Dash: The best alternative to Bitcoin (Community Promotion Video # 1) = P15E07
Dash is DigitalCash
Dash is a decentralized cryptographic currency that works similar to
Bitcoin, but fixes many of Bitcoin's problems
. Dash's InstantX technology makes transactions almost instant, meaning it is suitable for in-person trades and point-of-sale purchases. Not only that, but Dash is truly private, meaning that nobody can mine the blockchain to find details of your purchases or financial history. You wouldn't advertise your credit card statement--why advertise your crypto purchases?
Dash is built from Bitcoin's core code, meaning that it remains compatible with systems that are already designed to work with Bitcoin. The creator of Dash, Evan Duffield, works with a "core team" of almost 20 people to continually improve the Dash code and ecosystem. Since Dash implemented its self-funding mechanism, a number of new developers have begun working on various aspects of the project as well, including retail point-of-sale and vending machine integration.
Dash's masternodes enable investors to earn a 10+% annual return on investment while performing vital services for the network. Masternodes power both the privacy and instant transaction features of Dash. Not only that, but masternode owners are able to vote on which projects will receive Dash's monthly self-generated budget funding. Dash's budget system provides tens of thousands of dollars in recurring funds, every month, which masternode owners allocate to projects designed to improve the Dash ecosystem.
Tx to Alex-ru and others.
Donations please to:
DASH: XxG6WRPA5ef767m37eEbGjK8T1UPAVGdCq
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Introducing DASH, a new form of digital cash which combines the advantages of cash and electronic payments providing a new level of financial freedom.
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Despite the growth of banking technology, paper currency is still your best option to prevent banks and governments from monitoring your transactions.
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Cash works great for face to face transactions, but when it comes to transferring funds over the internet or
across the world you have to use modern, electronic methods.
0:39 - But as soon as you give up control of your cash to a bank, it’s not yours anymore. Your funds can be tracked, limited, or even blocked at any time.
0:51 - On top of this, central banks have the power to devalue or even confiscate your money.
1:03 - Up until now, we had to put up with these risks because there was no alternative. Now there’s DASH, an independent decentralized cryptocurrency which can be transferred electronically, but leaves you in full control of your money.
1:20 - By now, you’ve probably heard of Bitcoin, the first widely accepted cryptocurrency. Now it’s time to learn about DASH, which takes Bitcoin to another level by focusing on privacy.
1:31 - DASH is your own personal digital cash protected using advanced cryptography. Transactions are processed not by a bank, but by the distributed power of thousands of independent computers all over the world. You can transfer money anywhere. Safely, instantly, and privately. These transfers can’t be tracked or blocked.
1:53 - DASH can be exchanged easily for dollars, euros, or any other currency using internet exchanges or even face to face. The total supply of DASH is fixed, eliminating the risks of inflation or deflation.
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Gone are the days when you have to pay outrageous fees and wait days to transfer funds. DASH is instant, private, and most transactions cost less than a penny.
2:22 - You can store DASH on your computer, phone, flash drive or even a sheet of paper using advanced security techniques.
2:38 - Simply download and install the DASH wallet program to begin using the most advanced, private form of digital cash available. You’ll be able to send and receive anonymous payments without giving your personal information to any
3rd party.
2:53 - On the official DASH website you can learn more about this exciting new technology.
3:00 - Be sure to share the link to this video with your friends and family. For more information please visit dashpay dot io.