- published: 22 Feb 2017
- views: 595
Beatboxing (also beat boxing or b-boxing) is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum beats using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, often referred to as "the fifth element" of hip-hop, although it is not limited to hip-hop music. The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general.
Techniques similar to beatboxing have been present in many American musical genres since the 19th century, such as early rural music, both black and white, religious songs, blues, ragtime, vaudeville, and hokum. Few examples are the Appalachian technique of eefing and the blues song Bye bye bird written and performed by the harmonica player Alex or Aleck Miller aka Sonny Boy Williamson II.
Additional influences may perhaps include forms of African traditional music, in which performers utilize their bodies (e.g., by clapping or stomping) as percussion instruments and produce sounds with their mouths by breathing loudly in and out, a technique used in beatboxing today.
The Grand may refer to:
DTN or DtN may refer to:
Grand may refer to:
Generally, a battle "is a conceptual component in the hierarchy of combat in warfare between two or more armed forces, or combatants. A war sometimes consists of many battles. Battles generally are well defined in duration, area, and force commitment.
Wars and military campaigns are guided by strategy, whereas battles take place on a level of planning and execution known as operational mobility. German strategist Carl von Clausewitz stated that "the employment of battles ... to achieve the object of war" was the essence of strategy.
The definition of a battle cannot be arrived at solely through the names of historical battles, many of which are misnomers. The word battle is a loanword in English from the Old French bataille, first attested in 1297, from Late Latin battualia, meaning "exercise of soldiers and gladiators in fighting and fencing", from Late Latin (taken from Germanic) battuere "beat", from which the English word battery is also derived via Middle English batri, and comes from the staged battles in the Colosseum in Rome that may have numbered 10,000 individuals.
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◆その他動画 https://www.youtube.com/c/ShakaAVA --------------------------------------------------------- ◆DeToNator Official Site http://detonator-ava.com/ ◆Shaka Blog http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/ ◆DeToNator Twitter https://twitter.com/AVA_DeToNator ◆Shaka Twitter https://twitter.com/avashaka ◆Shaka Face Book https://www.facebook.com/chikara.kawa... ◆Ask for me http://ask.fm/avashaka ◆Please support it http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wish... ◆攻略まとめ http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... ◆使用デバイスなど http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... Name:Ak~ayS(Shaka)(釈迦) Clan:DeToNator ----------------------------------------------- ●PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ●http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/ ●Bluehole, Inc. ●\3,300 ---------------------------...
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D.T.N. as NIN'OZ Beatbox & ANDRO Beatbox in the Grand Beatbox Tag Team Battle 2017 in the second last elimination - check it out. Thank you D.T.N beatbox for this amazing beatbox elimination. Check out always our most recent upload on youtube here: https://goo.gl/9Srrsh Check out our most popular upload here: https://goo.gl/U7rkYA Check out our channel and subscribe: https://goo.gl/0CGTrT Check out the official Grand Beatbox TAG TEAM Battle 2017 PLAYLIST here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJX-0vJCHnAefMiV-F1EkDTWZUMlMFOd2 ----------------------------- Video edited by Madox! Thank you to Dennis Scooter Biskup, Long Cai Fa, Madox & Adam Andrew Corre for the hard camera work! Check out Beatbox Television here: https://www.youtube.com/user/BEATBOXTELEVISION/ Singa Beatbox he...
Contato e parcerias - nuvensdeamor28@gmail.com
golf itから逃げるな ◆その他動画 https://www.youtube.com/c/ShakaAVA --------------------------------------------------------- ◆DeToNator Official Site http://detonator-ava.com/ ◆Shaka Blog http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/ ◆DeToNator Twitter https://twitter.com/AVA_DeToNator ◆Shaka Twitter https://twitter.com/avashaka ◆Shaka Face Book https://www.facebook.com/chikara.kawa... ◆Ask for me http://ask.fm/avashaka ◆Please support it http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wish... ◆攻略まとめ http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... ◆使用デバイスなど http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... Name:Ak~ayS(Shaka)(釈迦) Clan:DeToNator ----------------------------------------------- ●Golf it! ●http://store.steampowered.com/app/571740/Golf_It/ ●Perfuse Entertainment ●\898 -----------------------------------------------
D.T.N. beatbox with the forth Grand Beatbox Battle Studio Session 2017, date the nightmare, andro beatbox & nin'oz beatbox, crazy beatboxers, french beatbox tag team champions. Thanks for a nice beatbox 2017 session. Check out always our most recent upload on youtube here: https://goo.gl/9Srrsh Check out our most popular upload here: https://goo.gl/U7rkYA Check out our channel and subscribe: https://goo.gl/0CGTrT Check out the official Grand Beatbox STUDIO SESSION 2017 PLAYLIST here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJX-0vJCHnAcV_WPDwl7XmOdAvmDECaWS ----------------------------- Audio mixed/mastered by Sinjo from Swissbeatbox, filmed by Madox, edited by Pepouni Big times thank you to CAMERO for providing his studio equipment to us! Subscribe to his channel here: https://www.y...
◆その他動画 https://www.youtube.com/c/ShakaAVA --------------------------------------------------------- ◆DeToNator Official Site http://detonator-ava.com/ ◆Shaka Blog http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/ ◆DeToNator Twitter https://twitter.com/AVA_DeToNator ◆Shaka Twitter https://twitter.com/avashaka ◆Shaka Face Book https://www.facebook.com/chikara.kawa... ◆Ask for me http://ask.fm/avashaka ◆Please support it http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wish... ◆攻略まとめ http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... ◆使用デバイスなど http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... Name:Ak~ayS(Shaka)(釈迦) Clan:DeToNator ----------------------------------------------- ●PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ●http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/ ●Bluehole, Inc. ●\3,300 ---------------------------...
