February 2013

conflict in West Africa: France goes in, cocaine politics; Bahrain’s broken promises; Middle East, let’s end unhelpful clichés; gay rights, onwards and upwards; France, bankers before lawmakers; Latin America, whose free press? Papua New Guinea gas boom; Delhi’s martyr touches a generation; masters of the Internet… and more...
  • The wrong choice — Serge Halimi

    It is only when it is too late, when all other options have been rejected, that we are asked to choose between bad and worse. Nine days after the 9/11 attacks, President George W Bush was already threatening that “either you are with us or you are with the terrorists.” Two wars followed, first in Afghanistan, then Iraq, with the results we all know. In Mali, we are once again required to decide between two equally hateful alternatives. How can we resign ourselves to armed bands, who spread (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson.
  • Boots on the ground in the Sahel

    The Mali intervention * — Olivier Zajec

    Mali is an opportunity to apply the foreign policy lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan and define ‘terrorism’ and ‘stabilisation’. If France fails in this, it will seem that its strategy changes at the whim of each president.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Drugs: the new alternative economy of West Africa — Anne Frintz

    West Africa’s perfect global positioning between South America and Europe, and its endemic corruption, poverty and disorganisation, have made it the new drug hub. And drugs money is used to fund politics.
    Translated by George Miller
  • After the Arab spring

    Elite won’t share power and wealth * — Marc Pellas

    The ruling Al-Khalifa family of Bahrain has offered hope of democratisation to the nation, but repeatedly failed to deliver, and intensified its dictatorship, certain that it will not be censured internationally.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Leave religion out of it — Georges Corm

    The ‘clash of civilisations’ idea, particularly its religious aspect, is now the standard way to define national and international struggles, simplifying national and group identities and conflicts and distorting both history and current events.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • The future of Greece and of Europe

    The Greek revival plan * — Alexis Tsipras

    The Syriza coalition wants Greece’s creditors to treat the country as did the creditors of the financially failing Federal Republic of Germany in 1953, and adjust their demands to Greece’s ability to pay.
    Translated by George Miller
  • China lands in Greece * — Pierre Rimbert

    The Chinese takeover of two-thirds of the port of Piraeus, which predates the Greek debt crisis, delights the Greek ship owners, and the European Commission. It’s a miserable augury of the future.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Athens in winter * — Panagiotis Grigoriou

    The Greeks now clear their plates, burn wood, buy just a litre of petrol to drive to a wedding. The future as it had been conceived has disappeared.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Resource money destabilises Papua New Guinea

    The gas boom * — Céline Rouzet

    A project run by ExxonMobil to supply China and Japan with liquefied gas for the next 30 years is changing life in Papua New Guinea with wildly inequitable results for local people.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Papua New Guinea *

  • Lobbies invade the National Assembly

    Privatising legislation * — Mathilde Goanec

    The banking lobby has heavily influenced the French government’s banking reform bill. François Hollande had promised to separate investment and retail banking, but little will change.
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • New code of conduct * — Mathilde Goanec

  • From no rights to beyond equal rights

    Gay rights struggle mutates * — Daniela Rojas Castro and Gabriel Girard

    The French parliament has begun debating gay marriage. Many countries now offer, or are about to offer, genuine equality and freedom for the LGBT community, though this is not yet universal.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • The loudest voices * — Daniela Rojas Castro and Gabriel Girard

  • New challenge to US hegemony

    Masters of the Internet — Dan Schiller

    The US calls loudly for ‘Internet freedom’, but it is Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon that have built up the dotcom services used by people all over the world. Is that now about to change?
    Original text in English
  • Media regulation in Latin America

    Whose free press? — Renaud Lambert

    Latin American presidents have attempted to regulate by law the content of media owned and controlled by a very few private individuals, and to reduce the concentration of that ownership. The task is not an easy one.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Shining India challenges patriarchal India

    Delhi’s martyr * — Bénédicte Manier

    Young middleclass Indian women have educations and jobs, and they, and their male peers, are not prepared to put up with traditional political culture and abusively sexist behaviour, let alone violence and rape.
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Women in government * — Bénédicte Manier

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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages