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    Unions back Lazarus against DD bullies

    Queensland unions say LNP threats of double dissolution elections are political games aimed at bullying legitimate opponents in the Senate.
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    Women are still losing out on gender pay gap

    A new report released by the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) today reveals that Australian women are financially disadvantaged at every key stage of their life: in childhood, at the workplace, through pregnancy, motherhood and as a carer, and in retirement.
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    IR Review goes some way to repairing Newman damage

    Queensland unions say the Palaszczuk Government has today been given a fair and rigorous report that recommends several significant changes to industrial relations legislation.
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  • Featured page

    Paid Parental Leave



    When a baby is born, they need full-time care. But for families who need two incomes and single parents, this can be tough. For the first few weeks while mother and baby recover from birth, both parents really need to be at home. Yet there hasn’t been enough done to support new families and make sure children come first.

    In fact, the LNP has back-flipped on its promise to introduce more paid parental leave for families, and is instead trying to cut the amount of time parents have to care for their children.

    That’s why so many Queensland families are campaigning to make sure employers and the government ensure families who work are still able to give our children the nurturing they need.
    Babies do best when they are cared for by a parent, full-time for their first 6 months. And when parents are back at work, families need affordable early education and care.

    Making sure every new family can give a child this start in life is something employers and the government need to provide, together.

    A full-time wage for the first six months of a child’s life, and affordable early education and care when parents are back at work is the best way to create a bright future for all of our kids.

    Raising the next generation as best as we can is everyone’s responsibility.

    To download this information, click here: 

    To sign the petition click here: https://www.megaphone.org.au/petitions/time-together-time-to-grow-support-paid-parental-leave

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  • Featured event

    Brisbane Labour Day March & Festival

    The Labour Day Public Holiday is Back in May so come celebrate with your friends, family and your union!

    The march will commence on the corner of Wharf and Turbot Streets, Spring Hill at 10am and finish for a day-long free festival at the RNA Showgrounds - with drinks, food, music, events and rides courtesy of your union. 

    Contact your union for more information. 


    May 02, 2016 at 10am
    Corner of Wharf and Turbot Streets Brisbane CIty
    Spring Hill, Queensland 4000
    Google map and directions

  • Featured page

    Secure Jobs Inquiry

    The Queensland Parliament is undertaking an Inquiry into the practices of the Labour Hire Industry in Queensland. Labour Hire Companies have been have been making their way into many industries , undermining permanent employment and undercutting wages and conditions.

    In some cases they have done this by avoiding their obligations as employers, underpaying their staff and putting profits before livelihoods.

    If you have have a story about how labour hire has impacted your working life we’re keen to hear it.

    Make your submission here: https://www.securejobsqld.org.au/



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  • Featured event

    International Workers' Memorial Day 2016 (Brisbane)

    Family, friends and colleagues who have lost someone dear through a workplace death – as well as union members, delegates and community members —  are invited to a special memorial ceremony that will be held 10am Thursday, 28 April at Emma Miller Place , Roma Street, Brisbane.

    28 April each year is International Workers' Memorial Day — a day to remember all those workers who have been injured or killed at work and renew the call for safe workplaces.

    As of 1 April 27 Australians have been killed at work this year. Last year, 193 Australians were killed at work. The year before that, it was 187 workplace deaths. 

    Union members have fought for and won many protections for workers to make the guarantee of coming home safe a reality — winning protections that have made jobs safer, saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented many more injuries and illnesses in the workplace. 

    But the fight is not over. Some employers continue to cut corners and violate the law, contracting out work to avoid responsibility or firing or disciplining workers who speak out. Meanwhile the Turnbull LNP Government continues its attacks on workers and their unions — prosecuting union officials and members who speak out or take action in unsafe worksites and trying to re-introduce the ABCC.

    We cannot and will not let them succeed when workers’ lives are at stake.

