- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 159060
- author: CorruptionCripples
The best speech ever in court? Some say, yes!
Follow here: http://CorruptionCripples.com [To the judge:] Give me a chance... give me a c...
published: 10 Oct 2012
author: CorruptionCripples
The best speech ever in court? Some say, yes!
The best speech ever in court? Some say, yes!
Follow here: http://CorruptionCripples.com [To the judge:] Give me a chance... give me a chance... Give me a chance, don't cut me off. I'm not defending myse...- published: 10 Oct 2012
- views: 159060
- author: CorruptionCripples
Saddam Hussein - America's Best Enemy (Documentary)
The truth about American relations with Saddam Hussein....
published: 28 Jan 2013
author: David Joseph
Saddam Hussein - America's Best Enemy (Documentary)
Saddam Hussein - America's Best Enemy (Documentary)
The truth about American relations with Saddam Hussein.- published: 28 Jan 2013
- views: 24578
- author: David Joseph
President Saddam Hussein الفلم الحصري للرئيس الراحل صدام حسين وجزء من عائلته الكريمة
http://www.latifyahia.net الفلم الحصري للرئيس الراحل صدام حسين رحمه الله وبعض افراد عائلت...
published: 22 Aug 2013
President Saddam Hussein الفلم الحصري للرئيس الراحل صدام حسين وجزء من عائلته الكريمة
President Saddam Hussein الفلم الحصري للرئيس الراحل صدام حسين وجزء من عائلته الكريمة
http://www.latifyahia.net الفلم الحصري للرئيس الراحل صدام حسين رحمه الله وبعض افراد عائلته الكريمة .. لا يهم ان كنت في يوم من الايام كنت معارضاً لنظامه ولكن الاحتلال وعصاباته التي دمرت العراق جعلتي اترحم على الرئيس صدام وحكمه الذي كان العراق فيه بلداً محترماً والمواطن حتى خارج العراق محترماً رغم تلفيق عصابات الاحتلال للمظلومية التي كانوا ولا زالوا يدعون بها يحاول اتباع عصابات ايران اغلاق قناتي هذه بشتى الطرق ولكن لو حصل هذا ارجوا منكم زيارة صفحتي الخاصة التي احمل عليها كل هذه الافلام لكي يعلموا اعوان المجوس الذين كل واحد منهم لديه اكثر من خمسين حساب على جميع الصفحات التواصل الاجتماعي واليوتوب وهنا صفحت الافلام http://www.latifyahia.net/videos.html شكراً لمتابعتي على الفيس بوك https://www.facebook.com/LatifYahiaFanpage- published: 22 Aug 2013
- views: 642
house of saddam [s01e01]
A mini-series that explores the inner workings of Saddam Hussein's family and his relation...
published: 09 Jun 2013
author: per drepth
house of saddam [s01e01]
house of saddam [s01e01]
A mini-series that explores the inner workings of Saddam Hussein's family and his relationship with his closest advisers.- published: 09 Jun 2013
- views: 52138
- author: per drepth
Real Footage of Saddam Hussein's Execution [WARNING - Graphic Content]
This is the unedited, uncut and 100% uncensored footage of Saddam Hussein being hung. This...
published: 13 Jul 2012
author: wordswithmeaning
Real Footage of Saddam Hussein's Execution [WARNING - Graphic Content]
Real Footage of Saddam Hussein's Execution [WARNING - Graphic Content]
This is the unedited, uncut and 100% uncensored footage of Saddam Hussein being hung. This footage was recorded on a mobile phone and supplied anonymously. W...- published: 13 Jul 2012
- views: 135833
- author: wordswithmeaning
Saddam's Iraq
What was life really like in Saddam's Iraq? This week's offering is the definitive documen...
published: 15 Sep 2010
Saddam's Iraq
Saddam's Iraq
What was life really like in Saddam's Iraq? This week's offering is the definitive documentary on the cult of Saddam Hussein. Filmed just before the first Gulf war, it depicts a prosperous and sophisticated society in which every aspect of life is coloured by 'love' for the 'Great Leader'. Darkly ironic, this film captures the surreal and Orwellian nature of life under Saddam Hussein. In a country which today has lost even its most basic services, the testimony of this vanquished middle-class and the prosperity of their society resonates on many levels.- published: 15 Sep 2010
- views: 289
Saddam Hussein verdict
This is the video of Saddam Hussein verdict sentencing to death by hanging....
