January 2008

… After Bali; Chavez pauses for thought; Iraq, the next phase; why the US Congress failed; smoke and mirrors in the White House; grand old man of Italian politics; Uganda’s evangelists inherit the earth… Democracy Now’s fearless broadcasting and much more…
  • Africa says no – and means it — Ignacio Ramonet

    The unimaginable has happened, to the displeasure of arrogant Europe. Africa, thought to be so poor that it would agree to anything, has said no in rebellious pride. No to the straitjacket of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), no to the complete liberalisation of trade, no to the latest manifestations of the colonial pact.
    It happened in December at the second EU-Africa summit in Lisbon, where the main objective was to force the African countries to sign new trade agreements by 31 (...)
    Translated by Barbara Wilson
  • ‘The US got rid of one Saddam and replaced him with 50’

    The politics of the local in Iraq — Charles Tripp

    The many regional and sectarian leaders in Iraq now wield a power over ordinary citizens that the new national institutions cannot, and may not want to temper. Iraq may fall into a second violent civil war. Or it may become an imperial protectorate with a privileged military and sharp class divisions.
    Original text in English
  • Representatives nervous of their constitutional rights

    US Congress: power without will * — Ryan C Hendrickson

    United States intelligence has now revealed its near-certainty that Iran halted its nuclear weapons work in 2003. The Democratic majority elected to both houses of Congress a year ago promised to end to the Iraq war but has done nothing. Could it now act on Iran?
    Original text in English
  • ‘We’re an empire and when we act, we create our own reality’

    Scheherazade in the White House — Christian Salmon

    How George Bush’s wartime administration used a magician, Hollywood designers and Karl Rove telling 1,001 stories to sell the invasion of Iraq.
    Translated by Morag Young
  • Independence in the continental back yard

    Latin America breaks free of the US * — Janette Habel

    The US has lost ground in Latin America over the past decade, since the project to develop the Free Trade Area of the Americas flopped and since leftwing governments took power and used it with imagination and vigour. The US continues to try to block such emancipation by promoting more free trade agreements, and increasing military cooperation in the name of the war on terrorism and narcotics and the defence of market democracy.
    Translated by Harry Forster
  • A new type of base

  • Chávez forced to analyse his first defeat

    Venezuela: revolution checked * — Gregory Wilpert

    Last month Hugo Chávez and his Bolivarian revolution were defeated for the first time, albeit by barely over 1%, in the constitutional reform referendum. Those who opposed him and those who supported him both challenged what he has done so far and what he plans to do in future. Will the shock be enough to provoke some real self-examination?
    Original text in English
  • 60 years of leftwards stewardship

    Italy’s enduring president — Peter Kammerer

    The Italian government is stumbling, and if Romano Prodi is forced to resign, the president of the republic, Giorgio Napolitano, will have the key role. The grand old man is the embodiment of Italian post-war history.
    Translated by Barry Smerin
  • ‘A sense of hope and an appetite for life’

    Transition to peace in Ivory Coast * — Michel Galy

    Last March, after five years of civil war in Ivory Coast, both sides agreed to share power . But after delays in disarming the militias and listing voters, the UN decided to maintain sanctions and elections have been postponed.
    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • ‘Our approach is not political, it’s prophetic’

    Uganda’s God business * — Anouk Batard

    Evangelism, with its attendant free market in miracles, blessings and prayers for wealth, has become a powerful force in Uganda in the past 20 years, and the born-again have profitable, secretive connections with the politically powerful. The movement offers hope and connections to the young and poor.
    Translated by George Miller
  • Superstar pastor — Anouk Batard

    Translated by George Miller
  • Corporates hunt for profits as the climate change crisis builds

    Should we scrap Kyoto? * — Aurélien Bernier

    Translated by Donald Hounam
  • After Bali

  • ’Democracy Now’ is cheap, true, non-corporate news

    The show that challenges presidents * — Thomas Boothe and Danielle Follett

    For 12 years a radio and television news programme, Democracy Now, has survived and even flourished on a cobbled-together broadcast network that reaches all of the United States and out into the world. It has almost no paid resources, yet daily defies the corporate and government agendas, and has sometimes forced mainstream media into picking up its stories, if not its attitudes.
    Original text in English
  • Spreading the word

  • Visitors to both halves of Ireland

    Dancer of the western isles — Colin Murphy

    Towards the end of a rain-soaked Irish summer, the skies dried for a day to greet Israeli dancer Daniel Vais as he landed on the island of Cape Clear for a performance. In the midst of these dark days of winter, Colin Murphy recalls a day of sun, art and some surprises
    Original text in English
  • Rival guided tours in Northern Ireland * — Benoît Lety

    One of the least likely outcomes of the 30 years of the Troubles in Northern Ireland has been the world’s desire to come and visit the place just as soon as it was considered safe to do so. Both opposing sides want to claim the past and to tell the annually growing crowds of tourists their views about what happened between 1968 and 1998.
    Translated by George Miller
  • The mixtape mistake

    Friendly pirates of rap * — Thomas Blondeau

    Translated by Krystyna Horko
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    Le Monde diplomatique, originally published in French, has editions in 25 other languages