April 2014

Tunisia, political equilibrium but what about the economy? Ukraine special report; middle Venezuela takes to the streets; Cambodia’s peasants revolt; India considers voting for Modi; Algerians move on; will the Scots vote for independence? employment and the EU, special reportMexico, art on a grand scale, and more…
  • Employment, education, welfare: the problems remain

    Tunisia: change, but no change — Serge Halimi

    Tunisia has taken the most hopeful direction after its Arab Spring. But none of the entrants in the forthcoming election seems to have the valid and drastic economic plans that will be needed to fulfil the aspirations of Tunisians.The Arab revolts in Egypt, Syria and Libya have not turned out happily, which leaves Tunisia as the last source of potential optimism in the region. None of the social aspirations that sparked its December 2010 uprising have been fulfilled. But after a long (...)
    Translated by George Miller
  • Ukraine: not all rebellions are revolutions

    Ukraine isn’t Armageddon * — Olivier Zajec

    The conventional readings of the Ukraine crisis, and of the Russian response to it under Putin don’t accurately reflect the situation in Ukraine, Russia or Crimea. And they’re no help for the future.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • New deal, same players — Jean-Arnault Dérens and Laurent Geslin

    Ukraine’s president has fled and there is an interim government, but the power brokers who will make or break the country’s future include many of the same oligarchs who backed the last regime. And the corruption won’t stop.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Neighbourliness isn’t enough * — Anne-Cécile Robert

    The EU has never seriously thought out a coherent defence-linked foreign policy: its external identity is based on free trade and the market economy (with US backing). And it’s been caught out on this in Ukraine.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Hindu nationalism, economic liberalism, hi-tech populism

    The candidate from Gujarat * — Christophe Jaffrelot

    Narendra Modi is attempting to become prime minister of India in this year’s election. But what has worked in his home state of Gujarat may appeal much less across the whole country.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Those aren’t the poor in the streets

    The Venezuelan ‘Spring’ that wasn’t * — Alexander Main

    The youthful anti-government protests in Venezuela aren’t the spontaneous uprisings they’ve been portrayed as being.
    Original text in English
  • ‘They promise the world. Then it never materialises’

    The push for a Scottish Yes — David Graves

    A radical group believes that the way to a majority vote for Scotland’s independence is to persuade people in deeply deprived areas to end their allegiance to the Labour Party. It isn’t easy.
    LMD English edition exclusive
  • A middle class with expectations the regime can’t meet

    Algeria moves on, Bouteflika doesn’t * — Jean-Pierre Séréni

    The ailing president Abdelaziz Bouteflika is managing his fourth re-election campaign through proxies and trying to control Algeria in the same old ways. But it isn’t the same country any more.
    Translated by George Miller
  • No jobs in the South * — Pierre Daum

    The young men of Algeria’s South fantasise about earning regular wages in the oil industry. They live with their parents, get by on handouts and a few days’ casual labour, drink coffee and complain.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Employment and the EU, what Brussels forgets

    The import trade in workers * — Gilles Balbastre

    The huge new methane terminal near Dunkirk was to help solve local unemployment but, thanks to an EU directive, 60% of the jobs have gone to foreign workers who may be denied French terms and conditions of labour.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • History of a ‘good idea’ — Pierre Souchon

    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Cheap Euroloans at a high cost — Frédéric Panier

    New agreements being discussed in Brussels might mutualise EU member states’ loan debts — but at the price of curtailing their social welfare provisions.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Greece not even getting by * — Panagiotis Grigoriou

    The jobs aren’t there any more. Anyone lucky enough to find work must accept whatever rate of pay they’re offered. There’s nowhere, no way, to fight.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Low wages and high-level corruption

    Cambodia gets angry * — Philippe Revelli

    Last year’s Cambodian general elections just about put the former Communist Party back in power, although the opposition challenges its legitimacy. The government follows the Chinese model, enriching itself and its friends at the expense of the people.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • The socialist art of the Mexican muralists

    On the wall * — Laurent Courtens

    The Mexican Muralists painted massive, public, political statements in pigment on wet plaster — the very opposite of portable, purchasable, private trophies of art.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages