Today's world it's very very important to have good and strong healthy interpersonal relationships because today is a world of stress and strain in which is our relationships that will help us through the day of stress and strain. So how do we achieve these healthy relationships, certain tips to be followed.
First of all remember that as human beings we are all social connected and we need one another, what we need to do is emotionally connect with people and invest in social relationships because even though you might have a feeling that you don't really need people around you and your able to do everything on your own, there make my day when you need to have a helping hand and
Shoulder to lean on and this is when you are a social relationships will help you in times of need. So it would make good scents to invest in good social relationships which will be also healthy for you as well as the other person.
Practice generosity and giving because these also lead to you be more socially attractive and altruistic and this will also attract people who are like minded.
Renew and nurture friendships in our busy lives we find that we have sometimes no time for family or friends and we become so isolated that one fine day when we wake up we realise that we are all alone, we may not have anybody with us and all your friends have long past gone in different parts and it becomes so difficult to reconnect with them and this includes family also. So make time for family and friends, maintain good relationships with them, call them, go for social functions
Network and connect and believe me today's day of good telecommunications and social network systems in place it is not very difficult. All it takes is the will on your part to connect with people, next teamwork and respecting diversity is very important, don't be selfish and aided not would you want to trust your own judgement and attitude on others. Realise that other people also have feelings and other people also have differences of attitude and opinions which one needs to respect.
Build trust and rapport with people, communicate healthily, even if you have to say no be assertive but don't be aggressive, express your needs in explicit ways so that there is no scope for miscommunication and losing friendship or losing relationships. At the same time there is no need to be passive about anything if you don't like it if you don't like the way or another person's behaviour, certainly you have a place in informing this to the other person use more of a statement that I feel that that comment was unnecessary or rude and it has hurt me instead of saying stop being rude. So I say when we put across sometimes what is in ur mind that will help us maintain relationships, empathetic listening is very important sometimes we are so keen to express what's in our mind that we are totally regardless of what the other person is thinking or feeling or even acting too, so listen and be in with an open mind that is the keyword of communication in relationships, resolve conflicts in a healthy way, all of us go through conflicts in relationships, there is there is no perfect relationship and constantly our skills of interpersonal relationships are being tested in every place whether it is at home or in work place.
Show compassion at one time you might also have been week, intolerant, angry, frustrated and the other person appears to be like that don't shut him or her be compassionate, listen and try to build bridges rather than balls.
Good luck in your attempt to have healthy interpersonal relationships.
- published: 05 May 2016
- views: 5