Should You Buy A Cordless Leaf Blower

Fall is the official season of complaining about too-early retail holiday displays – I heard ‘doorbuster’ on Labor Day – but if you have trees and you don’t have alawn service, then you have work coming up and need tools to do it.fbdfbsb

One of the main tools, and signature sound of autumn in leaf country, is the din of the landscaper’s backpack blower.

A blower isn’t just an autumn, or even purely landscaping tool, and if you’re looking into buying one, here are a few tips.

What to Look for?

The main thing I use my blower for is after mowing the grass. Even mulching mowers leave clippings on walks and driveways and the fastest way to clean surfaces is to blow the grass back into the lawn where they belong.

So, if you’re standing at the mountain of boxes looking at piles of blowers in the Big Box store (or digital pile online), the first thing to look for is the blower’s air volume or CFM (cubic feet per minute). All other things being equal, how much air comes out of the nozzle

How To Create A Gutter Garden

Creating your own gutter garden is a great way to re-purpose worn out gutters to create a beautiful garden within a limited amount of space. Gutter gardens have been growing in popularity as city dwellers search for new ways to bring plants into their backyard. The best news is that this DIY project won’t cost you a ton of money and it’s a great way to take advantage of vertical spaces by securing your gutters vertically on a trellis or fence.fbsfvbsb

Whether you choose to fill your gutters with flowers, or edibles like strawberries and herbs, a gutter garden is sure to be a great addition to your patio, deck or backyard. Let’s get started!

Materials You’ll Need:

  • Gutters cut into equal sections
  • Gutter end caps (both right and left end caps!)
  • PVC glue
  • Mounting brackets and screws
  • Handsaw
  • Electric drill and drill bit, screw
  • Potting soil, flowers, and edibles of your choice.

Steps to Take:

  1. Clean out your gutters and clear them of any grime, dirt and flaking shingles. If you think that your gutters were painted with lead paint, do not use them as a planter for any edibles.
  2. Cut

Getting Started On A Rooftop Garden

Living in an urban environment is not the same as living in a house and having a garden yard. While it is true that the urban environment doesn’t quite present the same possibilities, there is one option you can consider and that is designing your very own rooftop garden.sfbvsbf

All you need is a roof that can support gardening conditions and the environment and you are good to go. It doesn’t take much to get the project going. In fact, it’s a relatively easy endeavor, which mostly requires motivation and a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Following some basic tips from Handy Gardeners Ltd. on how to get started and easily create your very own green retreat in the middle of the city.

Here is what areas of your rooftop garden you have to work on:


A garden space is not all about the plants and greenery you have there; it is also about having the right flooring to add accent or to simply look good. Concrete pavers are most commonly found on condos, but those contribute to a

Is A Cordless String Trimmer Worth It

Can cordless lawn care tools really cut it for your lawn care? I tried out DeWalt’s new 40-volt string trimmer and the answer is YES.vdvsxvx

It just doesn’t add up that you can get internal combustion, gasoline-powered performance out of a box (battery) with very little noise or smoke or spark plug to change.

So if you’re thinking about replacing some of your landscaping gear that has gone kaput over the summer or are looking for end-of-season deals that might pop up, you may be well served by going cordless on your next trimmer, on sale or not.

But of course, there’s a catch.

DeWalt’s DCST990H1 trimmer promises ‘guaranteed gas performance’ and while it delivers, there should be about 80 asterisks after that claim. The good news is that it is mostly good news.

First on the money you’ll spend on a new energy platform: It delivers. I’ve trimmed and edged healthy, tall grass many weeks past due of a typical maintenance mow and I got awesome results.

While the unit is heavier than my gas models, the balance is good both cutting horizontally

Attractive Fencing Ideas For Your Yard

Are you looking for a privacy fence or a fence that will keep your pets where they belong? What about a fence that adds curb appeal to your home? No matter what your fencing needs are, there is a fence style to match.dfbfdbsf

Consider the following four fencing ideas to help you choose the best option:

1. Wood Fences

If you’re looking for a great, all-purpose fencing material that comes in a variety of styles, wood fences are the perfect choice. Picket fence to split rail to privacy fence all serve a variety of different needs while utilizing the same versatile material. Once installed, you can paint, stain or finish the fence any way you desire. These fences serve a variety of purposes from boundary markers and pet fences to privacy barriers. Wood fencing can also be a budget-friendly option.

Wood fencing can also have a few drawbacks. While they can often be less costly to install, the maintenance costs will add up over time. You may find that over the life of the fence, wood costs more to maintain than other maintenance-free options that don’t require as much care.

