- published: 04 Oct 2012
- views: 208
Michael Shamberg (born 1945?) is an American film producer and former Time–Life correspondent.
His credits include Erin Brockovich, A Fish Called Wanda, Garden State, Gattaca, Pulp Fiction and The Big Chill. His production companies include Jersey Films, with Stacey Sher and Danny DeVito, and, as of 2015, Double Feature Films, with Stacey Sher.
In the 1960s and 1970s, counter-culture video collectives extended the role of the underground press to new communication technologies. In 1970, Shamberg co-founded a video collective called Raindance Corporation, which published a newspaper-magazine called Radical Software. Raindance Corporation later became TVTV, or Top Value Television. Shamberg and his first wife Megan Williams were founding members of TVTV. The collective believed new technology could effect social change. An example was Shamberg's work on In Hiding: A Conversation with Abbie Hoffman, broadcast on Public-access television station WNET/13 in May 1975.
Ze Frank (/ˈzeɪ/; born Hosea Jan Frank on March 31, 1972) is an American online performance artist, composer, humorist and public speaker based in Los Angeles, California. He is currently the president of BuzzFeed Motion Pictures.
Frank was born to German-American parents and raised in a suburb of Albany, New York. He has a sister, who is a painter, as was indicated in the show.
He was educated at Montessori school, known for its constructivist teaching methods, and graduated with a B.S. in Neuroscience from Brown University in 1995. At the university, he played guitar and sang lead vocals for a funk/jam band called Dowdy Smack, along with Blues Traveler bassist Tad Kinchla, until its dissolution in 1998. In 2003 he married his longtime girlfriend Jody Brandt whom he met at Brown University. Jody is a licensed psychologist. At the end of 2008, Frank and his wife moved from Brooklyn Heights, NYC, to Westwood, Los Angeles, CA.
He was listed as second author on a paper published in The Journal of Neuroscience, which was featured briefly in episode 21 of a show on May 25, 2012 called My Pupils, explaining that his study of neuroscience of vision was motivated by his harmless anisocoria condition.
BuzzFeed Motion Pictures President Ze Frank will be joined by Oscar-nominated producer Michael Shamberg to discuss “the future of digital Hollywood” and address the exciting shifts in production and distribution that are challenging traditional TV and studio models. Frank is the driving force behind BuzzFeed’s expansive video division and a pioneer of online video. Shamberg is an advisor to BuzzFeed Motion Pictures with experience in producing innovative Hollywood movies and TV. Frank joined BuzzFeed in 2012 as the site’s EVP of video, where he focused on finding new formats in social video. A web pioneer since 2001, he is known for creating viral projects like “Earth Sandwich”, “Young Me/Now Me”, and “Chillout Song”. In 2006, he created “The Show with Ze Frank”, which was an early templ...
New York Film Academy in Los Angeles hosted renowned producer Michael Shamberg after a screening of one of his films, Out of Sight, directed by Steven Soderbergh and starring George Clooney and Jennifer Lopez. Following the film was an in-depth Q&A;, moderated by producer Tova Laiter and Dean of Students Eric Conner. Read more on the NYFA blog: https://www.nyfa.edu/film-school-blog/oscar-nominated-producer-michael-shamberg-visits-nyfa-for-screening/
Only In Theaters January 22nd! Visit the official site at http://extraordinarymeasuresthemovie.com/
Etel Adnan, "The Actress" (pièce de théâtre, extraits), en anglais par Antonia Alexandra Klimenko et en français par Zoé Besmond de Senneville. Prologue lu par Alison Koehler. 15.4.2015 Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre Vidéo Pat h Mart
http://futureofstorytelling.org See the rest of our 2014 FoST films here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs6Vd3jEmIsvQTuwyNo6KaILrAal6napZ Ze Frank is a short-form viral video sensation; Michael Shamberg is a critically acclaimed traditional filmmaker. Together with BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti, they’re collaborating to reinvent what it means to be a media company in the twenty-first century. A Future of StoryTelling Film. Find us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/fostorg on Facebook: http://facebook.com/futureofstorytelling on Tumblr: http://futureofstorytelling.tumblr.com and Instagram: http://instagram.com/futureofstorytelling Stock Media provided by http://www.pond5.com
