Learn Maths Through Footy

Resource Use the fun of footy fever

Use the fun of footy fever to immerse your students in Maths, this valuable education resource is back by popular demand

Future looks bright

Future looks bright
Students look forward to what the future holds

Think about your options

Think about your options
You have several choices you can make if you have been offered a place in a university course. Here is the procedure for accepting, declining or deferring an offer.

Opportunities still aplenty

Opportunities still aplenty
Whether you had an offer or you’ve missed out, these answers from VTAC to frequently asked questions may help

How to change your preference

How to change your preference
What options do have to change your preference now that offers have been released?

Prepare for round 2

Prepare for round 2
If you are unhappy with the offer you’ve received, you have an opportunity to add, remove or reorder your preferences.

There is still hope

There is still hope
Thousands of students miss out on a university place every year, but there are other options that offer hope

Work Experience Program

Work Experience Program
Interested in a career in the media? Find out more about our Work Experience program and how to apply. Applications for 2016 are now closed

Australian environment in focus

Australian environment in focus
The Herald Sun and National Geographic Channel have teamed up to provide an informative and interactive learning experience all about Australia’s environment

Australia’s century of war and peace

Australia’s century of war and peace
INTERACTIVE MAP: For more than a century, Australians have been at the centre of the world’s worst wars and lingering trouble spots, from Anzac to Afghanistan — see where our Diggers did their duty

We salute Australia’s early pioneers

We salute Australia’s early pioneers
From Bass and Flinders, to Douglas Mawson, Henry Parkes and Catherine Spence, we pay tribute to those early Australians who made a difference to our nation

2016 uni offers revealed on Monday

2016 uni offers revealed on Monday
THE wait is almost over for Victoria’s class of 2015 VCE students — on Monday the first round of 2016 uni offers will be revealed.

Preference for a fresh chance

Preference for a fresh chance
With the release of VCE results and ATAR, you now have the opportunity to reconsider your course preferences prior to the first round of tertiary offers.

Let the post-VCE journey begin

Let the post-VCE journey begin
It’s a joyful thing to know that your life doesn’t depend solely on today’s VCE results. Your year 12 lessons can also send you on other paths to taste success.

How and when to access your ATAR

How and when to access your ATAR
All you need to know about accessing your ATAR

Research pays off

Research pays off
Gene’s research pays off as he finds right study path

Know your options

Know your options
You have your results but what needs to happen now?

Life after VCE

Life after VCE
Girls discover there’s more to life than just top marks

Pathway to rewarding career

Pathway to rewarding career
Gemma Fyffe thought her ATAR score had ruined her chances but then discovered the Pathway Program

Classic path to success

Classic path to success
James was strong in the arts but found the approach at uni was much different to VCE

Preference for a fresh chance

Preference for a fresh chance
With the release of VCE results and ATAR, you now have the opportunity to reconsider your course preferences prior to the first round of tertiary offers.

2015 VCE results and top scorers

2015 VCE results and top scorers
THE wait is finally over and VCE students have received their results. Here’s your guide to what the Herald Sun will publish this week.

Breakfast skippers “hangry”

Breakfast skippers “hangry”
Skipping breakfast is twice as likely to leave children cranky and annoyed with their friends, survey reveals

VCE Leadership Awards

VCE Leadership Awards
VCE Leadership Award finalist Sparsh Ahuja wants to enrich his own learning and that of others too

VCE Leadership Awards

VCE Leadership Awards
Being an advocate for rural you has earnt Jasmine Steen a VCE Leadership Award finalist place

VCE Leadership Awards

VCE Leadership Awards
Keerat Judge lives the words of Gandhi that we must be the change we wish to see in the world