published: 05 Nov 2006
author: Riyazi Farook
Saddam Hussein verdict
Saddam Hussein verdict
This is the video of Saddam Hussein verdict sentencing to death by hanging.- published: 05 Nov 2006
- views: 2355630
- author: Riyazi Farook
Uday Saddam Hussein عدي صدام حسين يحكم العراق اليوم
http://www.latifyahia.net - © عدي صدام حسين مـازال حيـاً في العـراق أغلبنا عارض نظام الرئي...
published: 07 Nov 2012
author: latifyahiaOfficial
Uday Saddam Hussein عدي صدام حسين يحكم العراق اليوم
Uday Saddam Hussein عدي صدام حسين يحكم العراق اليوم
http://www.latifyahia.net - © عدي صدام حسين مـازال حيـاً في العـراق أغلبنا عارض نظام الرئيس الراحل صدام حسين وولديه في العلن ام الســـر وقد تعذبت شخصياً على ...- published: 07 Nov 2012
- views: 42460
- author: latifyahiaOfficial
Rache oder Recht: Der.Saddam Hussein Prozess Doku Deutsch
Mit der Hinrichtung Saddam Husseins am 30. Dezember 2006 zog die neue irakische Regierung ...
published: 23 May 2013
author: rene stonecold
Rache oder Recht: Der.Saddam Hussein Prozess Doku Deutsch
Rache oder Recht: Der.Saddam Hussein Prozess Doku Deutsch
Mit der Hinrichtung Saddam Husseins am 30. Dezember 2006 zog die neue irakische Regierung einen formalen Schlussstrich unter die blutige Ära des Gewaltherrsc...- published: 23 May 2013
- views: 1467
- author: rene stonecold
Tyrants and Dictators 2_3 - Saddam Hussein (Low)
published: 09 Mar 2013
author: sarwar muzic
Tyrants and Dictators 2_3 - Saddam Hussein (Low)
Tyrants and Dictators 2_3 - Saddam Hussein (Low)
- published: 09 Mar 2013
- views: 6780
- author: sarwar muzic
Bila anda ni...
published: 09 Nov 2013
RAHASIA TUTORIAL MEMBUAT ADSENSE YANG INGIN GAJIAN 1 S/D 4 JUTA TIAP BULAN Bila anda niat maka tidak menutup anda mendapatkan gajian tiap bulan 1 juta sampai puluhan juta bahkan tidak terbatas selama video dan anda ditonton jutaan pemirsa youtube. Adalah hal baru yang memperkenalkan Google Adsense yang mendukung berbahasa Indonesia dan juga melalui youtube. Pada umumnya Adsense hanya dikenal dengan melalui web atau blog gratisan yang biasa anda baca atau bahkan anda sudah memiliki blog. Tetapi dengan berjalanya waktu melalui video youtube anda bisa mendulang dollar setiap bulan. Anda bisa mengambil gajian anda dari google setiap tanggal 26. setelah anda sudah mendapatkan nomor MTCN atau money transfer Control Number Sehingga anda bisa mencairka uangnya di kantor pos terdekat melalui Western Union. Contoh saya bisa medaptkan gajian peretamaku sebesar USD $127.77 dan saya terima Rp.1285.000 Bulan selanjutnya saya menerima USD $ 343.60 Untuk September saya mendapatkan USD $ 349.99 Sehingga sangat memungkinkan anda bisa mendapatkan bayaran setiap bulan dengan nominal yang tak terbatas. Apalagi bila video anda meledak sampai jutaan pemirsa maka puluha bahkan ratusan juta rupiah bisa kita dapatkan dari google adsense ini. Untuk itu saya menawarkan video tutorial pembuatan adsense yang sangat cepat untuk mendapatkan keuntungan samapai tidak terbatas. Erning atau keuntungan Adsense ini didapatkan dari Youtube dan dari blog yang anda miliki. Tutoria ini berisi rahasia bagaiman kita mendapat gaji yang besar setiap bulan dari Adsense dengan youtube dengan langkah langkah sebagai berikut. Cara membuat email Cara daftar di akun Youtube Cara edit video di pinnacle untuk kita upload ke youtube Cara Upload Video ke Youtube Cara menjadikan video kita di bayar oleh pengiklan / cara memonetisasi Cara memonisasi dengan