CATHERINE BELKHODJA , "Sable Hier" avec la participation de ZOÉ BESMOND DE SENNEVILLE, 15 avril 2015 Performance, texte de Catherine Belkhodja, Éditions KAREDAS. « Cette exposition/performance est dédiée à Michael H Shamberg, un ami producteur avec qui j'ai travaillé , et qui organisait régulièrement des expositions collectives avec ses amis artistes. Ce "salon" TURTLE a voyagé dans le monde. J'y racontais souvent des histoires de tortue car au début, je restais collée au thème. Cette fois ci, je parlerai du temps qui passe, marqué par les sabliers . Et comme je voulais féminiser le sablier, c'est devenu "sablière", puis "sable hier". » — Catherine Belkhodja 16.4.2015 Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre Vidéo Pat h Mart
Zach Braff & Michael Shamberg at the press conference for "Wish I Was Here" at Zurich Film Festival 2014. Sorry about the wobbling, it's been an unstable ground. We hope you enjoy it anyway! +++ SOCIALIZE +++ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Negative-White-International/614401225346978 http://twitter.com/nw_internat +++ CREDITS +++ Video by Matt Hoffmann
Programme de lectures (part1) du 14 avril 2015 dans le cadre du Turtle dédié à Michael Shamberg/ Reading program (part1) of April 14, 2015, during the Turtle dedicated to Michael Shamberg - Michael Shamberg, « Turtle » (citations extraites du journal de Michael Shamberg), par Alison Koehler (anglais) et par Zoé Besmond de Senneville (français). - Anne Bertrand, « Dix souvenirs présents », par Anne Bertrand (français). - Stephen Ames, « About Michael Shamberg », par Rose Reyes (anglais) et par Zoé Besmond de Senneville (français). Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre, Paris Vidéo Pat h Mart
Rebecca Solnit, 'A Field Guide to Getting Lost' (extraits), par Iris Colomb (anglais) et Arnaud Lefebvre (français) Carolyn Forché, 'Writing Kept Hidden', par Alison Koehler (anglais) Tilda Swinton, 'No known address... or Don’t look down ...' (extrait, in "Film & Television"), par Steve Nahaj (anglais) Christophe de Vareilles, 'Van Gogh le canard, installation verbale & artiste contemporain (2)', par Christophe de Vareilles (français) 14.4.2015 Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre Vidéo Pat h Mart
Angesiedelt in den Südstaaten, zwei Jahre vor dem Bürgerkrieg, erzählt DJANGO UNCHAINED die Geschichte von Django (Oscar®-Preisträger JAMIE FOXX), einem Sklaven, dessen brutale Vergangenheit mit seinen Vorbesitzern dazu führt, dass er dem deutschstämmigen Kopfgeldjäger Dr. King Schultz (Oscar®-Preisträger CHRISTOPH WALTZ) Auge in Auge gegenübersteht. Schultz verfolgt gerade die Spur der mordenden Brittle-Brüder und nur Django kann ihn ans Ziel führen. Der unorthodoxe Schultz sichert sich daher Djangos Hilfe, indem er ihm verspricht, ihn zu befreien, nachdem er die Brittles gefangen genommen hat -- tot oder lebendig. Nach erfolgreicher Tat löst Schultz sein Versprechen ein und setzt Django auf freien Fuß. Dennoch gehen die beiden Männer ab jetzt nicht getrennte Wege. Stattdessen nehmen sie ...
Set in the South two years before the Civil War, DJANGO UNCHAINED stars Academy Award®-winner Jamie Foxx as Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-to-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Academy Award®-winner Christoph Waltz). Schultz is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers, and only Django can lead him to his bounty. The unorthodox Schultz acquires Django with a promise to free him upon the capture of the Brittles -- dead or alive. Success leads Schultz to free Django, though the two men choose not to go their separate ways. Instead, Schultz seeks out the South's most wanted criminals with Django by his side. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington),...
Angesiedelt in den Südstaaten, zwei Jahre vor dem Bürgerkrieg, erzählt DJANGO UNCHAINED die Geschichte von Django (Oscar®-Preisträger JAMIE FOXX), einem Sklaven, dessen brutale Vergangenheit mit seinen Vorbesitzern dazu führt, dass er dem deutschstämmigen Kopfgeldjäger Dr. King Schultz (Oscar®-Preisträger CHRISTOPH WALTZ) Auge in Auge gegenübersteht. Schultz verfolgt gerade die Spur der mordenden Brittle-Brüder und nur Django kann ihn ans Ziel führen. Der unorthodoxe Schultz sichert sich daher Djangos Hilfe, indem er ihm verspricht, ihn zu befreien, nachdem er die Brittles gefangen genommen hat -- tot oder lebendig. Nach erfolgreicher Tat löst Schultz sein Versprechen ein und setzt Django auf freien Fuß. Dennoch gehen die beiden Männer ab jetzt nicht getrennte Wege. Stattdessen nehmen sie ...
Free Love, réalisé par Peter Sollett. Titre original : Freeheld Date de sortie : 10-02-2016 Acteurs : Julianne Moore, Ellen Page, Steve Carell, Michael Shannon, Luke Grimes. -- Résumé : Années 2000. Laurel, est une brillante inspecteur du New Jersey. Sa vie bascule le jour où elle rencontre la jeune Stacie. Leur nouvelle vie s’effondre quand Laurel découvre qu’elle est atteinte d’un cancer en phase terminale. Laurel a un dernier souhait : elle veut que sa pension revienne à la femme qu’elle aime, mais la hiérarchie policière refuse catégoriquement. Laurel et Stacie vont se battre jusqu’au bout pour faire triompher leurs droits. -- La fiche du film : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm_gen_cfilm=125938.html Voir le film en DVD/VOD : http://www.allocine.fr/film/fichefilm-125938/dvd-blu-r...
Il carrierista John Crowley vede la propria vita sgretolarsi quando ai suoi due figli viene diagnosticata la rara e incurabile sindrome di Pompe. Deciso a salvarli comunque, riesce a contattare il medico Robert Stonehill, ricercatore poco ortodosso e malvisto dai colleghi. Insieme lotteranno per trovare una cura, ma saranno ostacolati dall'establishment farmaceutico.
Update. For those interested in downloading copies of any and all of TVTV's video documentaries at a really modest price, please go to www.tvtvnow.com and check out the whole collection. TVTV (Top Value Television) was a great San Francisco based video collective founded in 1972 by Allen Rucker, Michael Shamberg, Tom Weinberg, Hudson Marquez and Megan Williams. Their films are incredibly hard to find now and need a proper digital release. Until this happens CONAMA U.S.A. will host them here. Dubbed from 25 year old vhs sources. TVTV Looks at the Oscars is a beautiful look back at 70's Hollywood featuring Lily Tomlin, Lee Grant, Ronee Blakley, Jack Nicholson, Michael Douglas, Steven Spielberg, Louise Fletcher and more. Good stuff. Watch out for Bill Murray!! THIS VIDEO IS NOT MONETIZED.
Visite guidée de l'exposition Turtle dédiée à Michael Shamberg par Alison Koehler et Arnaud Lefebvre 16.4.2015 Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre Vidéo Pat h Mart
AGNÈS BUTET, "Autres familles / performance 02", 2015 Performance par Camille Gerbeau, Clémence Pavageau et Pauline Tremblay « Le plus souvent, la photo de famille est une façon d’afficher publiquement un apparent bonheur ou pour le moins une bonne entente collective. Autres familles, performance 02 questionne les apparences et la machine sémiotique à l’œuvre dans nos façons d’être et de prendre place au sein de ce premier dispositif de construction individuel, relationnel et social, que représente l’ordre familial dans notre société.» — Agnes Butet 16.4.2015 Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre Vidéo Pat h Mart
Susan Sontag (sur une proposition d’Anna Faroqhi), 'Illness as Metaphor' (citation), par Antonia Alexandra Klimenka (anglais) et par Zoé Besmond de Senneville (français) Alice Roland, Lettre, par Marlène Chauvière (anglais) Nick Cash, 'Chairman', par Maxime Daher (anglais) Michael Shamberg, 'Mother' (extrait du journal de Michael Shamberg), par Marlène Chauvière (anglais) & par Zoé Besmond de Senneville (francais) Ned Richardson, 'code6', par Ned Richardson (enregistrement en anglais) Bei Dao, 'The Saturday Poem' (extrait du journal de Michael Shamberg), par Antonia Alexandra Klimenka (anglais) Louise Stern, "Ismael and His Sisters" (extrait), par Sophie Pierozzi (français) et par An-tonia Alexandra Klimenka (français) Dick Watling (sur une proposition de Cynthia Beatt),' Demise of a Turt...