
FIOM strike and student demonstrations

The union FIOM (the metalworkers’ federation) held a general strike on December 5 and 6 to protest against both the agreement’s merit and the fact of having a separate agreement signed by the sector’s right-wing unions excluding FIOM, the sector’s most representative union.

Remember remember the 6th of December

6th of December marked four years since the murder of 15 year old Alexis and the uprising of December 2008. On the day protests against police violence took place aross Greece.

IWW lobby BMA council for a London living wage for BMA house cleaning staff

On Wednesday 28th November members of the London General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) organised a lobby of the British Medical Association (BMA) Council to demand a London Living Wage for the IWW unionised cleaning staff of BMA House, London.

Monti’s government “democratic and sober” response to the crisis and social unrest

The demonstrations that took place all over Italy on 14th November as part of a European Day of Action against austerity are already setting the pace of the new management of public order. In Rome in particular it’s been forbidden for months to get anywhere close to the political headquarters during demonstrations, despite the revocation of the decrees introduced last year by the Mayor to turn the whole of the city centre into a red zone.

School and anti-fascist demonstrations, November 24

On November 24 2012, three different demonstrations took place in Rome and in other cities.

A book bloc's genealogy

A potted history of the book bloc - often students demonstrating against cuts to education using shields decorated as giant books.

European strike: a list of (about) all demonstrations in Italy

A list of (about) all the demonstrations which took place in Italy for #14N - the 14 November set of strikes and general strikes across Europe.

Minister of Labour Elsa Fornero is welcomed in Naples by 3000 protesters


More than 3,000 students and unemployed workers demonstrated on November 12 in Naples as a protest against the Ministers of Labour and Education, who were in town to attend an intergovernmental summit on occupational policies.

Children's strikes in 1911 - Dave Marson

School children in Hull on strike in 1911 "for shorter hours and no stick"

Dave Marson's excellent 1973 pamphlet on the little-known mass walkouts of schoolchildren in the UK and Ireland in 1911, the same year that saw widespread industrial unrest and strikes. Their demands included shorter hours and an end to corporal punishment in the form of the cane and the strap.

The beginnings of a rank-and-file rebellion in the Civil Service?

A look at recent developments within the civil service. The government's latest attacks, the response from both the union and ordinary members, and the prospects of workers taking control of their own struggles.