Bayshore Blufflands State Natural Area is a
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources designated
State Natural Area of significant note for its grand scenery, unusual geology, rare plant and animal species.
Current floristic quality assessment is n = 260 and FQI = 88 with more counting of specimens ongoing. Containing more than 3 miles (4.
8 km) of the
Niagara Escarpment, the
Bayshore Blufflands is an ecologically complex site with a diversity of plant communities both above and below the escarpment and a series of seeps and springs at the base of the bluff's talus slopes.
Landscapes of
Place LLC is actively engaged in restoration activities at the Bayshore Blufflands. More that 1500 hours have been logged by the firm in restoration activities at this site. Additional activities at the Bayshore Blufflands include species monitoring, data collection and community outreach.
Location and access
The Bayshore Blufflands is located on the western shore of the
Door Peninsula approximately 2 miles (3.2 km) west of Carlsville and 8 miles (13 km) north of
Sturgeon Bay. There are parking areas at the east and west end of the property, and trails provide access into and through the site.
Rising 150-200 feet (45-60 m) above the low terrace of
Green Bay, the steep carbonate cliffs and outcrops support numerous rare land snails including the cherrystone drop snail (Hendersonia occulta), a state-threatened species.
Aspen, sugar maple, red oak, hemlock, and white cedar grow out of the talus affording complete shade to the escarpment maintaining the cool and damp conditions, which support a lush growth of mosses. The unique site conditions also support such uncommon species as climbing fumitory, mountain maple, bulbet fern, common polypody, and fragile fern.
Above the escarpment is a dry-mesic forest of red and white pine with red oak. The ground layer is dominated by round-leaved dogwood with northern bush honeysuckle, zig-zag goldenrod, big-leaved aster, and bracken fern. The site slowly grades into a richer, more mesic forest containing sugar maple, beech, and red oak with hemlock, and white pine. Also present is a wet-mesic forest of white cedar, big-tooth aspen, and black ash. Several white cedars reach impressive sizes here.
Below the escarpment are seasonally flooded forests dominated by silver maple, and green ash with swamp white oak,
American bladdernut, and great water-leaf. The site contains many rare plants including dwarf lake iris (
Iris lacustris). Other noteworthy species are variegated horsetail (
Equisetum variegatum),
Hooker's orchid (Platanthera hookeri), long-spurred violet (
Viola rostrata), and large-flowered ground-cherry (Leucophysalis grandiflora).
Rare animals include red-shouldered hawk (
Buteo lineatus),
Midwest Pleistocene vertigo (
Vertigo hubrichti), and
Iowa Pleistocene vertigo (V. iowaensis). Significant portions of the Bayshore Blufflands are owned by the
Door County Land Trust, and
The Nature Conservancy.
External links
- published: 20 Jan 2012
- views: 501