    This year we will come together to call for jobs that keep workers safe and healthy. We will seek stronger safeguards to prevent injuries and save lives. We will stand for the right of all workers to raise job safety concerns without fear of retaliation or prosecution and for the freedom to join a union and bargain for fair pay, respect and a better future.

    Please join us.


    If you would like more information about worker fatalities in Australia, please visit the SafeWork Australia website: http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/swa/statistics/work-related-fatalities/pages/worker-fatalities

    April 28, 2016 at 10am
    Emma Miller Place
    Roma Street
    Brisbane, Queensland 4000
    Google map and directions

  • Featured petition

    To the Liberal National Federal Government: We demand a fair taxation system

    To the Liberal-National Federal Government 

    All Australians should contribute their fair share to ensure our government can continue to provide critical public services like healthcare and education. The wealth of our richest companies should be shared with all Australians.

    But the costs on the budget from tax loopholes for multinationals, and tax concessions for the wealthy continue to take their toll. Last year, one-in-five large private companies paid no tax.

    According to the Tax Justice Network Australia, of Australia’s largest 200 publicly listed companies, 1-in-3 had an effective tax rate of less than 10 per cent, while 1-in-7 paid 0 per cent.

    One of the Liberal-National’s first acts in office was to roll back measures to tackle profit shifting and improving tax transparency — effectively handing back $1.1 billion to big global firms.

    Now they want to include exemptions so that family-owned companies don’t have to declare publicly how much tax they have paid — because the wealthy are worried about their children being kidnapped. 

    This needs to change and we need a system in which everyone pays their fair share. 

    176 signatures

    As Australians we are calling on you to ensure Australia has a fair taxation system in which everyone pays their fair share, everyone gets the opportunity they deserve, services are fully funded, and transparency is maintained. 

    Will you sign?

  • Upcoming events

    Saturday, April 16, 2016 at 09:00 AM · 11 rsvps
    Jean Moule Park in Whitfield, Australia

    Leichhardt Doorknock April 2016

    This Door-knock is specifically targeted at fellow unionists, meaning we will not have to walk huge distances in the heat. We pair up and drive to said union members houses to speak with them about their concerns and voting intentions for the upcoming Federal Election. Briefing starts at 9am. Door-knock runs from 9.30-11.30 am. We will wind down with a cold drink at the Edge Hill Bowls Club for those that don't need to rush off.

    Thursday, April 28, 2016 at 10:00 AM · 66 rsvps
    Emma Miller Place in Brisbane, Australia

    International Workers' Memorial Day 2016

    Family, friends and colleagues who have lost someone dear through a workplace death – as well as union members, delegates and community members —  are invited to a special memorial ceremony that will be held 10am Thursday, 28 April at Emma Miller Place , Roma Street, Brisbane.

    28 April each year is International Workers' Memorial Day — a day to remember all those workers who have been injured or killed at work and renew the call for safe workplaces.

    As of 1 April 27 Australians have been killed at work this year. Last year, 193 Australians were killed at work. The year before that, it was 187 workplace deaths. 

    Union members have fought for and won many protections for workers to make the guarantee of coming home safe a reality — winning protections that have made jobs safer, saved hundreds of thousands of lives and prevented many more injuries and illnesses in the workplace. 

    But the fight is not over. Some employers continue to cut corners and violate the law, contracting out work to avoid responsibility or firing or disciplining workers who speak out. Meanwhile the Turnbull LNP Government continues its attacks on workers and their unions — prosecuting union officials and members who speak out or take action in unsafe worksites and trying to re-introduce the ABCC.

    We cannot and will not let them succeed when workers’ lives are at stake.

    This year we will come together to call for jobs that keep workers safe and healthy. We will seek stronger safeguards to prevent injuries and save lives. We will stand for the right of all workers to raise job safety concerns without fear of retaliation or prosecution and for the freedom to join a union and bargain for fair pay, respect and a better future.

    Please join us.


    If you would like more information about worker fatalities in Australia, please visit the SafeWork Australia website: http://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/sites/swa/statistics/work-related-fatalities/pages/worker-fatalities

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