Take Action

Vote No on HB110 – Ohio Needs Real Medical Amnesty

Posted: May 10, 2016

Ohio has the second highest number of drug-related overdoses in the nation. Many people witnessing an overdose are scared to call 911 because of the fear of arrest and police involvement. To address this, over thirty states have passed life-saving … more


Posted: May 2, 2016

SB 966 by Senator Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) would repeal the three-year sentence enhancement for prior drug convictions. The enhancement is applied consecutively — three years for every prior conviction for possession for sale, sale or similar drug offense to … more

Ohio Good Samaritan Policy

Posted: April 29, 2016

Ohio has the second highest number of drug-related overdoses in the nation. Many people witnessing an overdose don’t call 911 due to the fear of arrest and police involvement. To address this, over thirty states have passed life-saving “911 Good … more


Posted: April 19, 2016

Despite over 60% voter approval for marijuana legalization in Virginia, the legislature has remained adamant in shooting down even the most basic decriminalization measures. In October 2015 the Drug Policy Alliance put out a report highlighting Virginia as one of … more

From Our Blog

Today is SSDP’s birthday!

Celebrating 17 years of the student movement to end the War on Drugs

In the fall of 1996, members of the Student Drug Reform Movement (SDRM) began to chat over the internet using a Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) discussion page. In 1997, the Rochester Cannabis Coalition (RCC) at the Rochester Institute of … more

So long and thanks for all the CATs

In 2012, I was running the field for Colorado’s Amendment 64 campaign when I was first introduced to Students for Sensible Drug Policy and Drew, the quietly subversive outreach director tasked with mobilizing students on the ground and across the … more

SSDP Welcomes the Quinnipiac University Chapter

I’m thrilled to announce that SSDP has a brand new chapter at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut! Chapter leaders Anthony Arcamone and Bryan Hargrove first contacted me about starting up a chapter a few months ago, and since then have been … more

Meet The Wets, the SSDP family band

by Nick Zettell '09, University of Michigan

This blog post is part of the SSDP Alumni Association spring membership drive series. Join us today!   As evidenced by Rachelle Yeung ’11 the SSDP network has an overwhelming sense of love, community and weird to offer its members. SSDP … more

Maddy’s SSDP Alumna Story

by Maddy McElwain '13, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. Okay, not always. And actually, not even when I first went to college. In fact, I wanted to be a news anchor, so I studied journalism. I desired to be an … more