- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 230864
Meganthropus is a name commonly given to several large jaw and skull fragments found at the Sangiran site near Surakarta in Central Java, Indonesia. The original scientific name was Meganthropus palaeojavanicus, and while it is commonly considered invalid today, the genus name has survived as something of an informal nickname for the fossils.
As of 2005, the taxonomy and phylogeny for the specimens are still uncertain, although most paleoanthropologists consider them related to Homo erectus in some way. However, the names Homo palaeojavanicus and even Australopithecus palaeojavanicus are sometimes used as well, indicating the classification uncertainty. Of particular interest is that the finds were sometimes regarded as those of giants, although that is unsubstantiated.
After the discovery of a robust skull in Swartkrans in 1948 (SK48), the name Meganthropus africanus was briefly applied. However, that specimen is now formally known as Paranthropus robustus and the earlier name is a junior synonym.
Homo erectus (meaning "upright man", from the Latin ērigere, "to put up, set upright") is an extinct species of hominid that lived throughout most of the Pleistocene geological epoch. Its earliest fossil evidence dates to 1.9 million years ago and the most recent to 70,000 years ago. It is generally thought that H. erectus originated in Africa and spread from there, migrating throughout Eurasia as far as Georgia, India, Sri Lanka, China and Indonesia. But other scientists posit that the species rose first, or separately, in Asia.
Debate also continues about the classification, ancestry, and progeny of Homo erectus, especially vis-à-vis Homo ergaster, with two major positions: 1) H. erectus is the same species as H. ergaster, and thereby H. erectus is a direct ancestor of the later hominins including Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, and Homo sapiens; or, 2) it is in fact an Asian species distinct from African H. ergaster.
There is also another view—an alternative to 1): some palaeoanthropologists consider H. ergaster to be a variety, that is, the "African" variety, of H. erectus, and they offer the labels "Homo erectus sensu stricto" (strict sense) for the Asian species and "Homo erectus sensu lato" (broad sense) for the greater species comprising both Asian and African populations.
1. Meganthropus Paleojavanicus Disebut juga sebagai Manusia Raksasa Jawa, ditemukan oleh seorang peneliti dari belanda bernama Von Koniegswald di Sangiran, Lembah Bengawan Solo antara Tahun 1936 - 1941. Fosil ini berasal dari lapisan Pleistosen bawah, diperkirakan dia memiliki badan tegap dan rahang besar dan kuat. Manusia jenis ini diperkirakan hidup pada Zaman Batu Tua (Paleolithikum) sekitar 1 juta sampai dengan 2 juta tahun lalu. 2. Pithecanthropus Manusia purba jenis ini merupakan manusia purba yang paling banyak ditemukan di Indonesia. Manusia ini juga disebut Manusia Kera yang Berjalan Tegak. Memiliki umur yang bervariasi diperkirakan hidup antara 30.000 sampai dengan 2 juta tahun lalu. Manusia purba jenis ini mempunyai ciri-ciri badan tegap tapi tidak setegap meganthropus, muka...
1. Meganthropus paleojavanicus Meganthropus paleojavanicus berasal dari kata-kata; Megan= besar, Anthropus= manusia, Paleo= tua, Javanicus= dari Jawa. Jadi bisa disimpulkan bahwa Meganthropus paleojavanicus adalah manusia purba bertubuh besar tertua di Jawa. Fosil manusia purba ini ditemukan di daerah Sangiran, Jawa tengah antara tahun 1936-1941 oleh seorang peneliti Belanda bernama Von Koeningswald. Fosil tersebut tidak ditemukan dalam keadaan lengkap, melainkan hanya berupa beberapa bagian tengkorak, rahang bawah, serta gigi-gigi yang telah lepas. Fosil yang ditemukan di Sangiran ini diperkirakan telah berumur 1-2 Juta tahun. Ciri-Ciri Meganthropus paleojavanicus Mempunyai tonjolan tajam di belakang kepala. Bertulang pipi tebal dengan tonjolan kening yang mencolok. Tidak m...
Meganthropus palaeojavanicus ditemukan pada tahun 1936-1941 oleh Von Koeningswald di lembah sungai bengawan solo.
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Part of "Search for the Ultimate Survivor" from NatGeo. Homo Erectus coexisted with Robustus at a given point, but it was not clear what the relationship between both was. the video shows the last findings and present scientific ideas
A especie humana continúa a súa evolución imparable tras a dispersión do homo ergaster dende Africa cara todos os continentes. O concepto "home erectus" agrupa a numerosas subespecies de amplia dispersión xenéticamente interconectadas dende Asia a Europa. La odisea de la especie