jumlah video banyak Cara mengaitkan Akun Youtube dengan akun Google Adsense Cara Daftar keakun Google Adsense Cara ambil duit dari google Adsense melalui cabang Western Union seperti kantor pos dan indomaret di seluruh Indonesia. Apaliba anda telah menjalankan semuanya maka saya yakin dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama anda akan mendapatkan gajian seperti yang saya alami. Dengan hanya menunggu beberapa saat saja sambil anda mengecek pendapatan anda melaui youtube maka uang yang akan anda terima setiap bulanya akan segera diketahui. kalau akun youtube anda yang begitu banyak yang menonton maka besarlah pendapatan yang akan anda terima setiap bulan Hubungi saya subagyo 085226893717 Giodigitalstudio.blogspot.com Bisnisadsense2013.blogpsot.com- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 14
The Capture of Saddam Hussein - A Day that Shook the World [HD]
The Capture of Saddam Hussein - A Day that Shook the World [HD]. On the 14th December 2003...
published: 23 Aug 2011
author: WarArchives
The Capture of Saddam Hussein - A Day that Shook the World [HD]
The Capture of Saddam Hussein - A Day that Shook the World [HD]
The Capture of Saddam Hussein - A Day that Shook the World [HD]. On the 14th December 2003, Operation Red Dawn was launched in order to locate and capture Sa...- published: 23 Aug 2011
- views: 715380
- author: WarArchives
Youtube results:
Sons Of Saddam Documentary
Sons of Saddam In a chilling hour, we go inside the sadistic world inhabited by Saddam Hus...
published: 01 Jul 2013
author: videos4yoazz
Sons Of Saddam Documentary
Sons Of Saddam Documentary
Sons of Saddam In a chilling hour, we go inside the sadistic world inhabited by Saddam Hussein's sons and hear firsthand accounts of how each man inherited a...- published: 01 Jul 2013
- views: 6643
- author: videos4yoazz
Les violences de Saddam Hussein entre actes et discours
Les violences de Saddam entre actes et discours Astrubal - Nawaat.org Uploader: Astrubal -...
published: 07 May 2011
author: Nawaat
Les violences de Saddam Hussein entre actes et discours
Les violences de Saddam Hussein entre actes et discours
Les violences de Saddam entre actes et discours Astrubal - Nawaat.org Uploader: Astrubal - Nawaat.org.- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 65183
- author: Nawaat
Vespa incredibile intervista a Saddam Hussein che smaschera i veri criminali sionisti - Iraq 1991
Il più grande presidente dell'Iraq Saddam Hussein intervistato da Bruno Vespa nel 1991 sma...
published: 12 Apr 2012
author: SiegHeilSaddam
Vespa incredibile intervista a Saddam Hussein che smaschera i veri criminali sionisti - Iraq 1991
Vespa incredibile intervista a Saddam Hussein che smaschera i veri criminali sionisti - Iraq 1991
Il più grande presidente dell'Iraq Saddam Hussein intervistato da Bruno Vespa nel 1991 smaschera i criminali falsari (che poi aggredirono l'Iraq) con una sin...- published: 12 Apr 2012
- views: 18427
- author: SiegHeilSaddam
Mini BIO - Saddam Hussein
Watch a video biography on the former President of Iraq, including his rise to power, his ...
published: 16 Oct 2012
author: BiographyChannel
Mini BIO - Saddam Hussein
Mini BIO - Saddam Hussein
Watch a video biography on the former President of Iraq, including his rise to power, his invasions of Iran and Kuwait, and his eventual execution. Learn mor...- published: 16 Oct 2012
- views: 18198
- author: BiographyChannel