Building A Mexican Themed Garden and Backyard

The key element to a Mexican-themed garden is a space that offers a relaxed atmosphere to dine and socialize. Southwestern gardens pull influence from Spanish Colonial and Moroccan architecture and style. To stay true to the design, remember to incorporate a vibrant color scheme like bright yellows and warm reds. Another element that should be incorporated in aMexican garden design is water. South westerners use water to symbolize the livelihood of their community. You can add a well for a traditional feel or a water fountain for a modern touch.sfbsfbs

Below is a list of other cultural decor ideas that will have your outdoor space looking festive and ready for some awesome barbeque fiestas this summer.

Mexican Plants for Your Garden

Cacti, fruit trees and broad leafed plants—like birch, elm, oak, and maple—are plants typically found in the Southwest. Again, allow your plants to add color to the space. Tropical plants that offer a vibrant hue can add a lot of personality to your garden. When you visit your local plant shop, talk to someone who can educate you

Improve Your Home Garden Beginners Guide To Earthworms

Gardeners wishing to grow beautiful flowers or lush vegetables need helpful creatures burrowing in their soil. Earthworms provide important services as they live beneath the soil surface. Not only do these annelids work to break up the soil and make it lighter, but they also help make soil richer. Enriched soil helps plants grow more energetically. Explore these outdoor home improvement helpers to learn how they benefit growing areas.bfsbdsbsb

All About Earthworms

Earthworms exist in the soil throughout the earth in many different climates. As earthworms live in the soil, they engage in several different beneficial activities that help make soil better for growing plants. Earthworm movements through the soil help to break it up and aerate it. This aeration makes the soil better for plant growth. As earthworms consume dirt and other microorganisms present in the soil, they produce castings, which help make the soil richer.

How Earthworms Work in the Soil

Earthworms make extensive tunnels in the soil as they move. These channels are effective for loosening the soil, which helps plant roots grow and take hold in the ground. The channels also allow

Landscape Timbers What You Need To Know

Landscape timbers give every homeowner the ability to turn their eyesore exterior into a landscaping masterpiece. Landscape timbers present a challenging DIY project, but one any determined landscaper can handle.fdbfbs

To simplify, landscape timbers are used to build planter boxes and raised beds for gardening. They are also used to separate plants from other common areas of the yard, to build a retaining wall, reinforce a slope, make garden steps or build a picnic table and landscape paths.

The possibilities are endless, but before you go and purchase landscape timbers, make sure you read all there is to know about this highly attractive landscaping feature.

Landscape Timber Basics

There are certain landscape timber basics all must know before embarking on such a landscaping project. Like many other home materials, landscape timbers come in a variety of colors and materials. They are similar to wood planks in that many of them come in 4-foot or 8-foot lengths. However, the primary difference is that landscape timbers are flat on the bottom and top. As you can imagine, this makes landscape timbers ideal for building or stacking.

There are

A Guide To Landscaping Around Your Home

Your home is looking good! You have repainted the inside of your house. You have redecorated the inside with new furniture. And, you have put in new lighting so your home is nice and bright. However, the inside of your home is only half the battle. You also need to look and work at the outside of your home.fbfsfb

Other than painting the outside of your house, there are a number of other ways homeowners can improve the look, and just as important, the value of your home. One of the easiest ways to improve your home is through the use of landscaping around the house. Landscaping the areas surrounding the house can make your home look nicer and improve the look of your neighborhood. These are factors that can help improve the value of the house.

Homeowners have many different ways to help landscape their homes. Many can be accomplished by yourself at minimal expense. Landscaping can take different forms such as planting flowers, trees, bushes and maintaining a healthy looking lawn. There are also other methods of improving

Signs You Are A Lazy DIY Landscaper

Landscaping is supposed to be fun and give you an outlet for a relaxing afternoon alone or a fun activity with the kids. The second landscaping turns into an actual job, much like a career, the passion starts to take a turn for the worse.vdvdvd

It’s not always obvious when your yard or landscaping mentality takes a turn, but there are a few telltale signs that you have become a lazy DIY landscaper. If you notice any of these unpleasant landscape features or habits hitting your yard, then it’s time to step up your game and make sure your yard doesn’t turn into the eyesore of the community.

1. You Water Your Lawn at Night

I understand that watering a lawn at night is probably the easiest time to get it done. After all, we like to enjoy the sunlight, get our errands done or more often than not, work to pay the bills. Sadly, your landscape, grass, bushes and flowers don’t care for evening feedings.

