continues – but they need you!

Sign up to their supporters email list, to get updates and action alerts: http://eepurl.com/UGQev and get your friends to sign up too!

Head along to their meeting/picnic at 3pm on Saturday 14th May in Camperdown Park, followed by celebratory drinks from 5pm at the Courthouse Hotel in Newtown. (In case of poor weather, they'll be in the Courthouse Hotel from 3pm.) They need more people to get involved in the SydSol organising group!

Share this story on social media and tell your friends about it!

SydSol also asks you to think about any issues in your own life, and the lives of your friends and families, to identify the problems in your workplace and your community. Problems which can be changed through direct action – like underpayments, bullying, landlords refusing to do repairs, or real estate agents evicting you without reason. And get in touch about taking action together to fix these problems!