January 2012

US, eyes to the right; Egypt, Salafists’ election gains; euro, end of the affair; global crisis, a threat to democracy? Latin America’s new Amazons; Mexico’s conservation concerns; Burma, on the move; India, support for Maoist rebels; world health, supplement on Aids, TB and malaria; education but no top jobs; lessons of Empire past… and more…
  • Presidents who don’t preside — Serge Halimi

    European summits come and go and the White House and Congress bicker endlessly, to no effect. “The markets” are well aware of this, they see the elected representatives of the American people running round like headless chickens, at the mercy of forces they created but are now unable to control. Yet there will soon be presidential elections in the US, France, Russia and elsewhere. The media are concentrating on these, creating a surreal sense of disconnection between words and action. (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • Rift widens between Egypt’s protestors and armed forces

    Suez: revolution or Salafism? * — François Pradal

    Recent violence in Tahrir Square has confirmed the split between Egypt’s armed forces and the protestors. Meanwhile in Suez the Salafists, who triumphed in the legislative elections, will have to respond to demands for social justice and freedom
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Songs of resistance * — François Pradal

  • Suez timeline *

  • Unexpected resurgence of the american right

    Why not the fire this time? * — Thomas Frank

    After the crash of 2008, everybody expected the 1930s’ scenario — popular revolt against big business and its governmental cronies and facilitators. It looked as if it might happen, and then came the rightwards lurch that gave the Republicans the majority in government. But how will they fare in the coming elections?
    Original text in English
  • Euro-denial: from heresy to orthodoxy

    The single currency that was no such thing * — Antoine Schwartz

    Is it possible, after all the fanfares and baroque praise, that those ugly euro coins may go the way of the far more beautiful Maria-Theresa thalers and Spanish pieces of eight?
    Translated by George Miller
  • Democracy as much at risk as economies

    Markets now rule the world * — Wolfgang Streeck

    Democratic governments have balanced crises in their societies and economies since the second world war through inflation, then public debt, then private debt. All worked for a while, until the great crash of 2008. Now we are in uncharted territory
    Original text in English
  • Latin America moves ahead

    Defying the macho * — Lamia Oualalou

    Latin American voters believe women run politics and nations less corruptly, and even male-led governments have realised that investment in women’s social advancement improves life overall. But the struggle is far from over
    Translated by Wolf Draeger
  • Mexico can’t see the wood for the trees — Anne Vigna

    An indigenous community in Mexico wants to drop protected conservation status for its area because it feels it has lost real control of its land and way of life. Concern about carbon emissions is blinding policy makers to the failures of some of their conservation policies
    Translated by Charles Goulden
  • Widening the strand

    Burma returns to market — Elizabeth Rush

    Six years ago the colonial-built Strand Road in Rangoon was scheduled to become a historic district down by the river. Right now, it’s an improvised boardwalk, a place of construction and modest fun. Next year, it’ll be a multi-lane export superhighway. As it goes, so does Burma
    Original text in English
  • ‘Gandhi, get your gun!’

    India’s Naxalite showdown * — Naïké Desquesnes and Nicolas Jaoul

    Operation Green Hunt was declared in 2009 to suppress India’s long-running Maoist rebellion. To the delight of leftwing intellectuals whose support for the Maoists has grown, the Supreme Court has now ruled against the use of state‑ militia by the Chhattisgarh government
    Translated by Krystyna Horko
  • Furore around a judgment — Naïké Desquesnes and Nicolas Jaoul

  • Multiple strategies of imperial statecraft

    How empire ruled the world — Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper

    Compared with the six hundred years of the Ottoman Empire and two millennia of (intermittent) Chinese imperial rule, the nation-state is a blip on the historical horizon. The transition from empire has lessons for the present, and maybe the future
    Original text in English
  • Education can’t equalise society

    School limits — John Marsh

    More and earlier teaching won’t redress childhood disadvantages, and not everyone will be able to go to university, or get graduate level jobs afterwards. Rebalancing the future will require a different approach
    Original text in English
  • Ten-year fight for world health

    South Africa gets to grips with AIDS — André Clément

    Each year millions of people die from avoidable or curable illnesses. Since 2002, an unprecedented financial effort has helped transform world health. Malaria is on the wane, a third of those in need receive treatment for Aids, and the fight against tuberculosis is under way. The 10 year-old Global Fund, which collects money from donor countries for programmes in 150 countries, is the main mechanism for this progress. But the present financial crisis may impact on its work
    Translated by Wolf Draeger
  • A war chest — Kofi Annan

  • Towards a world without HIV — Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

    Translated by Wolf Draeger
  • Malaria, the year of hope — Pauline Léna

    Each minute, a child dies of malaria. Yet medicines exist. And a vaccine may come soon
    Translated by Stephanie Irvine
  • Finding a way to remobilise — Michel Kazatchkine

    Though the Global Fund has allowed so many lives to be saved, the financial crisis is worrying: what if it means decreased funding?
    Original text in English
  • Europe’s engagement — Michèle Barzach

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