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◆その他動画 https://www.youtube.com/c/ShakaAVA --------------------------------------------------------- ◆DeToNator Official Site http://detonator-ava.com/ ◆Shaka Blog http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/ ◆DeToNator Twitter https://twitter.com/AVA_DeToNator ◆Shaka Twitter https://twitter.com/avashaka ◆Shaka Face Book https://www.facebook.com/chikara.kawa... ◆Ask for me http://ask.fm/avashaka ◆Please support it http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wish... ◆攻略まとめ http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... ◆使用デバイスなど http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... Name:Ak~ayS(Shaka)(釈迦) Clan:DeToNator ----------------------------------------------- ●PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ●http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/ ●Bluehole, Inc. ●\3,300 ---------------------------...
Quick summary of the Disruption-Tolerant Networking protocol in under 2 minutes (no audio)
◆その他動画 https://www.youtube.com/c/ShakaAVA --------------------------------------------------------- ◆DeToNator Official Site http://detonator-ava.com/ ◆Shaka Blog http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/ ◆DeToNator Twitter https://twitter.com/AVA_DeToNator ◆Shaka Twitter https://twitter.com/avashaka ◆Shaka Face Book https://www.facebook.com/chikara.kawa... ◆Ask for me http://ask.fm/avashaka ◆Please support it http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wish... ◆攻略まとめ http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... ◆使用デバイスなど http://avashaka.blog136.fc2.com/blog-... Name:Ak~ayS(Shaka)(釈迦) Clan:DeToNator ----------------------------------------------- ●PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS ●http://store.steampowered.com/app/578080/PLAYERUNKNOWNS_BATTLEGROUNDS/ ●Bluehole, Inc. ●\3,300 ---------------------------...
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《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽 Week 1 Day 1 BLK V.S DTN Game 1 全精華 (8/4/2017) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 比賽直播連結如下: 《鬥陣特攻》太平洋職業錦標賽 OPC 開打囉! ►https://www.twitch.tv/blizzardzhtw *****身為鬥陣迷的你!怎麼能錯過呢?***** 相關比賽賽制 & 時程介紹: ►https://playoverwatch.com/zh-tw/blog/20680312 各位記得準時收看啦!
DTN 2017 | Injustice 2 Top 8: EchoFox | SonicFox vs. EchoFox | Theo Check out more at www.bifuteki.com More gaming at @ twitch.tv/bifuteki Follow us as well on Twitter @ bifuteki Follow us as well on IG @ bifutekidotcom
Ayy ayy ayy ok ok juicy gucci juicy gucci half a brick, half a brick, zaytoven, zaytiggi, ayy ayy ayy ok ok ok ayy ayy so icey entertainment
[Over intro: Tony Yayo]
Yea, half a brick, yeaaaa
Ayyy, ayyy, okkk, ayyyy
Yea, g-unit
[Chorus: x2]
Quarter Brick, half a brick,
Whole brick (Aaay!)
Quarter pound, half a pound,
Whole pound (Okay!)
100 pillz, 1000 pillz, servin major
JuiceMan and Gucci Mane make the trap
[Tony Yayo:]
Quarter brick, half a brick, whole key and yay
Got me in that louie, gucci and that hermeez
200 thousand that's 3 bricks a day
170 real cats the other 30's like flake
I'm an og in the a, looking fresh to death
I gotta thousand e pills and that crystal meth
I got that rose breath, I got them dior feet
And we lookin like money on bolter cresh street
[Chorus x2]
[OJ Da Juiceman:]
I'm boomin I'm buggin I'm termin all the
Rap game ezy but da dope game gravy
Young juice man and my life is the
With stupid fruity crazy swag jumpin in
Yo lader
Banana donk chevy interior like the
Lebron james wrist when I'm fuckin with
Hit the trap, stay down watch the paper
Wake up
Boomin out da house and J askin for a
Half a brick whole brick got me buyin jacob
Worried still walking in a head of a gator
Half a brick whole brick got me buyin jacob
Worried still walking in a head of a gator
[Chorus x2]
[Gucci Mane:]
I'm twerkin birds in so we workin
Packin a truck stop to train a back in
We big flip jug we tote it off the
The way my plug kick ya think he
Had a black belt
My scale so big big boy can weight
It's damn self
2000 pounds of mid I sold dat shit my
Damn self
Washer full of cash dryer full of X
Red rag in my pocket same color my
Vette is
My number lower than a ese from texas a
Quarter mil in da mail is an investment
A sniper rifle like a soldier in the
A eagle on me boy I'm known to tote a
I sack a ounce up before I sold a
He won't a brick I told him meet me by
The checkers
I sack a pound up before I sold a
He want a bet I told him meet me by
The checkers
[Chorus x2]
[OJ Da Juiceman:]
Young juice man God dammit I'm the shit
Boomin on the chain working with 50 bricks
1000 pound bail tryna make a mega grill
Posted on the cresh with that 4.5 on my hip
34, 34 tuck behind my heel
Tell 60 dawg with that extra limb
502 dark dawg with thate extra kid
I got that stupid bank cause I got that stupid wheel
[Chorus x2]
Ayy ayy ayy ok
Damn damn say say
Dam damn damn juice juice