Instead, you should water your lawns during the day, preferably early to mid morning. This lets the grass grow for

How To Build A Storage Shed

We could all use extra space and a great way to add some storage without taking up valuable square footage within the home is by building an outdoor storage shed. Building a shed is a fun DIY project that any DIYer can accomplish. All you need are the steps to construct it yourself. Let’s get to work. bdbsdbdbd

Get the Permit

Before you begin, you’ll need to get a permit for the storage shed. Details of this can be obtained through a homeowner’s association, if you have one, or your county’s building department. The cost of a permit varies depending on the square footage of your intended project, but small outbuildings or sheds can be permitted for as little as $100.

Decide on Material

Shed materials have come a long way over the years. Steel used to be quite popular, since it’s easier and cheaper to construct. However, over the years, homeowners are moving away from the cold design of steel and migrating towards wood or vinyl. If properly constructed, wood or vinyl can hold up against the most

Outdoor Storage Sheds The Perfect Solution To Little Storage

One of the most evident problems Americans face is storage. Oftentimes, it doesn’t even matter how big or small your house is. One way or the other, storage issues creep up, whether it be in the garage, kitchen, bathroom or living room. It’s time to broaden your horizons and look outside the home for functional and creative storage options.bvfsbfsbf

Outdoor storage sheds are the perfect solution for anyone who needs to clear out space within the home. But that’s not all outdoor storage sheds can do for owners and renters alike. Below are four benefits of outdoor storage sheds, as well as shed basics, including types, costs and designs.

Types of Outdoor Storage Shed

The trick when choosing the right storage shed is figuring out what you need it for. Some homeowners love to garden. It gives them peace of mind, but sadly, when it’s all said and done, there is nowhere to put everything. Others just need to clear out space in the basement or garage and start using both for their original purpose.

There are numerous types of outdoor storage sheds:

Storage (Original)

Easy DIY Landscaping Tips That Will Make Your Yard Stand Out

When temperatures rise, it’s time to move the DIY work outside and your landscape should be the first project you tackle. While some dread mowing and watering their lawns, others believe it brings them piece of mind. The following seven landscaping tips are so easy and quick, even those who dread it will get off the couch and enhance their curb appeal this summer. svsvvsv

Water On A Regular Basis

It should come as no surprise that the best landscaping tip is to always water your lawn on a regular basis. Much like going to the gym, your lawn needs a consistent schedule of watering. Be sure to give it a healthy amount, but do not go overboard.

Shallow watering only gets the leaves wet and does not soak through to the roots. Inadequate watering such as this will produce sickly plants that can’t withstand the ravages of weather.

On the other side of the spectrum, be sure to not over-water your lawn, which is one of the most common landscaping mistakes. Most lawns only need 1″ of water each week, and for most climates, keeping it

How To Install A Sprinkler System

A home’s curb appeal is quickly becoming a main focal point in any residence and a terrific way to maintain that “wow” factor outside the home is to install your own sprinkler system.fbbbssaf

Watering your lawn by hand can be a tedious job that takes too much time, especially in the summer. Sprinkler systems are a convenient way to water your lawn even if you’re not home. Additionally, an efficient sprinkler system uses less water than watering with a hose. Over the years, this can amount to huge savings on water bills.

Installing a sprinkler system is a fairly involved job that can take multiple days to complete. However, with the right guidance and proper tools, you can save hundreds of dollars by installing a sprinkler system yourself. See how with our step-by-guide below.

Sprinkler Installation Costs

To start off, according to our sprinkler system installation cost guide, the average cost of the project is $2,310. Of course, the price will largely depend on the size of your lawn, as well as the equipment chosen. Bear in mind that the installation requires trenches for the pipes

Small Yard Landscaping Ideas

Small yard landscaping is no easy task. Despite less surface area, homeowners, or apartment owners who want a flashy curb appeal, need to work that much harder to make their yards stand out. Fear not, as there are five easy and simple small yard landscaping tips you can do to make sure your home or apartment doesn’t get lost in the neighborhood chatter.fbfbvdsvd

Add Flowers With Different Colors

Whether you’re decorating your apartment porch or small front yard, plenty of flowers with different colors can certainly invigorate any home exterior. Because you’re working with a smaller space, you need flashy elements that really pop. While your neighbor may have a bigger yard, they may not be able to plant different types of flowers due to the different maintenance schedules. Since you have a small yard, it won’t be nearly as much work.

Additionally, given your modest area, each flower will shine bright and get the recognition it deserves.

