What you NEED TO KNOW about Hunger

House Education and Workforce Committee’s Hodge-Podge of Bad Ideas Would Roll Back Years of Progress in the Fight Against Childhood Hunger

FRAC is strongly opposed to the deeply flawed House child nutrition reauthorization bill, which would result in countless low-income children no longer having access to the nutritious meals they need for their health and learning. More...

What you NEED TO READ about Hunger

FRAC Analysis of the House Education & Workforce Committee’s Majority Child Nutrition Reauthorization Bill

Through the bill, large numbers of low-income children would no longer be able to access the nutritious meals they need for their health and learning, and the meals children could still obtain would be less healthy. More...

What you NEED TO DO about Hunger

Share the FRAC/CBPP Community Eligibility Report With Senators and Members

The House draft Child Nutrition Reauthorization bill would weaken community eligibility. This report demonstrates the effectiveness of the program. More...

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Read FRAC’s New Blog

FRAC launched its new blog: FRAC Chat. The blog will provide updates and commentary on Capitol Hill, the federal nutrition programs, and anti-hunger efforts.

Check out FRAC Chat