
Three million Indonesian workers strike for a 50% pay rise

Three million workers across all sectors (mainly textiles) have begun a week-long strike to demand a nationwide pay rise of 50%, stricter rules on outsourcing, and universal health cover. Indonesia’s economy grew by 6% last year and the workers want a bigger piece of the pie. A group of 37 huge companies – mainly in the textile industry – have submitted a statement to the government demanding no wage increases in 2014, or they will close their factories and leave the country.

Lampedusa-in-Hamburg refugee protests escalate: An update on recent weeks of protest

Tonight comprised the culmination of over two weeks of huge protests in the city of Hamburg in support of the Lampedusa refugee group. Over 9,000 people took to the streets to show their support for the migrants and to demonstrate against the racist and dehumanising stance that the city has taken against the 300-strong group. As well as many undeclared demostrations throughout the next weeks, the main mobilisation from the group is for a city-wide demonstration on Saturday November 2nd.

Massive protests in France over deportation of Kosovar schoolgirl

Last week Leonarda Dibrani, a 15 year old school girl, was dragged off a bus during a school trip and deported back to Kosovo by French authorities. The incident has brought fresh attention on the issue of immigration in France and has led around 12,000 students on to the streets to protest in support of Leonarda Dibrani, disrupting or closing over 170 schools across Paris, Marseille, Angers, and Grenoble. Many scuffles have broken out with the police as they have tried to dismantle makeshift barricades.

Police vehicles torched and shots fired at anti-fracking protest

A protest against fracking in Eastern New Brunswick has turned violent after Canadian mounted police with assault rifles and camouflage uniforms turned up to enforce a court order to remove a barricade set up by the Elsipogtog and Mi'kmaq First Nations tribes (indigenous Canadians).They pepper sprayed dozens of people, used rubber bullets, sets dogs on people, and fired high powered hoses The protesters responded by throwing petrol bombs and setting fire to five police vehicles.

Poland: Protests but no strike

On September 14, mass protests were held in Warsaw against recent anti-labour legislation. Unfortunately the unions did not call a strike.

Huddersfield 2 trial adjourned because of CPS incompetency.

Update on the case of the Huddersfield 2.

Street protests and class power - Devrim Valerian

Reflections on current events in Turkey, Egypt, and Brazil and the aftermath of the Arab Spring.

Support the Huddersfield 2

People block in the police van when they arrest two anarchists.

On 26th July two local anarchists are to be tried at Huddersfield Magistrates Court after they were arrested at an Anti-Bedroom Tax demonstration on 6th April this year. The arrests occurred after the pair were involved in an peaceful occupation of Barclays Bank in protest at the corruption of the banking system which caused austerity.

Spanish banks occupied

Hundreds of activists from the Platform for Mortgage Victims (PAH) have occupied a branch of the Banco Popular Bank, and the BBVA bank, both in Barcelona.

Organize to strike, fight to win! Quebec's 2012 student strike

Organize to strike, fight to win! Quebec's 2012 student strike

A pamphlet analysing the 2012 student strikes against tuition fee rises in Quebec.