March 2012

… war with Iran? US turns to the Pacific; Balkans/EU, end of the affair; France, undisclosed interests; breaching the secular model; US, Port Huron remembered; US, power of country; Europe’s map redrawn; Mexico’s schools on the cheap; US, pills for ills; Internet, profits of snooping; crime fiction made in China… and more…
  • Saudi Arabia’s free pass — Serge Halimi

    Saudi Arabia’s record is no better than Iran’s when it comes to respect for human rights. Yet the international community always manages to overlook the Wahhabi monarchy. Could this be connected with Saudi Arabia’s status as top oil-producing country and trusted ally of the US? Saudi Arabia can intervene in Bahrain, crush democratic protests there, execute 76 people in 2011 (including a woman accused of “sorcery”), threaten to execute a blogger who posted an imaginary conversation with the (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • Independent economists, or members of the board?

    Economical with the truth * — Renaud Lambert

    The first steps have been taken in the US to make public the financial affiliations of economists submitting papers to academic journals. It’s a start. In France, such experts do not disclose their interests when they write or speak for the media. And the media asks no questions
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Well advised * — Renaud Lambert

  • A deadly cure * — Renaud Lambert

  • Oil beats a nuclear bomb as a weapon

    Iranian options * — Gary Sick

    Economic warfare against Iran won’t change its nuclear policy and will lead to severe worldwide repercussions. Overt war would be even more foolish and disastrous. There is a reasonable way out of all this and it is already on the table
    Original text in English
  • US returns in strength to the Pacific

    America’s maritime power — Michael T. Klare

    Now that the US is substantially reducing its military spending and withdrawing from present wars, its future intentions, and those places it will seek to control, are becoming clear. The most important will be the Pacific and the South China Sea
    Original text in English
  • 50 years since the Port Huron statement

    We unhappy few — Alexander Cockburn

    Original text in English
  • Country roads, take them home

    The people’s music * — Sylvie Laurent

    When President Obama decided to acknowledge country music, and even recruit it to the Democratic side, he showed unexpected savvy
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Balkans now disdain the EU

    Who wants to be European? * — Jean-Arnault Dérens

    Croatia will become the 28th member of the European Union next year after its 67% approval vote in a referendum this January. However, the turnout was only 43%. European membership has lost its appeal for the Balkans
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • From Le Monde diplomatique’s new atlas

    Europe’s contested geography — Philippe Rekacewicz

    For the last quarter century, it has been difficult to find one’s bearings on the world map: the centres of trade and power have shifted, unexpected alliances have formed, the geopolitical jigsaw has been reorganised, forcing us to reconsider what we took as read. The latest edition of Le Monde diplomatique’s geopolitical atlas, published this March in French, takes up that challenge. The atlas combines expert analysis with an original approach to cartography, to try to shed light on these historic changes. To understand the world, we need to understand the vision people have of themselves and their place on the planet. Europe is a classic example: no one can define it, or even say where it starts or ends
  • Beyond borders — Alain Gresh and Philippe Rekacewicz

  • Education on the cheap fails children

    Mexico’s teleschools * — Anne Vigna

    One in five children in Mexico is taught through television lessons, even though some teleschools don’t even have electricity, let alone a television. The government has bold plans for privatised internet learning. But they aren’t getting through to classrooms
    Translated by Wolf Draeger
  • Are church and secular state still separate?

    France’s school dilemma * — Eddy Khaldi

    Funding for secular state education across Europe is getting harder to raise. In the UK and France, religious organisations willing to create and run schools attract state funding, even though the French constitution separates church and state
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Drug firms take over management of us mental illness

    There’s a pill for it * — Oliver Appaix

    Neuroleptic drugs are prescribed on a massive scale in the US, even though results are poor compared with psychotherapy and alternative treatments like exercise, nutrition and socialisation
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • How states and businesses monitor our Internet use

    Watching over you — Antoine Champagne

    New technology is allowing businesses as well as government to read the contents of our internet exchanges. Internet service providers stand to gain from this access until there is legal control over the export of surveillance equipment
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Economic agents with a double absence of belonging

    The migrant as economic chess piece * — Benoît Bréville

    Immigrants bring benefits both to their home country and their new host country, producing substantial gains for the global economy
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • China’s crime fiction, between Mao and Tao

    Down these mean streets * — Michel Imbert

    Though most things are now made in China, little of its crime fiction is translated. Which is a pity, because China has an ancient tradition of detective stories
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
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  • LMD around the world

    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages