- published: 05 Sep 2014
- views: 4765
Pozzuoli (Italian pronunciation: [potˈtswɔːli]; Neapolitan: Pezzulo, Latin: Puteoli) is a city and comune of the Metropolitan City of Naples, in the Italian region of Campania. It is the main city of the Phlegrean Peninsula.
Pozzuoli began as the Greek colony of Dicaearchia (Greek: Δικαιαρχία). The Roman colony was established in 194 BC, and took the name Puteoli which it has his roots from 'puteus', meaning well (also usede from sibyls to predict the future) and 'osco fistulus' (cave). An alternative etymology of Puteoli from the Latin puteo (to stink), referring to the sulfuric smell in the area, most notably from Solfatara. This is because Pozzuoli lies in the center of the Campi Flegrei, a volcanic caldera.
Puteoli was the great emporium for the Alexandrian grain ships, and other ships from all over the Roman world. It also was the main hub for goods exported from Campania, including blown glass, mosaics, wrought iron, and marble. The Roman naval base at nearby Misenum housed the largest naval fleet in the ancient world. It was also the site of the Roman Dictator Sulla's country villa and the place where he died in 78 BC.
Pozzuoli - Itinerari Archeologici: Puteoli - la città alta - Bike Tour Onboard Head Camera GoPro
PAUL arrives in PUTEOLI (Italy), meets AQUILA & PRISCILLA
POZZUOLI ( Puteoli - Campania - Italy ) - ANFITEATRO FLAVIO -Flavian Amphitheatre-Roman amphitheater
Puteoli Pesca - Sfaldist Soccer 4 - 0 | 6 ottobre 2016
Puteoli Pesca - Sedilmare 6 - 2 | 26 gennaio 2017
Puteoli Pesca - Azzurra calcio 5 - 4 dcr | 9 febbraio 2017
primo tempo ANFRA - PUTEOLI 2015
The Puteoli Marble Block (102 CE)
Virtus Panza - Real Puteoli - Primo Tempo 1
Archeo Flegrei, http://www.archeoflegrei.it/ Puteoli, un patrimonio archeologico da salvare https://www.facebook.com/Pvteoli Itinerario archeologico consigliato - non esauriente - della città di Pozzuoli: la città alta - Necropoli della via Puteolis Neapolim - Puteolis Capuam - Anfiteatro minore - Anfiteatro Flavio - Ninfeo di Diana - Tempio di Nettuno - Tabernae - Necropoli di San Vito e di Via Celle - Stadio di Antonino Pio - Strada consolare ricostruzioni con acquerelli animati, descrizioni, montaggio e produzione a cura di Cristiano Fiorentino con la collaborazione di Adriano Fiorentino Cristiano Fiorentino https://www.facebook.com/crislink89 Puteoli, un patrimonio archeologico da salvare https://www.facebook.com/Pvteoli Carta archeologica dei Campi Flegrei http://goo.gl/ibXibV Qu...
From "Anno Domini". The apostle Paul arrives in Puteoli (Italy) and meets Aquila and Priscilla.
L'Anfiteatro Flavio è uno dei due anfiteatri romani esistenti a Pozzuoli e risale alla seconda metà del I secolo d.C.. Venne realizzato per far fronte all'incremento demografico di Puteoli, che aveva reso inadatto il vecchio edificio adibito per spettacoli pubblici in età repubblicana. Secondo solo al Colosseo e all'anfiteatro Campano in quanto capacità di capienza, sorge in concomitanza della convergenza di due vie principali, la Via Domitiana e la via per Napoli . Oggi si trova a poche centinaia di metri dall'attuale linea di costa, nel centro di Pozzuoli, e dista pochi passi dalla fermata Pozzuoli della linea 2 della metropolitana di Napoli. Ho creato questo video con l'Editor video di YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
Vittoria netta e convincente per la Puteoli Pesca. Sul campo A del Kennedy i ragazzi di mister Rodolfo Fortuna superano 4 a 0 lo Sfaldist Soccer che incassa la terza sconfitta in quest’avvio di campionato Amatori Uisp Zona Flegrea. Di seguito la sintesi della gara con le interviste a fine partita.
XVII giornata del Campionato Amatori della UISP Zona Flegrea Puteoli Pesca: La Pignola A. 6; D’Ambrosio 6,5; D’Isanto 6; Improta 7; Esposito 6; Fortuna 6,5; Innocente 6,5; Ioffredo 7,5; Lucignano 6,5; Gavitone 6,5; Lo Monaco 7,5; Pignalosa 6,5; Vuttariello 6; La Pignola G 7. Sedilmare: Nardiello 4,5; Mauro 5; Mazzotta 5; Bellia 5,5; Broscritto 6,5; Romano 5; Pezzella 5; Ferrante 6; Liccardo 5; Marcellino 6,5; Palmisano 5; Truppi 5.
Primo Turno della Coppa Amicizia organizzata dalla UISP Zona Flegrea. Puteoli Pesca: Compagnone 7,5; D’Isanto 6; Fortuna G. 6; Ioffredo 7; Gavitone 6; Improta 7,5; Innocente 7; Esposito G 6; Lo Monaco 7,5; Migliorato 7; Pignalosa 6; Vuttariello 7. Azzurra Calcio: Patacca V. 6,5; Patacca R. 5; Tancredi 5,5; Napolano N. 5,5; Di Somma 6; Maranta 5,5; Macrì 5,5; Napolano A. 6; Liccardi 5,5; Grillo 5,5; ; Di Somma 6; Di Fiore 6,5; De Rosa 5; Corso 6; Capasso 6; Panno 5; Marzocchi 6.
Dominating the new Roman World gallery is an internationally famous military relief, once part of a commemorative arch for the emperor Trajan, erected in 102 CE at ancient Puteoli near Naples. This monumental sculpture is also a prime example of Roman politics combined with Roman practicality -- the opposite side of the marble block contains an earlier inscription honoring the emperor Domitian. Visitors can see how the inscription was painstakingly, but incompletely, chiseled off after Domitian's assassination and official disgrace by the Roman Senate in 96 CE.
Shot on July 8th 2015 in Volcan Solfatara, Pozzuoli, Italy. Solfatara is a shallow volcanic crater at Pozzuoli, near Naples, part of the Campi Flegrei volcanic area. It is a dormant volcano, which still emits jets of steam with sulfurous fumes. The name comes from the Latin, Sulpha terra, "land of sulfur", or "sulfur earth". It was formed around 4000 years ago and last erupted in 1198 with what was probably a phreatic eruption - an explosive steam-driven eruption caused when groundwater interacts with magma. The crater floor is a popular tourist attraction, as it has many fumaroles and mud pools. The area is well known for its bradyseism. The vapours have been used for medical purposes since Roman times. [Wikipedia] Soundtrack: Wasteland South (Var. I) - Valerio Lupo Faggioni & Guido Zen...
http://www.karenbrown.com Welcome to Karen Brown's World of Travel We would like to share with you one of our recommended B&Bs; in Italy Villa Giulia in the town of Pozzuoli West of Naples from Pozzuoli to the tip of the gulf is an area full of archaeological sites with noteworthy Roman and Greek ruins.
The territory of Pozzuoli. The art , The history , the culture , the sea , the landscape , the food & beverage .
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! The Bay of Naples. Castel dell'Ovo. Castel Nuovo. San Martino museum with Sant'Elmo fortress behind it. The Church of Gesù Nuovo. Royal Palace. One of the many caverns beneath Naples. Italian Air Force Academy overlooking the bay of Pozzuoli, near Naples. Naples panorama. San Paolo stadium in Naples. With this plaque, a local restaurant claims to be the birthplace of the pizza named for queen Margherita. Trams, trolleybuses and buses in Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi.
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Just outside of Naples, Italy, we toured the extinct volcano, Solfatara (sulfur land) as well as the nearby colosseum at Pozzuoli. Solfatara was smelly but interesting and the colosseum was wonderfully preserved so that our guide could explain how the gladiator games were run.
1. We-he-he-hell, little things you say and domake me want to be with yo-hu-hu.
Rave on, it's a crazy feeling andI know it's got me reelin',
when you say : I love you ! Rave on.
2. The way you dance and hold me tight,
the way you kiss and say goodni-hi-hight,
rave on, it's a crazy feeling andI know it's got me reelin',
when you say : I love you ! Rave on
Well, rave on it's a crazy feeling,
and I know, it's got me reelin',
I'm so glad that you're leaving you love for me.Rave on, rave on and tell me, tell me not to be lonely,