Nonetheless, be careful to not go too overboard with your flowers. You don’t want your small yard turning into a high maintenance project. After all, that is one

Secrets To The Perfect Backyard

With the weather finally cooperating, it’s time to think about the great outdoors. No homeowner sets out to create a mediocre backyard, but what makes a perfect backyard? That’s relative.sfbfbfb

There are a few elements that transcend personal style, location and even budget. They create a framework for you to build on and transform your outdoor space into something special and uniquely yours.

Here are five secrets to the perfect backyard and a few ways to make them work for you:

Create A Backyard “Floor Plan”

You’ll spend many hours in the backyard once it’s complete. So it makes sense to give as much attention to space planning here as you would for an interior room.

There are landscaping computer programs or landscape designers that can help you plan where each backyard element goes. The good thing about working with a person instead of a program is that a designer can offer style input that sparks your imagination.

Start with the fixed elements where you’ll spend the most time and work out from there. It’s more important to know where a patio or deck,

Do You Make These 3 Landscaping Mistakes

Landscaping is easily one of the most popular DIY projects. The simplicity and short time commitment make it a common DIY undertaking, but as always, there’re a few mistakes many homeowners make on a daily basis. If you are tackling you’re landscaping maintenance yourself, make sure you avoid the following three mistakes.dvdvxvv

Don’t Over-Water Your Lawn

Everyone does it. When we forget to water our lawn this week, that just means we can over-water it next week. Sadly, watering a lawn is not like other construction projects. If a contractor misses a day of work on a bathroom remodeling project, most of the time, they’ll just put in a few extra hours the next day. The same can’t be said of watering ormaintaining your lawn.

As our friends at HomeAdvisor point out, most lawns only need 1″ of water each week, and for most climates, keeping it damp during the middle of the day in the summer is usually all it needs.

Bonus Tip: Water your lawn early or mid morning so it doesn’t sit on top of your lawn, allowing fungus and other germs to

Getting Rid Of A Tree Stump

Often, homeowners decide toremove a tree but leave the stump behind. While there is nothing wrong with this temporary solution,hnmgfcmgm it certainly isn’t a good long-term plan. Not only are tree stumps unattractive, they can also be a hazard on your property. They also attract insects, and they make mowing the lawn more difficult. Here are some tips for removing tree stumps as well as what to expect if you have a tree stump professionally removed.

Drill holes and pack with salt

If you want to remove a tree stump on your property without spending a lot of money or investing a lot of effort, one of the simplest options is to drill holes and pack them with salt. Using a standard drill, you will start by boring 20 or more holes into the top and the sides of the stump. Then, pack each hole with any kind of standard table or rock salt. The chemical makeup of the salt will draw out all of the stump’s moisture, effectively killing it. To speed up the process, you can cover the stump with a sheet of plastic for a

Important Tips for Water Efficient Lawns


When spring rolls around, it’s almost a given that lawns and gardens will respond with bright colors and friendly flowers. In manyfbbn sd instances, the gardens and lawns that result from spring sunshine and temperatures are some of the best you’ll experience throughout the year. That being said, there are specific spring lawn care tips that can help you get the most out of your spring foliage. Being knowledgeable about water conservation, watering techniques and the kind of maintenance that is required around the year can you help ensure that your lawn and garden is as impressive as the work that you’ve put into it. Read on for more information about spring lawn care tips!

The Spring Season

Planting drought-resistant plants or using drought-resistant grasses can significantly reduce your watering needs during the sunnier months of the year. They may also require less maintenance in subsequent months. Check for diseases, pests and bald spots in your lawn, and address them as soon as possible. For example, if you find that your lawn is bare in some parts, this may be due to uneven soil levels, and

Why Its Important to Practice Natural Lawn Care

A lush, green lawn is a valuable asset and many homeowners go to great lengths to keep their home turf in tip-top shape. Onevdvdvdbdbb thing the most successful homeowners have learned is that the best lawn care tips involve working with the natural needs of the grasses they’ve planted. They’ve learned why it’s important to practice natural lawn care and avoid gimmicks. Even the best natural lawn advice, though, needs to be taken with attention to one’s local environment because different grasses grow best in different locales. The most satisfying results come from working with what grows best in the environment at hand.

A Brief History of Lawn Care

The Celtic word, laune, was first used around 1540 to describe the grassy enclosure within a village where livestock was allowed to graze. Lawn care was probably an accidental result rather than the deliberate process we know today.

It was during the Middle Ages when the aristocratic class of northern Europe began planting lawns as a decorative part of the garden. Because the gardens here were meant to be admired for their beauty rather than as a commodity