
Brilliant idea. Please contribute with ££ if you can.

Group from region hit by deadly forest fires to sue 47 countries alleging failure to tackle climate change threatens right to life
The Age of Stupid heeft de video van Empathy Media gedeeld.
27 september

Trying to represent how teeny our lives are in the vastness of geological time has been something which artists and eco-filmmakers have grappled with for, well, not long (in geological time).

20+ years ago, my college thesis, "Is the human species suicidal?", had a bash at it, then when I came to make Age of Stupid - having forgotten about my college thesis by then, along with everything I'd learned - we tried, rather successfully, imho, to visualise all of time from the big ...bang going right to the devastated world of 2055. See clip in the comments below.
There's also the clock thingy that someone's doing somewhere. Oh dear, I've forgotten all the details.

Now here comes a new way: a 4.6 km walk to represent 4.6 billion years. Here's a clip from the film my Dad, Peter, is in the process of making. Guess how long the last bit of the walk is - the bit that covers all the destruction that humans have inflicted on the Earth?

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Geplaatst door Empathy Media
432.965 weergaven
432.965 weergaven
Empathy Media
26 september

An amazing way to feel in your body the age and the development of our planet Earth. And you won't believe what happens on the last step of the 4.7km walk.
Wha...t do you think of this? We're opening up for collaboration our new major documentary about the unique vision of the radical economist, David Fleming. We're putting online short tasters as we film them for your feedback with ideas, events and people we could include. Leave your comments here, or find out more at http//

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The dam in India which I spent three years making my film "Drowned Out" (now up on YouTube for free) about in 1999->2001 was officially declared open yesterday,... 56 years after the Indian government started building it. None of the problems we highlighted in the film have been solved, more towns and villages are being submerged without the displaced people receiving decent replacement land... and will the bloody thing work anyway? Has any big dam ever delivered what it was supposed to? (rhetorical question, but see the World Commission on Dams report in the comments for the answer).

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Narendra Modi hits out at ‘misinformation campaign’ as environmentalists warn that 40,000 families’ homes are at risk
The Age of Stupid heeft een evenement van Divest London gedeeld.
9 mei
Za 11:00 UTC+01
106 personen zijn geïnteresseerd
The Age of Stupid heeft een link gedeeld.
Join Leonardo DiCaprio as he explores the topic of climate change, and discovers what must be done today to prevent catastrophic disruption of life on our pl...

Age of Stupid's director, Franny Armstrong, was presented with an honorary doctorate from Open University as "one of the most innovative and important independent film makers working in Britain today"

Franny's acceptance speech below.

...Lees verder
Exeter Cathedral October 2016 at the Open University Degree Ceremony Prof. Franny Armstrong received the honorary degree of Doctor of the University.

This screening of Stupid and discussion about guilt sounds interesting. It's at Birkbeck on Friday 2nd December. Do any of our crew or funders want to go and speak on behalf of the film (neither Franny nor I can attend)? Otherwise, I think anyone can attend and join this discussion about the use of guilt to bring about societal change.

"The pace of climate change is at odds with the time-frame of democratic politics. What politician, locked into a four- or five-year electora...l cycle, is going to court unpopularity by making tough decisions to fend off possible disaster in ten, never mind fifty or a hundred years’ time?

The Age of Stupid adds a fictional frame to what is otherwise a documentary about what’s happening now to the eco-systems on which we depend. It’s 2055. We’re shown in CGI that some cities are submerged, some burn, and others are returning to desert. Pete Postlethwaite plays the last man. He’s an archivist, who has assembled a record of what led to the self-extinction of the human race.

The film can be taken as an indictment. To that extent, it raises questions of responsibility and guilt. Guilt has often been seen as playing a crucial role in inhibiting destructive action. But the way in which the film’s framing narrative asks us to see the consequences of our behaviour from a point decades in the future raises the question of whether guilt in its ordinary forms could ever suffice to effect the enormous individual and collective changes necessary to avoid the direst consequences of climate change."

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Sounds like a must-see film about inequality, based on the must-read book The SpiritLevel. Premiere in London on Monday - some tickets still available - and then screenings all round the country. See you there.


Warnings of climate emergency after surface temperatures 1.35C warmer than average temperature for the month
The Age of Stupid heeft een bericht gedeeld.

Good for doc producers to know about this.

Lizzie Gillett heeft een link gedeeld.
The Ford Foundation’s and Cannes Film Market’s networking mini-mart Doc Corner announced Tuesday a two year-partnership to raise global awareness on social justice, working against inequality. Driv...
The Age of Stupid heeft het bericht van Britdoc gedeeld.

The first European based outreach and engagement fund and is open to filmmakers from around the world.

Apply now:

We are a non-profit founded in 2005 committed to enabling great documentary films and connecting them to audiences globally.
Franny Armstrong

Lizzie and I just sent out 270 emails to our crew, stars and crowdfunders to share out this year's profits from The Age of Stupid. That's the 7th of the 10 profit-share payments done and dusted... I feel a party coming on in three years time. Thanks to everyone who believed in the film - and us. Feels good!

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Just been fixing missing pictures on our website and came across the page of incredibly moving messages from the Iraqi refugee kids who were sponsored by our friends&family back in 2006.

e.g. this one from Ali: "I'm very appreciate this help and want to hug them and shake hand because of their move to help us. I want to tell her my try to success increase because I find not only my family want me to pass but there are people abroad who really help me without knowing who I am want me to pass."

Most of the kids we've met haven't been to school since the American/British invasion of their country in 2003. They've just been hanging round getting bored and miserable.
The Age of Stupid heeft het bericht van Britdoc gedeeld.

Looking for funding for your documentary? Check out this list...

LOVING THIS LIST: Thanks IDA! A magnificent list of funding for your films.

Grants: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z A AIDE AUX CINÉMAS DU MONDEAide aux cinémas du monde is the fund, managed by the CNC and the Institut français, dedicated to international co-productions. Jointly created by the Ministry for Culture and Communication and the Ministry of Forei…
Today, the notion of the “learning society”—and its cognates, the “learning organization,” the “learning city”—has made its way into corporate boardrooms and the policy dens of governing elites. We…
Franny Armstrong

Does anyone here know anyone in Klagenfurt, Austria, please? My Iraqi refugee friend has arrived there after 10 days travelling by boat, bus, train and on foot. She is exhausted, almost out of money and in urgent need of a friendly face who could offer human support.

Hello. Do we have any Age of Stupid friends in Vienna?