
Fighting the bedroom tax in Huddersfield and the battle of Barclays

Direct action to try to stop arrests in Huddersfield.

The battle against the bedroom tax in Huddersfield has commenced resulting in a near riot outside Barclays bank.

1000 demonstrate in Piacenza against ban for union organizer

Around 1000 people marched through the streets of Piacenza on April 6 to protest against the exclusion notice served on Aldo Milani, national coordinator of the radical union SI-COBAS.

The view from here: NoTAV eyewitness account

Another march took place in the heart of the Susa valley on Saturday March 23, 2013, organised by the NoTAV people together with local authorities and other local bodies, which have been part of this struggle since the beginning.

Rally for marriage equality in Portland, Oregon

Though there have been many appropriate criticisms of the recent discussion of marriage equality and the focus on liberal organizations like the Human Rights Campaign, the challenge to Proposition 8 in front of the U.S. Supreme Court has mobilized a mass of people to speak out and get organized. Organized by Basic Human Rights Oregon, the rally in support of marriage equality drew hundreds in front of the federal court house. Marriage equality is not the endgame of fighting heterosexism, but it can stand as a marker for those who are organizing more largely to challenge homophobia on an institutional level.

Sussex University anti-outsourcing struggle escalates

Sussex University anti-outsourcing struggle escalates

The anti-privatisation campaign at the University of Sussex is gathering strength - and there are signs university management are feeling the pressure.

Plight of North African refugees: national demonstrations called

On 25 February there will be demonstrations across Italy to highlight the difficult situation in which refugees from a number of North African countries have found themselves over the past 18 months. The demonstrations are also to draw the authorities’ attention to the need to support refugees’ integration and inclusion in the country.

Against privatisation: statement from Sussex University occupation

Following a demonstration of over 300 staff and students in opposition to the privatisation of services at Sussex University; a large group of people have occupied the conference centre on the top floor of Bramber House.

Protesters storm government offices in Greece

Today scores of people protesting against austerity occupied the offices of the Greek Labour Minister. The occupation ended after two hours - following violent clashes with the police

Community turns out in force for the Halesowen 4

On Saturday 26th January over 200 people took to the streets of Halesowen to demand the reinstatement of four members of the Maths department who had been sacked. On a cold day, with snow on the ground, there was a fantastic array of banners and placards showing how far people had come to express solidarity with the Halesowen 4.

Anti-rape protesters brutalised in India

Violence against women in India has reached epidemic proportions. This year there have been 256,000 violent crimes, of which 228,000 have been against women. There is a woman raped in India every 20 minutes, and the rate is rising. Last week saw the brutal rape of a young student on a Delhi bus by 6 drunken men. Indians decided to peacefully protest and demand justice. The state had other ideas….